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32 Mature People Truths

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That is great, I wish it were text rather than a large image I would like to post that in several other forums I participate in!

Thanks for the Friday chuckles!

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#26..line cutters...aaarrrgh...

30 minute commute and my blood sugar goes from good to "oh my god" from the stress of dealing with..."can'tputmyphonedowneatingandputtingonmakeup...idontsignalbecausei'mbetterthanyou...3inchesisenoughformetoforcemywayin..." you get the idea. I go out of my way to "screw" that jerk/jerkette that blows by everyone else who had the common courtesy to get in the proper lane.....d$%^&t...there goes my blood sugar again.

Friday nite...a rare weekend off and I just had to read and think about this post. Now I'm jonsein to go out and make some idiot go to the next exit because of his/her lack of consideration for others.

If you don't hear from me in an hour, start scrounging up bail money. I'm on a mission.

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#26 finally proved to me that Chris lives in SoCal... all the packages received from SoCal didn't do it, the fact that he says he's from SoCal didn't do it, but #26 is something everyone in SoCal is familiar with either from hating it (and the wimps that let those damn BMWs cut, and make no mistake, its almost always a BMW) or practicing it (may their seed be banished from the Earth).

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