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after buying the 510 smart cart and unsuccessfully trying to make them work. My over active imagination got me thinking.....I've got some slimline filter tips how can i improvise.

use a nail/screw to make a hole in the top all the way through. Cut in half.

Fill cart with juice

Put a cut filter with hole in on to the nail

Gently ease into cart.

The purpose of the nail is to prevent the hole getting squashed.

A Boge Leo Cart needs two pieces of filter.

Put a few drops on top

And away you vape.

It so simple and it works, not more bits of foam that need triming.

These filters should last ages.

But they are cheap.


Hi Hank, Long time no talk.

I saw a video by Doctor Vape about using the rubber grip from a pen as a drip tip. In the US you can buy a cheap pen (around .50 cents, you remove the medal pen tip, take the rubber grip off, put the grip on your filter top, then take the medal tip from the pen insert the tip in the top of the grip, with the point down. Then you can drip into the top and the tip acts like a funnel. I'll try and find the video and send it to you if you would like for me to do this?

Take care.


hi again Sharon

we don't have those but i have lots of BIC's

I have 510 dt

ego dt

leo dt

And i rarely use them

but they are handy to have.

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