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I finally had to send each email address as a BCC for some reason as Thunderbird kept dumping the emails stating they were unread so I sent them individually. My first response after sending this way was from Rep. Dale Ford and is listed below.

From Rep Dale Ford:


Thank you for contacting our office. Your input is important to us and we appreciate your comments.

This is indeed an important issue. I will keep this in mind when deciding how to vote on this and please let me know in the future if you have a concern or if I can assist you in any way.


I hope this is good news and there is truth behind the words...


If you would read the posts on this forum you would see that I got that email as well.....


My E-mail has been sent along with my mom as well to everyone thats not a Tennessean Thank you! To lose our rights to choose is very disheartening we have moved back to that Good Ole boy politics here and it is sad not just on bills like this, there are others that take other basic Health choices away . Keeps our fingers Crossed it is rescinded !

What is sad in a 2 mile radius of my home there are in actual fact Ten (10) places of business that you can purchase analog cigarettes !!!!!!!!!!!

I got the generic response:

Thank you for contacting our office. Your input is important to us and we appreciate your comments.

This is indeed an important issue. I will keep this in mind when deciding how to vote on this and please let me know in the future if you have a concern or if I can assist you in any way.

Very Best Regards,

Representative Dale Ford

Tennessee General Assembly

202A War Memorial Building

Nashville, TN 37243

(615) 741-1717

*Adopt from your local animal shelter*


Thank you for this!! My emails are sent including my credentials as a registered nurse with over 20 years of experience, and 35 years of trying to quit smoking that were unsuccessful until I started vaping.

Please please please everybody! Make your voice heard and take 5 minutes to send emails.

OMG, Nanna, you sound like me! I had 35 years as a smoker, trying to quit for at least 30 of those years.

I am now on year 2 of tobacco-free thanks to the ecig. I have actually not even been vaping lately, and

I am ever so thankful for the invention and availability of the electronic cigarette. So, thanks to this,

I have truly managed to quit smoking. I know that I can pick up my ecig at any time, but now I can

choose not to do so, which was totally impossible with tobacco! This reason alone should be why

the ecig should be promoted rather than banned! (Tennessee is a tobacco state, btw.)



I didn't mean to repeat your response but there are so many posts on this thread that my screen reader simply cannot go through them all and sometimes, even when I do go through them all, the screen reader software misses some because not all sections of websites are "blind friend" so to speak.

FYI: Screen reader is a software program used by the blind. It reads the print on websites, online documents like PDF files, and whatever documents or print is listed on the computer itself. It is not a perfect program; however, what program for the blind can be? I do the best I can with what I have available to me and the access to sight beyond the differences between light and dark is about the extent of my available, yet still deteriorating sight and even then there are days when it doesn't work well because in addition to the degenerative retinal eye disease, I have defects in my optic nerves (the optic nerves are extraordinarily small for an adult, which I am). And as if all that were not enough, what remains of my limited sight, extremely limited sight is compromised and further complicated by Lupus (SLE) and Sjogren's Disease. The latter two are autoimmune diseases; given enough time, they will and likely have began to destroy more than just my joints, connective muscle tissue, and nerve damage. It has likely started working on my already damaged retinas and even if it hasn't, the only drug (at least until recently if it has been released to the public yet) is Plaquenil, which is an anti-malaria drug but when taken at high doses, it can slow the progression of Lupus; however, it comes at a cost. The drug can damage the retinas or in my case, further damage the retinas causing total blindness, which really is a moot point since the retinal disease will cause the same problem in a matter of time.

So, just to let you know, my screen reader may have missed it or I may have went over the page where you posted without knowing it. The screen reader software for the blind is not perfect but it's the only system we have available to us....

If you would read the posts on this forum you would see that I got that email as well.....


First post. Thought I would start off by being helpful. I sent an e-mail yesterday and actually got a response.

Thank you for contacting our office. Your input is important to us and we appreciate your comments.

This is indeed an important issue. I will keep this in mind when deciding how to vote on this and please let me know in the future if you have a concern or if I can assist you in any way.

Very Best Regards,

Representative Dale Ford

Tennessee General Assembly

202A War Memorial Building

Nashville, TN 37243

(615) 741-1717

I'm sure it's just a auto response that is sent with every e-mail, but it's still cool.


Go to this link: http://www.vapebans.com/TNSenandAsscommitteeshtml.html

Then copy the email addresses either with a semi-colon or the next set that uses commas depending upon which one your email client accepts when adding multiple addresses. You can find out which it takes by going to the help section and checking the context area that tells how to add multiple addresses (add semi-colon or add comma between each email address)

Email addresses separated by semi-colons (Copy and paste these in your TO: Section):

sen.jack.johnson@capitol.tn.gov; sen.mike.faulk@capitol.tn.gov ; sen.charlotte.burks@capitol.tn.gov; sen.mae.beavers@capitol.tn.gov; sen.dolores.gresham@capitol.tn.gov; sen.steve.southerland@capitol.tn.gov; sen.eric.stewart@capitol.tn.gov; sen.reginald.tate@capitol.tn.gov; sen.jamie.woodson@capitol.tn.gov; rep.eddie.bass@capitol.tn.gov; rep.sheila.butt@capitol.tn.gov; rep.jeremy.faison@capitol.tn.gov; rep.john.forgety@capitol.tn.gov; rep.andy.holt@capitol.tn.gov; rep.kelly.keisling@capitol.tn.gov; rep.steve.mcdaniel@capitol.tn.gov; rep.bill.sanderson@capitol.tn.gov; rep.johnny.shaw@capitol.tn.gov; rep.terri.lynn.weaver@capitol.tn.gov; rep.john.windle@capitol.tn.gov; rep.frank.niceley@capitol.tn.gov; rep.dale.ford@capitol.tn.gov; rep.curtis.halford@capitol.tn.gov

Email addresses separated by commas (Copy and paste these in your TO: section if requires comma btw multi-email addresses):

sen.jack.johnson@capitol.tn.gov, sen.mike.faulk@capitol.tn.gov , sen.charlotte.burks@capitol.tn.gov, sen.mae.beavers@capitol.tn.gov, sen.dolores.gresham@capitol.tn.gov, sen.steve.southerland@capitol.tn.gov, sen.eric.stewart@capitol.tn.gov, sen.reginald.tate@capitol.tn.gov, sen.jamie.woodson@capitol.tn.gov, rep.eddie.bass@capitol.tn.gov, rep.sheila.butt@capitol.tn.gov, rep.jeremy.faison@capitol.tn.gov, rep.john.forgety@capitol.tn.gov, rep.andy.holt@capitol.tn.gov, rep.kelly.keisling@capitol.tn.gov, rep.steve.mcdaniel@capitol.tn.gov, rep.bill.sanderson@capitol.tn.gov, rep.johnny.shaw@capitol.tn.gov, rep.terri.lynn.weaver@capitol.tn.gov, rep.john.windle@capitol.tn.gov, rep.frank.niceley@capitol.tn.gov, rep.dale.ford@capitol.tn.gov, rep.curtis.halford@capitol.tn.gov

Subject Line (copy & paste into Subject Line of Email):

OPPOSE SB0910 /HB1729: Electronic Cigarettes/ Nicotine Vaporizers

Body of Email (Insert the following by copying and pasting into the body section of your email -- "BE SURE TO ADD YOUR NAME AT THE BOTTOM OF THE EMAIL"--):

Email body: The Email to COPY/Paste is between the dotted lines... The lines are only a guide to show what you need to copy and paste within the body (but don't copy the dotted lines)


Tennessee Legislator,

After many years of smoking, I now use an electronic cigarette/nicotine vaporizer instead of smoking. I have heard that SB0910 /HB1729 would ban the sale of electronic cigarettes/nicotine vaporizers to adults and I would no longer be able to purchase them in Tennessee. I am sure that you would not want your constituents to start smoking tobacco cigarettes again, but this will be the unintended consequence of the proposed bill.

These devices are the one thing that finally helped me stop smoking after trying so many other ways. Tobacco cigarettes deliver many dangerous chemicals, but electronic cigarettes deliver nicotine without those dangerous chemicals. I can breathe better and I feel better. I don’t cough and I don’t smell awful anymore.

I know that you have been told that e-cigarettes contain dangerous chemicals, but this is not true. The information you have been given has been proven incorrect many times and in the past 12 months additional research (for example http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/centers-institutes/population-development/files/article.jphp.pdf) has shown these products to be a safer alternative to smoking and effective for hundreds of thousands of people as a substitute for traditional tobacco cigarettes. Two federal courts have already told the FDA that the e-cigarette may not be regulated as a smoking cessation product/drug delivery device. (First Case - http://www.vapersclub.com/SEFDAcourtdecision.pdf and Appeal - http://www.vapersclub.com/appealsrulingfdacase.pdf) I would ask you to please get more current information on the product and to educate yourself before voting on this bill.

I am a member of National Vapers Club and while we support bans on sales to minors we cannot support this bill without an amendment. There is a short 8 minute video and a webpage that we can send to our legislators so that they may educate themselves before they vote on such an important issue. Here is a link.


This is the information packet with the studies referred to in the video.


We hope that you will take the time to educate yourself so that you can help protect the health of your constituents who use this product as a safer alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes.

Thank you for your time.

(insert your name here without the parentheses)


End of email... Don't include the dotted lines as they are nothing more than a marker of where the email body starts and stops; again, REMEMBER TO ADD YOUR NAME TO THE BODY OF THE EMAIL! IT IS IMPORTANT!

FYI: Some email programs will allow you to request a read receipt and a priority setting. I set my Thunderbird (Mozilla Program; it's the email to Firefox's browser; both are free to use, just google Mozilla. Firefox is the browser sort of like MSIE but without the bugs; and Thunderbird is like Outlook Express but without the bugs & more options available as add-ons much like Firefox's add-ons) Email Client to automatically send "read receipt" and listed the priority as "High."

I truly hope this helps you out. It was a bit tricky for me to figure out but only because I'm tired and my eyes hurt although they are basically useless as I use a screen reader software program that reads to me (It's a program for the blind that reads digital print on the net or on the computer as well as alternative text included in graphic images on websites)


Thanks for posting this. I was having trouble getting the link to work for me.


This was my letter to Tennessee: To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Kristin Mosley. I am a resident of Elmwood Park, IL and am writing you in protest of the proposed bill to make electronic cigarettes illegal. It is a new product that certainly needs research and regulation, but this seemingly government wide reluctance to do so by the very legislators that are supposed to protect my freedom is very offensive to me. Every argument in regard to their being dangerous to one's health could also be applied to tobacco cigarettes. If electronic cigarettes are to be made illegal for that reason, then by that logic tobacco products should be illegal as well. Every 8 seconds a person dies from smoking tobacco, yet they are perfectly legal. Tobacco companies put dangerous toxins into cigarettes just to make them more addictive and that is just fine by the lawmakers of this country, so why should electronic cigarettes be made illegal? Electronic cigarettes are certainly not as healthy as not smoking at all, but they are certainly less dangerous than tobacco cigarettes.

My father died at a very young age from emphysema. I have been a smoker for 20 years. Since using the electronic cigarette, I have been able to cut my nicotine intake and my energy level and overall feeling of health has increased. Could children become addicted to electronic cigarettes just as they could to tobacco cigarettes? Certainly. Being a lifelong tobacco smoker will guarantee their cause of death. I believe that further research of electronic cigarettes will prove that they are less dangerous than tobacco cigarettes. Children will try anything that all of their friends are doing or what their parents are doing, which is why tobacco products can only be bought by someone 18 years of age or older. Electronic cigarettes deserve the same regulation, not out and out banning.

This type of moral imposing behavior by legislators reminds me of prohibition of marijuana. It is safer than alcohol, yet banned because those in power think it is morally wrong to smoke marijuana. The war against it has just forced it underground and into the black markets. It has filled our jails with non-violent offenders that cost taxpayers money. Most taxpayers really wouldn't care if it was illegal. Many of them smoke it whether it's legal or not. It isn't easily controlled because it can be grown in someone's home and consumed without the watchful eye of the government. This will be the same case with electronic cigarettes. I am an American. It is my right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We, as americans have always had to fight our government for our rights, even though they were promised to us over 200 years ago. This fight will be no different. I work, pay the taxes that make up your salaries, and deserve my freedom. Good luck to you. You'll need it.

God Bless America. And electronic cigarettes.



7870 W xxxxxxxxx.

xxxxxxxxxx, IL xxxxx


Posted (edited)

Excellent letter krijmo!! Thanks for putting the thoughts of a lot of us into your protest. Well done.

Edited by CDATundra

Hey Vapor Talkers this is the latest I recieved from the TN house committee: Thank you very much for writing to let me know of your opposition to Assembly bill A. 1468, which would prohibit the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors and prohibit the sale of electronic cigarettes that are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The FDA has found that electronic cigarettes contain several cancer-causing ingredients, and are not necessarily a safe smoking-cessation product.

To the extent they are intended to be a smoking cessation device, they should be legal for adults, and would be under the bill, if and when the manufacturers seek and obtain FDA approval, as with other medical products.

I appreciate your consideration in writing to me.

Very truly yours,

Richard N. Gottfried


Assembly Committee on Health

PLease help me educate these narrow minded good ole boy politicians to how the e-cig works the benefits it seems that I am falling on deaf ears I have even been making phone calls with multiple voice mails left unanswered !


Angel Cruz


Hey Vapers! Here is my reply from Jack Johnson on the E-Cig ban:

Thank you for your e-mail concerning SB910. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. I do not support the bill.


Sen. Jack Johnson

Tennessee General Assembly

District 23 –Williamson and Davidson Counties

Nashville, TN 37243

Office: 615-741-2495

Email: sen.jack.johnson@capitol.tn.gov


  • 4 weeks later...

I received this email today from Vapersclub.com regarding the Tennessee bill to ban the sale of e-cigs:

Wednesday, April 20th at 2 PM at the Statehouse in Nashville, Tennessee the House Agriculture Sub-Committee will meet to discuss and vote on HB 1729. Sections 1 to 17 of this bill ban the sale of e-cigarettes to minors. Be aware that Section 18 would ban the sale of electronic cigarettes until they are approved by the FDA as a drug delivery devices (as the New York Bill also tried to do), which the two federal courts have suggested should not happen.

Vapers EVERYWHERE should phone / fax the legislators on this committee (Phone and Fax numbers for TN Committee Members) and express the need to vote NO on this bill unless an amendment is offered on the bill that would delte Section 18 from the bill.

We also need vapers in Tennessee to go to the meeting. If there was ever a day to take off of work this is it!

If you do not feel comfortable speaking... just be there to show we are strong in our numbers and they cannot silence us!


Tennessee Phone and Fax Info

When you arrive you should look for some other vapers and if you plan to speak... discuss what you plan to say so you can be sure everything gets covered. The best thing you can do is to tell YOUR story! Let them know HOW e-cigs have changed YOUR life!

National Vapers Club - www.VapersClub.com

IVAQS Project - www.IVAQS.com

Vegas Vapefest - www.Vapefest.com

skype: vapersinternational

516 695-7007

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