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Hey guys quick question. Has anyone ever heard of Efox, and has anyone ever tried thier e juice. They have great prices and want to know if they were worth it. Thanks guys.


Never heard of them. Probably another new suppliers to the game. (They've haven't bee mentioned on the forum once) Why not take the plunge, order from them and write a review?


Same here, never heard of them anywhere else either. IF you give em a try please be sure and let us know what you think.


Hi guys, being nosy I checked their site. 10mL juice for 9.99. They say a 10mL bottle is equal to 10 packs of analogs, and also it looks like their nicotine levels are low-med-high. Just thought I'd pass that along.


Looks like Dekang liquid ,the prices on carto's and liquid are a little higher than average.The kits are also a bit pricier ,usualy a 510 kit for $39.00 has two batteries.


well if it is dekang liquid that's really not a bargain, can be found plenty of other places cheaper. THanks for checking into it Mastiff and Mcquinn


10ml for $10?

That's not a good deal at all, compared to vaporrenew.com -- you can get a 30ml bottle for less than the price of a 10ml bottle from those guys. Granted, I'm new to the game and haven't done much exploring in regards to quality of liquid. I have no qualms whatsoever with any of the liquids I got from VR, though.


Hey Big Nick. It looks like they have purchased the generic e-cig products from China and had their logo printed on them. Their prices are high for their product line. IMO I think they are one of the many e-cig companies, that has sprung up over night, trying to cash in on this fast growing industry. I would suggest you stick with the vendors that have been around long enough to prove their reputability and product quality.


Keep in mind Vapor Renu mixes their own liquid. It is of course going to be cheaper. While is prices are not great, they're not horrible either. Not for or against the suppliers just thought I'd point that out.

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