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Sweet Vapes 3 Juices


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I just placed an order with sweet-vapes, I got all that were mentioned here on the forum and then a couple that I thought would be good. The problem now is going to be NOT ordering anything til I get some of this juice vaped. I have also ordered some diy stuff and haven't even gotten around to mixing because I'm too busy on line ordering other juice. So, for now, my card is locked up and I will not use it, I will not use it, I will not. . ., I will. . .I. . .Oh, never mind, I'm not smoking analogs so what the heck. I'm having fun.

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I have to blame Ego for my order from sweet vapes plus they are linked as a supplier for this forum. I read what she writing about them and since I am new at the juice level figured on giving them a try. My order shipped yesterday along with a brand new 1100 riva so I figure Nirvana by this week-end. I take it that you don't need to let these steep?

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Well, I lied in my earlier post, I did order (shame on me) some more samples from sweet-vapes. This time I mean it, I will not...oh, who am I kidding, I will, I will, I will. I find out that I do need to blame something and when I get my new map tank I will probably blame it for something I buy. Bout the steeping, I find some juices I can use right from the start and some you do need to let sit for awhile. sometimes that is better sometimes, not so much. Just depends I guess. Hope you have found your Nirvana.

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I have to blame Ego for my order from sweet vapes plus they are linked as a supplier for this forum. I read what she writing about them and since I am new at the juice level figured on giving them a try. My order shipped yesterday along with a brand new 1100 riva so I figure Nirvana by this week-end. I take it that you don't need to let these steep?

Dear vaping powers that be please make sure steel dragon likes his juice otherwise I might have a fire breathing dragon on my azz. lol Seriously I hope you like them, and I use hers straight out of the mailbox. :)

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Thx Egolvr, I was pretty sure everyone was doing them out of the box by how quick the reviews were coming out. I have some brand new Ikenvape cartomizers waiting to be filled. I figured I will test flavor by dripping and if they passed initial inspection, they were hitting the cartos. Just what I need to stoke the Dragon breath lol


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Thx Egolvr, I was pretty sure everyone was doing them out of the box by how quick the reviews were coming out. I have some brand new Ikenvape cartomizers waiting to be filled. I figured I will test flavor by dripping and if they passed initial inspection, they were hitting the cartos. Just what I need to stoke the Dragon breath lol


Pray tell, what be a Dragon's Breath?

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