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Alright folks we shot the Utah ban down now Tennessee is at it.

This is the bill that will affect everyone in Tennessee. Let's help them out! Please send out those emails!

It is an offense to distribute or sell any product or device containing or

delivering nicotine intended or expected for human consumption that is not a tobacco

product, as defined in § 39-17-1503, unless such product or device has been approved

by the United States food and drug administration for sale as a tobacco use cessation or

harm reduction product or for other medical purposes and is being marketed and sold

solely for that approved purpose.

A. violation of subsection A. is a Class B. misdemeanor. Each day a violation

occurs constitutes a separate offense.

C. In addition to the penalties prescribed in subsection B. the district attorney

general for the county in which the violation occurred may apply for an order compelling

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compliance with this section. In any such proceeding, the court may impose a civil

penalty in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each violation.

SECTION 19. This act shall take effect July 1, 2011, the public welfare requiring it.

Direct Link to Bill: Click Here

Pre Made Email to send: Click Here (Will only work with email client. Others will have to copy and paste)

Direct links to Vape Bans with email link information: Click Here

Special Thanks to Spiky and Vape Bans. DON'T LET THEM PASS THIS BILL! And for god sakes don't vote in anyone that votes for this bill.

Here is a list of addresses for those that need to email manually.

sen.jack.johnson@capitol.tn.gov, sen.mike.faulk@capitol.tn.gov , sen.charlotte.burks@capitol.tn.gov, sen.mae.beavers@capitol.tn.gov, sen.dolores.gresham@capitol.tn.gov, sen.steve.southerland@capitol.tn.gov, sen.eric.stewart@capitol.tn.gov, sen.reginald.tate@capitol.tn.gov, sen.jamie.woodson@capitol.tn.gov, rep.eddie.bass@capitol.tn.gov, rep.sheila.butt@capitol.tn.gov, rep.jeremy.faison@capitol.tn.gov, rep.john.forgety@capitol.tn.gov, rep.andy.holt@capitol.tn.gov, rep.kelly.keisling@capitol.tn.gov, rep.steve.mcdaniel@capitol.tn.gov, rep.bill.sanderson@capitol.tn.gov, rep.johnny.shaw@capitol.tn.gov, rep.terri.lynn.weaver@capitol.tn.gov, rep.john.windle@capitol.tn.gov, rep.frank.niceley@capitol.tn.gov, rep.dale.ford@capitol.tn.gov, rep.curtis.halford@capitol.tn.gov

Alright folks we shot the Utah ban down now Tennessee is at it.

This is the bill that will affect everyone in Tennessee. Let's help them out! Please send out those emails!

It is an offense to distribute or sell any product or device containing or

delivering nicotine intended or expected for human consumption that is not a tobacco

product, as defined in § 39-17-1503, unless such product or device has been approved

by the United States food and drug administration for sale as a tobacco use cessation or

harm reduction product or for other medical purposes and is being marketed and sold

solely for that approved purpose.

A. violation of subsection A. is a Class B. misdemeanor. Each day a violation

occurs constitutes a separate offense.

C. In addition to the penalties prescribed in subsection B. the district attorney

general for the county in which the violation occurred may apply for an order compelling

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compliance with this section. In any such proceeding, the court may impose a civil

penalty in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each violation.

SECTION 19. This act shall take effect July 1, 2011, the public welfare requiring it.

Direct Link to Bill: Click Here

Pre Made Email to send: Click Here (Will only work with email client. Others will have to copy and paste)

Direct links to Vape Bans with email link information: Click Her

Special Thanks to Spiky and Vape Bans. DON'T LET THEM PASS THIS BILL! And for god sakes don't vote in anyone that votes for this bill.

Thank you so much for keeping us all up to date! Email sent :)

I modified it slightly & added a little end-note about my mother passing due to her addiction to cigarettes. I hope it wasn't too much but it's what keeps me going & fighting for our cause. If I knew about these prior to her battle - you can bet your arse I'd have had her using an e-cig a long time ago & - she'd still be here sad.gif)

Thanks again!!


Thank you for this!! My emails are sent including my credentials as a registered nurse with over 20 years of experience, and 35 years of trying to quit smoking that were unsuccessful until I started vaping.

Please please please everybody! Make your voice heard and take 5 minutes to send emails.


I did my part and sent the e-mail..!!!!!!!!!!!

It only to a few minutes and it was so easy..!!!!!!!

We can make a difference..!


Ahh I see now. "...is not a tobacco product, as defined in § 39-17-1503, unless such product or device has been approved by the United States food and drug administration..."



Love reading all the nuances of the bills. Key points:

The First section of the bill adds the "Electronic Cigarette" definition to the statutes that lists all the different definitions (39-17-1503). However they still have that lovely loophole with adding 'cartridges' into the definition. I don't use cartridges, so therefore I do not use an Electronic Cigarette per the definition.

It then later says 'any product not defined as a tobacco product', which of course, was just defined that it was not.

On the upside, this bill ONLY harms businesses. Nowhere in the bill does it say you can not own such said device, you just can't buy them in their good ol` state.

None the less, email has been sent to get this one shot down!


On the upside, this bill ONLY harms businesses. Nowhere in the bill does it say you can not own such said device, you just can't buy them in their good ol` state.

None the less, email has been sent to get this one shot down!

I haven't seen any of them, at least not that I can recall, where it is illegal to possess or use the devices/products, only that they can't be sold in the state and/or sold to anyone that is a resident of that state. The whole thing is ridiculous, I am an adult, if I am permitted to purchases tobacco and alcohol I should be allowed to purchase e cigarettes. One would think with all the economic problems and dire circumstances facing so many states these people would find something more pressing to deal with. Especially since vendors selling products within a state are presumably collecting state/local sales tax. One would think they would want every cent of tax revenue they can get. Not to mention the numerous people they would then cause to be unemployed and then out of work for who knows how long and collecting unemployment. Well, hopefully this will be another unsuccessful bill.


Ahh I see now. "...is not a tobacco product, as defined in § 39-17-1503, unless such product or device has been approved by the United States food and drug administration..."


What a crock of... right? :angry:


Love reading all the nuances of the bills. Key points:

The First section of the bill adds the "Electronic Cigarette" definition to the statutes that lists all the different definitions (39-17-1503). However they still have that lovely loophole with adding 'cartridges' into the definition. I don't use cartridges, so therefore I do not use an Electronic Cigarette per the definition.

It then later says 'any product not defined as a tobacco product', which of course, was just defined that it was not.

On the upside, this bill ONLY harms businesses. Nowhere in the bill does it say you can not own such said device, you just can't buy them in their good ol` state.

None the less, email has been sent to get this one shot down!

Only harms businesses...If this type of law spread this forum would be gone. In fact most forums would close up. (Who do you think pays for ECF, Vapor Talk, Nu Vapor etc) You have to remember if these types of laws spread to other sites and countries suppliers will start dropping like flies. eCig factories in China will likely close up shop. (In the long run)

Many people seem to think that if businesses in the states close it's no big deal. They'll just order it from China. China wants big money not 70 bucks for a starter kit. No profit and they'll move to the next latest and greatest thing.

Also keep in mind this would likely be updated at a later date. These small "oversights" can be updated quite easily. That argument also wouldn't hold much weight in court.

This bill doesn't harm business, it harms everyone.


Email sent, and added my wife and I are also medical professionals (Registered Nurse - me Microbiologist - wife)who both are now non-smokers thanks to e-cigarettes. Don't think Tenn being a tobacco state has any bearing on this?


When clicking on the email list you'll see names of verious senators. You'd need to look up the address for each one. I'll see if I can find a pre made address list online.


Alright folks we shot the Utah ban down now Tennessee is at it.

This is the bill that will affect everyone in Tennessee. Let's help them out! Please send out those emails!

It is an offense to distribute or sell any product or device containing or

delivering nicotine intended or expected for human consumption that is not a tobacco

product, as defined in § 39-17-1503, unless such product or device has been approved

by the United States food and drug administration for sale as a tobacco use cessation or

harm reduction product or for other medical purposes and is being marketed and sold

solely for that approved purpose.

A. violation of subsection A. is a Class B. misdemeanor. Each day a violation

occurs constitutes a separate offense.

C. In addition to the penalties prescribed in subsection B. the district attorney

general for the county in which the violation occurred may apply for an order compelling

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compliance with this section. In any such proceeding, the court may impose a civil

penalty in an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each violation.

SECTION 19. This act shall take effect July 1, 2011, the public welfare requiring it.

Direct Link to Bill: Click Here

Pre Made Email to send: Click Here (Will only work with email client. Others will have to copy and paste)

Direct links to Vape Bans with email link information: Click Here

Special Thanks to Spiky and Vape Bans. DON'T LET THEM PASS THIS BILL! And for god sakes don't vote in anyone that votes for this bill.

Here is a list of addresses for those that need to email manually.

hello everyone this is the response i got this morning when i sent out my email.

Thanks for writing us, but we are stumped - are we doing something to make you think we oppose or want to outlaw these electronic cigarettes?

We have no desire to do that so please educate us.

Susan Story

Legislative Assistant


Email sent. Thanks Chris. I'm glad we have this down to a science now, what with click-to-send, AND copy-n-paste options for us gmail users.

Signed, and added what I thought was a nice little motivating blurb (hopefully):

"On top of that other members of my family are now smoke-free, or on their way to being smoke-free thanks to electronic cigarettes. Please don't take this opportunity away from them. I for one, and many others I know would never vote for anyone willing to send me and my family back to tobacco cigarettes."


hello everyone this is the response i got this morning when i sent out my email.

Thanks for writing us, but we are stumped - are we doing something to make you think we oppose or want to outlaw these electronic cigarettes?

We have no desire to do that so please educate us.

Susan Story

Legislative Assistant

so in other words some of them are not even aware of it?

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