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So, i am editing pics at the kitchen table. The little ones were outside playing and i heard the 2 year old peeing. I step outside to see where he peed and there is a puddle on the porch. So i turn around to grab the hose and spray it off......turn back around and the 1 year old is licking the pee puddle off of the porch. Yuck!! Into the bath she goes!


Yeah, i couldn't even post this one on fb. My husband would just die if he knew! I won't be winning the mother of the year award any time soon :)


Okay just because I don't want you to feel alone here Erika, My girls are 12 and 14 now but when they were toddlers, I caught them pooping in my yard. When I asked them why they told me they wanted to be like Cheyenne who was my toy poodle at the time.... I feel your pain Erika but- just think of the ammo you'll have later in life, like when they are teenagers as mine are now heehe Payback!


That's hilarious! Gotta love them! The times you wish you'd have the camera out.. Especially for when they're older. :) Mine loves the litter box! Blech! I have to keep hiding it, poor cat!


I guess my daughter was around 2 1/2 years old at this time. The next door neighbor's son and her were playing in the wading pool. Myself and my next door neighbor were sitting in the back yard talking while the kids were playing. All of a sudden we hear my daughter getting upset. We look over and the little boy looked like he had just finished peeing outside of the pool, my daughter had pulled down the bottom of her swim suit and she was getting so mad because she couldn't pull her peepee out. All she kept saying was "I can't get it out" and she was trying to find her weewee with her right hand while bent over with her legs open, looking trying to find her's. Of course the little boy was just looking at her like she was crazy!!! That was her first class in sex education. But she was upset for days because she didn't have one and she wanted one!!!!


@Sharon..... LMAO!!!! What a funny thing to witness... and to, surely, bring up when she brings home suitors. :hrhr:


Lol @ the whole peepee thing. That is totally something my girls would do. You gotta love em. Glad i am not alone.

Marymary- my 7 yr old would go as fast as she could to the litter box as soon as our backs were turned. It's so nasty. I guess what doesn't kill us makes us stronger:)


Lol @ the whole peepee thing. That is totally something my girls would do. You gotta love em. Glad i am not alone.

Marymary- my 7 yr old would go as fast as she could to the litter box as soon as our backs were turned. It's so nasty. I guess what doesn't kill us makes us stronger:)

I don't think any child could ever beat my dog to the litter box!!!!!!


@Sharon..... LMAO!!!! What a funny thing to witness... and to, surely, bring up when she brings home suitors. :hrhr:

Oh Yeah Aimee, I'm saving up this story and other stories equally as good, along with the naked baby pictures, to bring out on Senior Prom Night. It's the only thing that keeps me from hurting her!!!! LOL

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