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Vaporrenu V Ms T


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Hello all. I'm relatively new to vaping and have been following this forum for about a month. I figured I would share my juice experiences by comparing my experience with VaporRenu and Ms T. I ordered 6 flavors from each and all have been allowed to steep for over a week prior to making my final analysis.


Customer service and shipping: 5/5 Excellent! I entered my order on a Sunday afternoon and recieved an e-mail about 4 hours later that said my order was ready for shipping. I got my juices that Wednsday which is pretty impressive for CA to CT shipping.


Tangerine, Cinnamon, Juicy Fruit- 60/40 mix, double flavor, aggressive TH: 3/5 No complaints about the flavors, but as many have previously written here, NO throat hit. Very dissapointing. I've already given some of these away to a friend who liked them alot. Cinnamon was definitely my favorite of the bunch and the only one that I continue to vape.

Heath Bar- 80/20 mix, double flavor, aggressive TH: 2/5 I didn't like it and none of my friends liked it either. No TH. This is the only Chocolate type vapor that I've tried and it could be that these types of flavors just aren't for me since I have nothing similar from Ms T to compare it to.

Peach Tobbacco and Rasberry Limeade- Renu blend, double flavor, aggressive TH: 1/5 I'm sure the flavors are OK by themselves but the papaya leaf sweetener that is added in the Renu blend has a distinct flavor that I did not like at all. It also seems to stick around for a long time in my atomizer, thus ruining an entire night of vaping for me. Also no TH.

Ms T's Bakery

Customer service and shipping: 2/5 I placed 2 separate orders from this site and each took about 2 weeks to get to me. I'm wondering if she allows her flavors to steep prior to shipping for improved quality out of the box.


Grape, Peach, New Watermelon, and Pomegranite- 4/5 All flavors are distinctive and fruity. Throat hit is excellent. Pomegranite is my favorite and also the favorite of many of my friends. It's less sweet than the others and seems to be just a perfect flavor for vaping.

Black Licorice- 3/5 The flavor is spot on. If you like BL than you'll like this juice, if not you'll hate it. Not an all day vape by any means, the flavor is very overpowering and leaves an aftertase that is much less desireable. Excellent TH.

Blackberry Eucalyptus- 6/5 My favorite juice so far. I cannot stop vaping this stuff. Flavor is outstanding as is the TH. I was never a menthol smoker and was not impressed by any menthol flavors that my friends have let me sample. This is similar to menthol I suppose, but that distinctive eucalyptus flavor is far superior IMO. The fruity undertones of the blackberry put this one over the top for me. I can't wait to try her Apple Eucalyptus, and will be re-ordering soon! I had a minor head cold over the weekend and this stuff came in quite handy, it was actually the only flavor I could taste with my clogged sinuses.

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