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just got my e cig and its burning my chest really bad. when i take a hit it makes me choke and chest burn. anyone had this problem?

Posted (edited)

HI Karl, I'm sorry your experiencing discomfort with vaping.

We might be able to help you pinpoint this better if you can anawer a couple of quesions

1. what model e cig are you using?

2. What type of e juice are you using? PG/VG blend how many mg of nic are in it?

3. Are you direct dripping, using cartridges or cartomizers?

Edited by egoluvr

Are you taking the vapor straight in? You should be taking the vapor into your mouth, then inhale and exhale. I was trying to vape like i smoked and it is not at all the same. The other possibility is that the throat hit is too much. You could try adding some vg to mellow it a bit. This will decrease your nic level though too.


its a ego and the drops are 18mg. brand is totally vapor usa. doesnt say vp or vg on bottle. im putting the drops in the filter as i was shown only have hit it mabey 20 times


just got my e cig and its burning my chest really bad. when i take a hit it makes me choke and chest burn. anyone had this problem?

Did you smoke before you took up vaping?


wow, that web site is less than informative about what is in its liquids...

"What is in the liquid?

Our vapor juice is made up of differenet levels of Nicotine, Food grade Flavors and two food grade water based chemicals and food coloring."


pack a day smoker. and im still smoking because of this problem. could it be the juice?


Maybe the liquid. I have had the back of my throat burn but not my chest.


feels like the first time i smoked. im hacking and choking on this thing. what and where is a good place to get new drops? or brands


well, my guess on the liquid is that the mystery chemicals listed would be a mix of PG and VG, at least its all food grade etc...

when you first start vaping it is not unusual to have a very sore throat for about the first week, the ego has quite a hit to it and you do need to learn to vape differently than you smoke... in fact they say about 7 draws equals a whole cigarette, and you dont puff puff on it like you would a cig, you take long slow draws and enjoy the vape in your mouth before you inhale it...

as for the chest, i will admit that when i have overdone it (chain vaped) i have had some chest irritation


Karl, Maybe the 18mg nic is to high for you. I know you smoke a pack a day, but what brand do you smoke? Is it full strength or lights? The web site where you got your juice from says that they have been in business for a year, but I have to say that their prices are way out of line, they aren't knowledgeable about how long 20 ml of juice will last, and they don't tell you exactly what is in their liquids.

You may want to get some juice from VT Store or another vendor that the members here are talking about on the board.

The eGo is a wonderful e cig brand. Where did you get your cart/carto from?


Karl, the juice I got when I first got my eGo about killed me. :rolleyes2: I thought I wanted something just like the cigarettes I used to smoke. Turns out - nope! I got my first good juice a week later from Tasty Vapor (www.tastyvapor.us) and I also like what I have gotten from http://www.vaporrenu.com and I haven't picked up a cigarette since.


Karl, the juice I got when I first got my eGo about killed me. :rolleyes2: I thought I wanted something just like the cigarettes I used to smoke. Turns out - nope! I got my first good juice a week later from Tasty Vapor (www.tastyvapor.us) and I also like what I have gotten from http://www.vaporrenu.com and I haven't picked up a cigarette since.

I think mowt of us have this experience because we order our juice from where we get our first kit. Which at least for me, was the cheapest place i could find it. Cheap supplier crappy juice. Not always but usually. Vaporrenu is certainly the exception.


Karl, Maybe the 18mg nic is to high for you. I know you smoke a pack a day, but what brand do you smoke? Is it full strength or lights? The web site where you got your juice from says that they have been in business for a year, but I have to say that their prices are way out of line, they aren't knowledgeable about how long 20 ml of juice will last, and they don't tell you exactly what is in their liquids.

You may want to get some juice from VT Store or another vendor that the members here are talking about on the board.

The eGo is a wonderful e cig brand. Where did you get your cart/carto from?

got it from a mall at one of those little carts payed way to much btw. i smoke lights. i looked at the vt store and they were all coffee flavors guess i need to look alittle harder. i hear theres 2 kinds of juice any thoughts as to what one could be right for me? thanks a ton too


I'm sorry that you are having that problem. I know that when I first started vaping I coughed a lot. Take a big amount of vapor in and cough my head off, the I learned the way to take the vapor in, long slow drags on the e-cigarette, not the short ones you took on the cigarette. Also, your e-cig might be giving off chemicals that are making you chest hurt. Some of those chemical are nasty stuff and if you buy from a non-reputable company that might be the case. Also your nic might be too high. Try some with a lower level. The folks on this forum that have tried Vapor renu have talked about great flavor but not very much throat hit so you might want to try them and tell them low throat hit. Just a few suggestions, don't want to loose a fellow vaper without trying everything. good luck


Hi Karl, Which one are you using Cartridges or Cartomizers? When you said there are two types of liquids, what did you mean?

Did you buy your eGo at the Mall also? And, are you sure it is a eGo e-cig? I think it is important to know if you are using carts or carto. That way we can help you as far as filling your juice.

I personally think you need to start with the lower nic, like 11mg or 12mg. Are you looking for a juice that has more of a tobacco taste or a totally flavored juice (like fruit, vanilla, coffee, etc). I truly believe that once you get all of this stuff worked out, you will enjoy vaping and will no longer want to smoke analogs.


My 2 penny's......

First thought... How does it taste? Like the flavor your using or burning metal/plastic? It might not be enough juice.

Second... Kiosk juice is probably not very good..... Order from one of the VT's recommended sites.

I'm so sorry. I really hope we all can help you figure this out. If it's hurting you I deffinately think you should stop using it till we know what's happening. You don't want to risk lung damage.

Good luck and let us know how we can help you.


I think DayVape may have hit it on the head, It sounds to me like his atty is dry/not wicking. First of all make sure your getting the fillng wet, it should look like slushie/slurpy. Take it out of the cart and put some liquid directly on then put it back in the cart and drip some more juice on the open end slowly until it looks like the slushie you don't want a puddle either. then give it a try. also, keep in mind they don't last as long as most suppliers state, when you start to loose flavor or vapor prodcution check you want to top off with more juice.


Hi Karl, Which one are you using Cartridges or Cartomizers? When you said there are two types of liquids, what did you mean?

Did you buy your eGo at the Mall also? And, are you sure it is a eGo e-cig? I think it is important to know if you are using carts or carto. That way we can help you as far as filling your juice.

I personally think you need to start with the lower nic, like 11mg or 12mg. Are you looking for a juice that has more of a tobacco taste or a totally flavored juice (like fruit, vanilla, coffee, etc). I truly believe that once you get all of this stuff worked out, you will enjoy vaping and will no longer want to smoke analogs.

it says ego on the box and looks just like the one in the vt store. cartriges or cartomizers no idea what that is. it has a small piece of what looks like a scrub brush that u put the drops on. i do think i need better drops. but not many to pick from in vt store. where do u get yours?


it says ego on the box and looks just like the one in the vt store. cartriges or cartomizers no idea what that is. it has a small piece of what looks like a scrub brush that u put the drops on. i do think i need better drops. but not many to pick from in vt store. where do u get yours?

I'm glad you at least got a genuine eGo. It sounds like you have cartridges. The fillers in carts can be replaced once they start to break down. You can get the filler at your local pet store (used in fish aquariums). If you are going to continue to use carts, you have to refill before they get dry. IMO, I would direct drip instead of using carts. You can vape on Cartomizers longer then carts. They hold much more liquid. Carto's are atomizer and cartridges combined. They are also refillable. You will also have to add juice before they get dry. When Carts and Cartos get dry, you get that nasty burnt taste.

Yep, The Chinese New Year has caused a e-liquid shortage. VT Store should be getting a shipment real soon. I love their Dulcis e-liquid. Besides the VT Store, I buy juice from Vapor Renu (their juice is real cheap in price, $8 for 30 ml. I have gotten some that I love and some that I don't care for much. But at $8 for 30 ml the lose is not that great. They make your juice to your specifications. I find that you have to shake up the bottle real good before you use them and if you can, letting them steep for a week or so, make a difference in how they taste. I just bought some juice that I really liked from Sweet-Vapers. I only ordered the 3.3 ml sample bottles to see if I liked them first. I LOVED the Apple Pie and the Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. For a "more tobacco" tasting juice, I like Boba's Bounty from AVE Juice.

I hope this is helpful to you. :thumbsup:


The first thing I would suggest is blowing out the primer from the new attys.

Take a napkin or paper towel and twist one corner to fit in the atty and let it soak up

whatever gunk is in there.Next try reprimeing the atty with your juice by dropping

@3 drops directly into the atty.

If your juice is too strong this wont help much but it may not be your juice.

And at least this will improve the flavor cause that primer is rank :thumbsdown:

Then like everyone has suggested get some more flavors to try with diff

levels of PG/VG mix to see what you like.

Trying new flavors is one of the great fun things about vaping :animier:

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