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I just got my order from on stop DIY shop and mixed up a batch of 10 mL's of peppermint/menthol as my first attempt and it is great, lots of menthol the way I like it and a great peppermint flavor too. Nice and cool with a good mint. Going to tweak things over time till I get it right the way I want it.

Those of you thinking about DIY juice , go for it. It is really easy. just get yourself a good juice app to double chck your amounts and go.


Congrats !!! I love DIY. I am always tweaking flavors. I have found that adding just a bit of menthol to any flavor really works--adds a cool throat hit and enhances the flavors.

so many flavor options with DIY.

Merry mixing


Congrats !!! I love DIY. I am always tweaking flavors. I have found that adding just a bit of menthol to any flavor really works--adds a cool throat hit and enhances the flavors.

so many flavor options with DIY.

Merry mixing

I picked up my kit with 2 each of Menthol, Wintergreen, Peppermint,and Spearmint flavors. So far I have mixd up the peppermint in a really strong mix, going to see about toning it down a bit. I also want to pick up some cinnamon flavor as well.

I have been putting off getting into DIY until now due to a relocation but now I have moved and can start setting up my little juice kitchen and get to mixing.


Currently My personal favorites are flavourart Tiramisu, Apple pie and expresso. I always have on hand--menthol, hazelnut, cinnamon and vanilla. Not to mention about another 50 or so flavors I play with when to mood strikes.

Vaportalk Macchiato, VT Midnight and Wordup Champagne all make very nice base mixes. I don't alway use unflavored bases.

I find DIY quite an adventure.


Thanks for starting this thread. I got all fired up about mixing my own juice. I bought quite a few different flavors from LorAnn and Flavourart. I made about 11 different juices to start and let them steep for a week or so. Some of them I liked, some need to be tweaked. I kind of got away from my DIY project when Sweet-Vapes came on board and I wanted to try out their juices. They were all good by the way!

But I have decided to get back to my DIY mixing, and stop spending money for juice when I have all the supplies necessary to make at least 300 ml of juice.

Also, I have done searches on e-liquid recipes and I have found lots of them from as faraway as France. Thank goodness my OS can translate.

Good luck on your journey. I am looking forward to hearing more about what you have concocted. :thumbsup:


Thanks for starting this thread. I got all fired up about mixing my own juice. I bought quite a few different flavors from LorAnn and Flavourart. I made about 11 different juices to start and let them steep for a week or so. Some of them I liked, some need to be tweaked. I kind of got away from my DIY project when Sweet-Vapes came on board and I wanted to try out their juices. They were all good by the way!

But I have decided to get back to my DIY mixing, and stop spending money for juice when I have all the supplies necessary to make at least 300 ml of juice.

Also, I have done searches on e-liquid recipes and I have found lots of them from as faraway as France. Thank goodness my OS can translate.

Good luck on your journey. I am looking forward to hearing more about what you have concocted. :thumbsup:

Well a few days on the peppermint menthol and all is going well except for this. Very little vapor on my ego even with an LR Atty. I think I need to add between 10 to 20% VG to the mix to improve things a bit. flavor ise though it is nice and minty.

Here is the ejuice me up numbers.

Nicotine eJuice 3.75 ml 75 drops 37.5 % of total

PG 100% 4.25ml 85 Drops 42.5 % of total

Peppermint Flavor 1.5 ml 30 drops 15 % of total

Menthol Flavor 0.5 ml 10 drops 5 % of total


VG does help with vapor production, just keep in mind that too much VG and you begin to lose flavor.

That is a very minty concoction you have brewed.


VG does help with vapor production, just keep in mind that too much VG and you begin to lose flavor.

That is a very minty concoction you have brewed.

Yup, My usual vape is VT Mentha so was looking for something similar in strength to that.

Probably going to order some cinnamon flavor to mix with it when I get my VG to add to the mix and see about making some mint/cinnamon juice.


I've had my diy stuff or about 3 to 4 weeks now. I've been sorta afraid to mix anything. I told my husband he has to be the chemist and I'll be the taster. Good luck with your mixing.


I've had my diy stuff or about 3 to 4 weeks now. I've been sorta afraid to mix anything. I told my husband he has to be the chemist and I'll be the taster. Good luck with your mixing.

Nothing to really be afraid of with the mixing. You can do your tasting without nicotine. Mix up the base and flavors to get the taste you are looking for then mix in the nicotine liquid at the end if you want. no sense in wasting nicotine during the testing phase of mixing :).

When it comes to mixing, just work in a clean area , have paper towels for spills and wear rubber gloves (or other material if you are allergic to latex) and have fun.

The nicotine juice is the only thing you really have to worry about as far as anything dangerous and if you wear gloves and are careful it is perfectly safe to handle.

I do suggest that all children and pets be kept away from the supplies especially while mixing however. I constantly have to shoo the cats away from my mixing area when I am putting together a new batch.


I've had my diy stuff or about 3 to 4 weeks now. I've been sorta afraid to mix anything. I told my husband he has to be the chemist and I'll be the taster. Good luck with your mixing.

When I first started with DIY I would just add a bit of flavoring to one of my existing flavors to make the flavor stronger or just change a flavor I didn't really like.

3 ml Bottle--add premixed liquid of your choice, add a 3-4 drops of flavoring--vape--add a bit more flavoring if needed. --

The only thing to keep in mind--depending on what strength you are using--the flavoring will dilute the nicotine strength depending on how much flavoring you are using.

It really can be very easy or if your a nut like me--much more complicated.

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