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Problems With Pec


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Howdy folks!

I got a bone to pick with a vendor. Terry Brazil from Perfect Electronic Cigarettes said he would make an exception and allow me to send back some bad batts, and that he would replace them or give me store credit. So I sent them back. Emailed him that I had done so, and get a reply of go open a new ticket at our help desk.... I thought hmmmmmmmmmm, but went and did as asked. Again told the story and was asked if I choked the batt to get a better hit. After he got the batts, the ticket was closed...... no credit, nothing. I reopened the ticket and have emailed him now every day for 5 days, in the last ones I told him I would be going into the forums and giving a very negative review (ie trashing his rep, cuz if he didn't care about it, why should I?) So, if anyone has any suggestions on how to get some satisfaction from this yahoo, lemme know PM. Thanks for allowing the venting.

Keep on vaping on, it's an adventure!

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Elayna, did you happen to save the email where he told you he would replace them?

and I believe that they should stand behind their product, but if not then at least honor their word to you.

Yep I did..... the problem is he is ignoring all of my attempts to email him, and there is no # to call. I am going to try reaching him at his personal email..... ARG!

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