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Taste Buds Are Changing

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I dont know if it is just me, or if my taste buds are changing again. the flavors I enjoyed before, i no longer enjoy. I was vaping Peanut Butter cup and now that does not taste right. then I tried raspberry and the same with that. I tried changing carto`s, tanks etc. I just cant find a taste I enjoy. any suggestions for me? I was thinking about watermelon but nothing to harsh that leaves a bad taste. just something that I can enjoy and vape all day.

Thanks guys,

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I started with frooty flavors as I did not care much for tobacco when I first starterd vaping.Then I got to where I could not hardly stand the frooty flavors so I revisited the tobacco flavors and that is what I am mainly using these days.

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That happened to me too. I stopped vaping that particular flavor for a few weeks and when I came back to it, it was as good as I remembered. Much like a soap that smells awesome the first few times you use it, but then you can't smell it anymore.

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I have been using a diy grape mostly and i love it. I got a free sample of a tobacco flavor several days ago from unsmoke.us and put it in the cupboard because i thought i wouldn't like it. I got it out today and i am in love. I wish i knew what flavor it was. All it said on it was bs341. It is a sweet tobacco with a little menthol TH. Yummmmy! The only issue i have with it is, it makes me want an analog. Not sure why though.

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Very similar store to the others, I started out with "food flavors" and after about 6 months or so none of them were very appealing. I started to try some tobacco flavors and found them very satisfying. Some of the earlier flavors that I loved I can not even vape anymore and only "once in awhile" I can find myself vaping some of the old flavors. Yes, Tastes can change quite a bit as you get away from smoking. Once the change happened, my taste has been quite stable and I have found my permanent "all day/all time" vape. What you are experiencing is common, if not completely normal.

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I do find I need to change flavors several times a day. I usually keep on hand apple pie (diy), tiramisu (diy) and some fruit flavor. I find the flavors seem to vary day to day as to what and how much I can taste.

I do like watermelon--its a nice refreshing flavor.

as I am mostly flavor challeged--I really like strong flavors.

I have had runs of flavors I love not working for me. thats when I start playing with new flavors--when I go back to the old ones they taste good again....:wallbash:

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Yep, I'll agree that your tastes change. I've only been vaping for 2 days now and the cartridges that came with my 510 were unbearable when I puffed on one. Now they taste great, oddly enough. My atty's primer was blown out and I was just direct dripping menthol juices.

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I keep two different flavors to vape on. I change flavor every day or so. I noticed I get more satisfaction from vaping if I change them up this way. This works great. especially after a heavy meal, and I am looking for that fulfilling puff after.

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Since I haven't been able to taste many juices at all, I probably shouldn't comment on this at all, but I have noticed that if I vape one flavor too long, I can't taste it all any more. If I change between a couple of flavors often, I don't seem to have that problem. I did have a couple of flavors that I quit liking after awhile, but that has never happened with the atomic cinnacide. I've been using that one for about 15 months now and still love it.

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Tags, do they taste the same on all voltages, high and low? There is definately a flavor change on a lot of juices from the change in voltage. Some can taste better at lower volts and some at higher and some hold up with both. Just a thought

Edited by cheshyl
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