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Tsunami Warning U. S. West Coast

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I just got this Emergency Email. I pray that there is only a slim chance of a tsunami.

Tsunami warning for most of U. S. west coast 7 AM Pacific Time 10 AM EST

This message keeps the warning and advisory regions fixed and adds new tsunami observations.

The Tsunami Warning continues in effect for the coastal areas of California and Oregon from Point Concepcion, California to the Oregon-Washington border.

The Tsunami Warning continues in effect for the coastal areas of Alaska from Amchitka Pass, Alaska (125 miles W of Adak) to Attu, Alaska.

The Tsunami Advisory continues in effect for the coastal areas of California from the California-Mexico border to Point Concepcion, California.

The Tsunami Advisory continues in effect for the coastal areas of Washington, British Columbia and Alaska from the Oregon-Washington border to Amchitka Pass, Alaska (125 miles W of Adak).

A Tsunami Warning means that all coastal residents in the warning area who are near the beach or in low-lying regions should move immediately inland to higher ground and away from all harbors and inlets including those sheltered directly from the sea. Those feeling the earth shake, seeing unusual wave action, or the water level rising or receding may have only a few minutes before the tsunami arrival and should move immediately. Homes and small buildings are not designed to withstand tsunami impacts. Do not stay in these structures.

All residents within the warned area should be alert for instructions broadcast from their local civil authorities. A tsunami has been recorded.

A Tsunami Advisory means that a tsunami capable of producing strong currents or waves dangerous to persons in or very near the water is expected. Significant, widespread inundation is not expected for areas under an advisory. Currents may be hazardous to swimmers, boats, and coastal structures and may continue for several hours after the initial wave arrival.

At 9:46 PM Pacific Standard Time on March 10, an earthquake with preliminary magnitude 8.9 occurred near the east coast of Honshu, Japan. (Refer to the United States Geological Survey for official earthquake parameters.) This earthquake has generated a tsunami which could cause damage to coastal regions in a warning or advisory.

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my heart go's out to the people in japan my goodness i could not begin to imagine the fear they must have felt and are still feeling . bless there hearts

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Poor hubby spent the morning helping his boss move all the rigs to higher ground. Towns were evacuated. Streets and hiways closed off. I thought sure hubby was going to have to shoot his bike through the pipeline on his way home, but he made it safe and sound. I'm so glad we live in the mountains, and not on the coast! Poor Santa Cruz and Crescent City have both taken a beating at the docks. The county above us declared a state of emergency. But so far, minor events thank goodness. Poor Japan!! My God, those poor souls.

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:cry: Praying for the safety of all those on the West Coast. Praying for strength and peace for all the victims and families involved in the devastating tsunami in Japan. :cry:
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