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thanks for all the responses. Went with eGo. Also ordered liquid but from another site. Needed to find tobacco flavorfor now. When I get it, do I just take the cartridge out and drip right on the atty? Should I order more atomizers right away? There,s so much info i dont wanna confuse anything and ruin it.Cannot wait to try this thing


Good for you, I think you'll be very happy with that purchase! Yes, it's a great idea to get you some backups going, because often when they quit, they quit abruptly without warning. It wouldn't hurt to get some extra atomizers, and perhaps a spare battery and a charger if you decide the Ego is right for you. Unfortunately taste is very subjective and differs from person to person. I was a menthol smoker so I love the mentha from VTS, but I know some folks that hate it. Your best bet is to get a few samples from a few different suppliers and find out what works best for you.

As with the PV, buyer beware: 60 ml of juice for $3.99 is probably too good to be true. Vapor Talk Store and some of the supporting suppliers have some great e-juice flavors for starters. Good luck and have fun with it!


HI - You should get two atty's with your ego kit, and the two togther should last you anywhere from 4-8 weeks or so. CHeck to make sure they're both working when you get them as once in a while you might get a bad one. Backups are good thing so I wouldn't wait more than a couple of weeks to order extras. Did you order a drip tip? IF you want to direct drip you would remove the cartridge, put on the drip tip and for a brand new atty probably between 3-5 drops of liquid- that should give you between 5-7 puffs, then drip 2-3 more drops , 5-7 more , repeat. You'll know when you need the drops as you'll get a dry/burnt/metallic taste from the atty when it's dry.

Good luck and happy vaping!


Just wanted to add my congratulations. You'll love it! It gets to be a fun hobby. Which is way more than smoking ever was!


I'm sure you'll be very happy with it. And yes, always have extra attys on hand. And batteries. And an extra charger. And plenty of juice. Backups are a must!!!


Congrats! :animier: You'll love it! Like stated above, taste is subjective, so try a few vendors and a few flavors. Remember back ups back ups back ups. Good luck and Happy vaping.


I've had my eGo for 2 weeks now and I love it. Congratulations! I think you made a great choice and you won't be disappointed. :thumbsup:


Congrats on getting the EGO! I just got mine as a passthrough, and love it........ cuz now I can plug into the EGO and to the wall socket with the usb connecter and voila, I am vaping to my hearts content. Then if I go somewhere I tuck it into my lanyard, grab some carto's and away I go. I do take some mega 510 Batts too with their cartos too, just in case. Happy Vaping!

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