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Extremely Hot Atty


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Is it just me, but when I'm at home doing the DD thing I tend to take 1 draw right after the other because its so damn good. The atty gets really hot and I can feel the heat on my lips from the plastic mouthpiece. Am I vaping too much at one sitting or it just normal for the atty to get hot.. and by the atty, I mean the metal casing of the atty.

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Your now an official member of the Chain Vapers Club! LOL

Sounds normal to me! Oh, but whats normal to me is usually not what is normal to the really normal people! :on2long:

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haha.. I know man.. I think i just like all the vapor that comes out when direct dripping. One thing to note, at least I haven't melted any mouthpieces!! LOL :thumbsup:

Oops, You had better hope the Vaper God's didn't hear you say that. Just in case they did, do you have back up mouthpieces! : :o

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It will get hot enough to melt the bottom of the mouthpiece and it tastes terrible! I had one do this and for fun, i took it apart. The small vent holes were mostly melted shut which is why i think it was overheating

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It will get hot enough to melt the bottom of the mouthpiece and it tastes terrible! I had one do this and for fun, i took it apart. The small vent holes were mostly melted shut which is why i think it was overheating

Yeah i think i read a post of yours earlier talking about that.. so I immediately got a cushion pin and opened them both up LOL

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