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Yay! 2 More People Trying E-Cigs!

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Hey all. I got both my mom and my girlfriends roommate to have me order them e-cigs! I figured the Riva kit from Liberty Flights would be a good way to get people to try e-cigs and not feel like they are spending too much money right away. It seems to have worked. Neither of them wanted to buy an eGo for $60, but they jumped on the $30 Riva kit! (It's on sale). Hope they continue vaping, but I fear to get other people to vape, because I don't want them to blame me if something ticks them off...but then again I want to help people. Eh, what the heck. Why not try and help as many people as I can? (And send them to this site, of course!)

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Fantastic !!!thumbsup.gif

When I am talking to somebody about ecigs--I give them all the starter information (including this place)--tell them to look around and do some research and when they are ready to order, I will gladly help them !!! Like you, I don't want them to blame me if they hate it.....

The Riva really is a great place to start and great price.

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