Morfeeus Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 I ordered a shipment from gourmet vapor. They were running a 50% off coupon code so I figured what better time to try a new vendor. I wanted to maximize my chances of finding some good all day vapes so I ordered 20+ 5ml sample bottles in a variety of flavors. I went with a 100% PG mix, 24mg nic lvl with normal flavor level. What I got were a bunch of juice that had a really funny taste to them. They did provide a good TH although almost no vapor. Now I know that PG is supposed to give better flavor and TH and that VG gives better vapor but my fav supplier of juices so far is awesome vapor and they still give a good amount of vapor even though they are all PG. I'm so tired of buying juice from different vendors and it coming up short of my expectations. I am going to let this juice steep for a week or two and try it again. I would just stick to AV for my juice needs, but they just don't have the choices and selection that I'd like to see.
egoluvr Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Sorry morf I know it can be extremely frustrating. I know exactly what your talking about that strange flavor thing, I have no idea what it is but have found that exact same taste in some other vendors juice as well and I find it off putting as well. I do wish I knew what it was. IF anyone has a clue please enlighten us? You can also smell it when you open the bottle of juice. THe only one I've found so far where I haven't even smelled or tasted a hint of it is sweet-vapes, her stuff just looks so pure you wouldn't even believe it doesnt gunk anything up or anything. Maybe get some samples there and give em' a try.
Nanna Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 I'm sorry. I would bet that everyone here knows how that feels. I don't even know what to advise you except to try a little DIY, and when I say that, I emphasize the TRY. I have tried a little bit - haven't really had the time to experiment much but my first few attempts haven't been blazingly successful/ If you like the flavors from Vapor Renew, Flavor West is their flavorings provider or division or whatever. Maybe you could start SMALL with some of their flavorings and mix them up with your own base liquid to get the throat hit you're looking for?
ripple Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 I received my shipment from them yesterday and did a quick drip of each of the 4 flavors I ordered from them - I took a big plunge with 4 x 30 ML bottles. I will say that I didn't get a "funny" taste. I went 80/20 PG/VG with normal flavor as well. I ordered Vanilla Gorilla Andy's mint Maiden Coffee Dr. Pepper Like I said I have not really given them a full trial yet as I just dripped into the atty I had on there and one after another. I can tell you I already know that the Andy's mint seemed like a winner to me, tasting very much like a hotel chocolate mint. I planned on doing some clean new atty tasting over the weekend and hoping I don't find the same as you did when I try each on their own.
Morfeeus Posted March 12, 2011 Author Posted March 12, 2011 I received my shipment from them yesterday and did a quick drip of each of the 4 flavors I ordered from them - I took a big plunge with 4 x 30 ML bottles. I will say that I didn't get a "funny" taste. I went 80/20 PG/VG with normal flavor as well. I ordered Vanilla Gorilla Andy's mint Maiden Coffee Dr. Pepper Like I said I have not really given them a full trial yet as I just dripped into the atty I had on there and one after another. I can tell you I already know that the Andy's mint seemed like a winner to me, tasting very much like a hotel chocolate mint. I planned on doing some clean new atty tasting over the weekend and hoping I don't find the same as you did when I try each on their own. I also got the andy's mint and madien coffee. I agree, the andy's mint wasn't bad. Probably the best of the bunch that I got. The maiden coffe was ok also. DO NOT try the "cammel" or "cammel toe". The smell alone from the bottle almost made me gag. I tried one of them in the eGo and it tasted just as horrid. I did not even bother trying the other as it smelled the same.
bignick163 Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 I also got the andy's mint and madien coffee. I agree, the andy's mint wasn't bad. Probably the best of the bunch that I got. The maiden coffe was ok also. DO NOT try the "cammel" or "cammel toe". The smell alone from the bottle almost made me gag. I tried one of them in the eGo and it tasted just as horrid. I did not even bother trying the other as it smelled the same. Sounds like the same issue I had with blue mist vapor. You know e juice isn't cheap and you want make sure you get a good product, so I know it sucks when you don't. I have have juice from Volcano, Blue Mist, and Diy flavor Shack. Volcano's isn't that strong but the flavor and TH is decent. Diy is so awsome I wish I enough money to buy it by the gallons. Blue Mist had the same type of odd taste you mentioned, and I will never buy from them again.
flowersbl Posted March 13, 2011 Posted March 13, 2011 Get some from Its the only place I order from now a little more expensive but not a waste you will be pleased a good th not the best flavor but pretty good. I still have two places I want to try vt liquid and kbv liquid but both are down right now so Im ordering everything from thevaporroom they also offer samples which I highly recommend. Good luck
Sharon Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 I ordered too from Gourmet Vapor when they had the 50% off. I got the Orange Julius and the Coconut Banana Cream. 12 mg, 80/20 mix, and double flavor. I really liked them. I ordered the double flavor because I am using the Tank system and I am finding that the flavors don't seem to come through well with the tank. Thank goodness I didn't get that chemical taste that you are talking about. I have gotten it on some other juices that are made to order. After allowing them to steep for a week or two, the bad taste was gone. Also, with the made to order, as well as the pre-mixed juices, you need to shake them up real good before using them.
egoluvr Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 THe ones I got form Gourmet Vapor where bad at all, I got the maiden coffee, and cinnabun, altough the cinnabun is more like big red gum then a cinnamon bun Its actually a nice change of pace and I like the gum so not bad. I do like the maiden coffee as well. I did have a hint of the smell he was talking about but nothing like some juices I got from other places in the past I don;t want to bring up again lol. So all in in all i'm satisfied with the gourmet vapors stuff, can't complain just not my all time fav. I just was empathizing because i"ve experience that smell/taste in the past and I know what a dissappointment it can be.
Morfeeus Posted March 14, 2011 Author Posted March 14, 2011 I still have two places I want to try vt liquid and kbv liquid but both are down right now so Im ordering everything from thevaporroom they also offer samples which I highly recommend. Good luck You can order still from KBV by sending your order via their contact email on their site. I just ordered that way from them on saturday. After you send in your order, boB will email you back with a paypal address to send payment to. He is very quick at processing and shipping. He has great reviews over at ECF and comes highly reccommended!! My juices were made and shipped same day and hopefully will be here tomm or tuesday. I will review them once I get a chance to try em out.
fran1959 Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 I have ordered from KBV and am very happy with his juices. Taste is such a subjective thing, that is why someone can rave about one vendor's juice and others don't like it. Ms. T's juice is also very good, but shipping is on the slow side. I agree you should always shake juice and oftentimes if you let it sit for a bit it will taste much better.
ripple Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 So far I am enjoying two of the four flavors I got from them Both the Andy's mint which is a classic chocolate mint is very nice and the Maiden Coffee are working for me. As noting vapor production is not the greatest (80/20 PG/VG) and I would expect more vapor, but I can live with it. But the Dr. Pepper and Vanilla Gorilla are not working out so great, neither has enough flavor for my taste. I am not getting a funny taste, more just lack of any real taste. I guess since I got the juice at 50% I should be happy 50% of the order is working for me but not so much that I would think I would repeat with them.
Morfeeus Posted March 17, 2011 Author Posted March 17, 2011 UPDATE: Well, I've let my GV samples steep for a few days now hoping they would improve and they have started to lose that funny taste about them. I actually took one sample of "Bubble Gum" which tastes pretty good but more like cotton candy and mixed it with some "Cotton Candy" juice that I got from VR that tasted good just had no TH. I now have a bottle of juice thats actually pretty tasty. The GV juice had a good TH but no vapor. The VR juice had good vapor but no TH. Mixed together, I now have a 10ml bottle that tastes good, has good vapor, and produces a satisfactory TH. I have a couple more flavors that I think I can do the same thing with. Anyways, I just wanted to let people know that if they get juice from GV, they may need to let it steep a week if they are experiencing the same problem I did.
michealprater Posted March 28, 2011 Posted March 28, 2011 is so good, I cant bring myself to spend money elsewhere. I have tried several other, always leaving me disappointed.
Aes Posted March 29, 2011 Posted March 29, 2011 Is that funny taste from VG? Cause I have some 100% VG flavors that have a funky aftertaste. Took about a week or so to lose it. I just chalked it up to going from straight PG to VG. I also have had great success with post mixing juices from various suppliers and flavors.
Morfeeus Posted March 29, 2011 Author Posted March 29, 2011 Is that funny taste from VG? Cause I have some 100% VG flavors that have a funky aftertaste. Took about a week or so to lose it. I just chalked it up to going from straight PG to VG. I also have had great success with post mixing juices from various suppliers and flavors. Nope, 100%PG. They do taste better after steeping but they don't produce any vapor. I know PG produces less vapor but these produce almost none. I use alot of straight PG juice from AwesomeVapor that still produce clouds.
Beans Posted March 29, 2011 Posted March 29, 2011 UPDATE: Well, I've let my GV samples steep for a few days now hoping they would improve and they have started to lose that funny taste about them. I actually took one sample of "Bubble Gum" which tastes pretty good but more like cotton candy and mixed it with some "Cotton Candy" juice that I got from VR that tasted good just had no TH. I now have a bottle of juice thats actually pretty tasty. The GV juice had a good TH but no vapor. The VR juice had good vapor but no TH. Mixed together, I now have a 10ml bottle that tastes good, has good vapor, and produces a satisfactory TH. I have a couple more flavors that I think I can do the same thing with. Anyways, I just wanted to let people know that if they get juice from GV, they may need to let it steep a week if they are experiencing the same problem I did. I mix all my useless juices that just don't work with the random great ones I come across. I've had really good luck doing it too. I just tried goodphropets "samplers" 30 mls for $6 and got several good juices. Maybe hit them up. GPurv 1
Tagsanstuff Posted March 30, 2011 Posted March 30, 2011 I ordered a shipment from gourmet vapor. They were running a 50% off coupon code so I figured what better time to try a new vendor. I wanted to maximize my chances of finding some good all day vapes so I ordered 20+ 5ml sample bottles in a variety of flavors. I went with a 100% PG mix, 24mg nic lvl with normal flavor level. What I got were a bunch of juice that had a really funny taste to them. They did provide a good TH although almost no vapor. Now I know that PG is supposed to give better flavor and TH and that VG gives better vapor but my fav supplier of juices so far is awesome vapor and they still give a good amount of vapor even though they are all PG. I'm so tired of buying juice from different vendors and it coming up short of my expectations. I am going to let this juice steep for a week or two and try it again. I would just stick to AV for my juice needs, but they just don't have the choices and selection that I'd like to see. oh wow that is terrible to hear! I was going to do the same thing, but at the last moment I thought I would add some menthol to the ones that did not give a good TH. I am glad I added some menthol to the nasty ones. they are awesome and give out a lot of flavor and vapor now. add some menthol if you have it and if you like menthol of course.
Morfeeus Posted March 30, 2011 Author Posted March 30, 2011 I'm at a point now where I'm happy to stick with AwesomeVapor and KickBassVapor for my juice needs. I've really been diggin KBV's joose! I've had a couple I didn't care for, but most I've tried are good and a couple of them so far are in my favorites rotation. If you haven't tried them, I highly suggest you do. They are worth it. Their Monkey Bread and Rice Krispity Treat are freakin awesome!! They are such complex flavors. Anyone can make a grape, strawberry, etc but to put together some of the complex flavors they do freakin rocks!
michealprater Posted March 30, 2011 Posted March 30, 2011 I am always disappointed when ordering from other places, they always taste like soap, or if they dont they are weak. TV is the only place I have found that doesnt have that. Are there other manufacturers out their that can match the intensity and sweetness of TV juices?
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