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I wonder if in the end it is decided that vaping inside anywhere is allowed, will the smells be too much? I know that some of my juce tastes good but others in my household don't like the smell. If you had a lot of people vaping in one enclosed space would the smells be too much or do they dissapate quickly enough not to bother others?

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If 2 people are vaping, it will dissipate quickly. If you've got say 10 people vaping, you'll smell it.

But again it depends on how your vaping too. If you are blowing your vapor all over the place then yea it's going to offend people regardless of whether or not they can smell it. I look at it this way, if you wouldn't smoke there, don't vape there. And if you MUST vape, stealth vape. (Just hold the vapor in a little longer) that way nobody really notices. :)

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I was laying in bed last night vaping , in the dark with the tv on. Hubby was asleep and I was trying to see how foggy I could make it lol.

Wow It was right out of American Werewolf in London. Horror flick foggy. Honestly I don't think people would go for that happening in public.

I think it would be too much. I was even afraid Hubby would wake up and get mad. The smell though, who could hate pumpkin spice. :thumbsup:

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I was vaping in my car with windows rolled up. I went in to pay a bill and the lady said, hmm I smell cotton candy...I smirked =) I was not vaping Cotton candy, but I was Raspberry. maybe she could smell it on my clothes??

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I've decided if I'm in a restaurant that does not allow smoking, which is all in my state. I will wait until I get in the car. That way nobody is offended even my husband who is a non-smoker. He likes the smell. But anyway I don't want to be in your face about what I can and can't do. I smoked a lot in my previous life (4 months ago) but I knew the rules but I didn't understand them. I worked at a university and I now understand that there is going to be a vote for a total non-smoking campus. If there vapers there I know they can go to the restrooms and stealth vape and no one would know the difference. I would do that if I just had to have a hit of nicotine.

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Well here's how i see it. I don't wanna smell everybody's stupid cologne and perfume, and that stuff actually bothers my nose. It doesn't just smell bad, but it also makes my nose itch and tickle, but that doesn't stop them from walking around surrounded by clouds of the smelly bullcrap. SO, as far as I'm concerned, I don't really care whether the smell of my vapor offends or not. What if I'm offended by their perfume? If we keep on changing everything so we don't offend anybody, where does it end? Everybody will be offended by something stupid. If we teach them that the world doesn't revolve around an individual by not changing things everytime someone makes a stink, less people would complain eventually because they'd see that it won't get them anywhere.

anyway, I'm sure if you get enough people vaping together, the smell will linger. But, I couldn't tell you what it would smell like. That would depend on what's being vaped. However, you can rest assured that no matter what it smells like, it will be better than the smell of an employee coming back from a cigarette break.

Edited by DerStadtschutz
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When I go to a restaurant or something, I just take my little PV into the bathroom with me and take a double break. Or, like class.

Does anyone remember what it was like to sit in the smoking section of a restaurant? :question: Actually, that never bothered me but NOW I think it would kill me.

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I was laying in bed last night vaping , in the dark with the tv on. Hubby was asleep and I was trying to see how foggy I could make it lol.

Wow It was right out of American Werewolf in London. Horror flick foggy. Honestly I don't think people would go for that happening in public.

I think it would be too much. I was even afraid Hubby would wake up and get mad. The smell though, who could hate pumpkin spice. :thumbsup:

Yeah Beans, you do notice the vapor when the room is dark. Good thing your hubby didn't wake up, he would want some of that Pumpkin Spice. Then you would have to give it up!! LOL

Vape on Girlfriend! :smoke:

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I somehow doubt even with fda approval there would be vaping allowed as a blanket rule indoors everywhere. I was just thinking this morning about how funny it would be to walk into a room full of vapor and all the different scents. Whether or not you would really smell anything or if it would be just a whiff of something. Just daydreaming. I don't vape where smoking is not allowed unless i sneak into the restroom.

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