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i know theres a ratio with the juices

where can i get the cheapest best tasting close to newport menthol juice?

the strongest..




i know theres a ratio with the juices

where can i get the cheapest best tasting close to newport menthol juice?

the strongest..



I never smoked Newports, but I was a Marlboro Menthol smoker. For me personally, the best menthol flavor I've tasted was Mentha from right here at the Vapor Talk Store; however, it's currently out of stock.


Vapor Kings makes a tobacco/menthol mix and calls it Nuhport (They also have a Kool and Salem version). I personally didn't care for it but my wife loves it.



i was a menthol smoker, but i also love a sweet vape, i recently bought some butter mint from vapro renu and truth is that is the closest feel to the marlb smooths i have tried yet aside from johnson creek wisconsin frost, but with a sweet touch, but you are looking for menthol... i recently saw a post for vapor renu menthol and the poster loved it, they are very inexpensive, but personally ive not tried that one yet, im still experimenting with various flavors on my adventure, i find that i enjoy more bold flavors, spices and mints, but in all fairness ive not tried the fruity flavors yet... get a few different things, trust me your tastes will change when you start vaping, theres a whole world of awesome flavors to explore


I use and love the menthol blend from liberty flights in VG. I've tried plain menthol but it's way too minty and fresh like I'm snorting mouthwash.. Only thing i can think to compare it to?.. :) The blend helps because the tobacco calms it down a little. I use up the menthol now by mixing a little with my fruity flavors, never thought I'd like it but it's so refreshing.

Hope this helps! Best thing to do would be to sample a few different vendors!


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