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Since my introduction to vaping almost 2 weeks ago, I've been waiting to be able to fill my Joye eGo cartomizers... Thankfully, I have a drip tip and some Boge soft-tip cartos that I can use in the meantime, but I'm still stuck with 10 cartos I can't fill. I ordered the syringe that vaporrenu.com is selling, not realizing that the needle is FRIGGIN HUGE until after I got it, and is useless for filling these cartos.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get my hands on a syringe so I can fill these cartos?


Since my introduction to vaping almost 2 weeks ago, I've been waiting to be able to fill my Joye eGo cartomizers... Thankfully, I have a drip tip and some Boge soft-tip cartos that I can use in the meantime, but I'm still stuck with 10 cartos I can't fill. I ordered the syringe that vaporrenu.com is selling, not realizing that the needle is FRIGGIN HUGE until after I got it, and is useless for filling these cartos.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get my hands on a syringe so I can fill these cartos?

These may work for you.


Posted (edited)

Wordupecig.com has syringes in various sizes, I think. Lemme go check....

Yeah, will this work?

edited to add: What Morfeeus linked you to is a pretty skinny little bendable needle that is usually used to fill those ceramic cartos (C2r4, is it? I don't remember). If you need something studier to get into the cartos you have, a metal tip might be more useful. But what kind of Joye cartos are you talking about? That may help some other people help you out. Are they regular 510 size and you just can't get the top off? Why aren't you using the condom method to fill them if you are? Just curious, not trying to be a pain and if the syringe he linked you to will work, go for it! :)

Edited by AimeeG

you can condom fill those cartos. Just do a search on the condom fill and you will find plenty of videos on it then you will not need a syringe. :)



These are the kind of cartomizers I've been trying to fill -- Joye eGo cartomizers.

The condom methods for these is extremely tedious... You can make 2-3 drops go in with each attempt, and sometimes when pulling the condom back off, it pulls the juice right back out and makes a mess.


Those are mega cartos and yep i think you have to have a syringe.


Good point, you can't use condom fill with those. But, since I have some of them, I still don't think the ones Morfeeus linked you to will work. The rubber tip will not break through the hole it needs to go in and won't reach down far enough into the filler. If you try it though, let us know how it goes. Again, not trying to rain on your parade, but I do want you to be able to use your jumbo eGo cartos.



These are the kind of cartomizers I've been trying to fill -- Joye eGo cartomizers.

The condom methods for these is extremely tedious... You can make 2-3 drops go in with each attempt, and sometimes when pulling the condom back off, it pulls the juice right back out and makes a mess.

did you puncture the fill port on the mouthpiece side before you tried the condom fill? You can use a needle or straight pin. I"m not sure about the condom fill on this type regardless, but you would need to puncture first. Have you tried drip filling on the threaded end? You would still need to puncture the fill port either way. I sure hope you can find a workable solution soon. :(


Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get my hands on a syringe so I can fill these cartos?

Joye mega cartomizers are great! I used a syringe to fill mine one time, and I'll never do it again, it's very messy! Juice was everywhere and ran right out the bottom of it. Instead, I drip one drop at a time into the battery end and it's good to go. So easy and no mess!


Joye mega cartomizers are great! I used a syringe to fill mine one time, and I'll never do it again, it's very messy! Juice was everywhere and ran right out the bottom of it. Instead, I drip one drop at a time into the battery end and it's good to go. So easy and no mess!

I agree and the syringe can be just as big a pain as dropping in. The above bottle Luer Cap would allow for precise dripping or injection right into the battery end. Your squeezing with one hand rather than trying to inject a plunger type device. May not seem like much, but it's world of difference.



These are the kind of cartomizers I've been trying to fill -- Joye eGo cartomizers.

The condom methods for these is extremely tedious... You can make 2-3 drops go in with each attempt, and sometimes when pulling the condom back off, it pulls the juice right back out and makes a mess.

OK.... if ya need a syringe, get a 10ml (minimum) one with a 2 inch 22-24 gauge needle. Depending on the density of your juice (PG vs VG), it may take a while to get it filled enough to use. I have one to use on my clearomisers (I vape mainly VG) cuz I really disliked the tiny plastic needles that they want you to use.....but it takes me a while to get enough in it to use....so I have a larger syringe and fill it about half full and then put the needle cap on. But the smaller gauge(24) is smaller even than the plastic one and should slip right in. Do be careful not to bend the 2 inch needle..... is really easy to do, so be REALLY gentle! Good luck!

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