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What exactly determines the intensity of throat hit in a juice? Is it nic level, an additive, etc? I know I've read that PG has more throat hit than VG which has more vapor. The reason why I'm asking is that I ordered 7 new juices from VR that came in today and I ordered a 80PG/20VG blend with "aggresive" TH but there feels like there is almost none. I ordered a lower nic level(11mg) than the first type of juice i vaped(from AV 16mg)and wondered if that was the cause. If so, why would VR even ask what level of TH you want considering it's all based on nic level. I really liked the flavors of most of the juices I ordered, I just get no satisfaction of TH which is important to me. If it is nic level that affects TH, should I maybe order the same juice again in say 36mg nic level and then mix the two to get me to where I want to be? The reason I ordered the lower nic level was because I noticed I have the tendancy to continually vape when I'm at home and I didn't want to increase my nic level from what I was getting with analogs. Thanks for any help ya'll can give me!!


PG is one of the main reasons for throat hit next to the nic level. I have not ordered from Vapor Renu so I am not familiar with the mixes. Some suppliers will mix something into the liquid to add a greater throat hit. Not really sure what that ingredient is, I want to say it is some type of pepper flavoring but I really don't know. I am going to suggest that if you are not happy with th from VR that you try other suppliers or order your liquid in pg only from them if VR offers that option.


ok, trying this again as it seemed to have been moved while i was replying...

i have heard that some places add alcohol to add TH, not sure if that is the case with VR or not...

TH can also be better from low res attys and low res cartos... not sure what you are using...

also, some things like menthol naturally seem to give better TH...

not sure if nic level has anyhting to do with TH...

hope that helps some


ok, trying this again as it seemed to have been moved while i was replying...

i have heard that some places add alcohol to add TH, not sure if that is the case with VR or not...

TH can also be better from low res attys and low res cartos... not sure what you are using...

also, some things like menthol naturally seem to give better TH...

not sure if nic level has anyhting to do with TH...

hope that helps some

Sorry, left some info out. I direct drip using an eGo with reg attys.


has TH been a problem with other juices you have tried as well? if so maybe a low res atty would help? also i know many people add a drop of menthol to everything they vape for TH, you could try that... i hear clove gives awesome TH but messes up attys (so ive heard)


I do beleive that nic level has something to do with th. I have the same liquid flavor and brand in 11mg and in 24mg. The 24 has a killer th and the 11 has very little. I agree that VR juice doesn't have TH. I don't mind that though. Dekang straight pg has a great TH. Too much for me, but you might like it!


I got a much better TH with a 20mg than an 8mg so I do believe the nicotine level does affect it. Also, once I switched over to a manual battery, I also feel like I received a better TH.


I started with 18mg and hardly felt any TH. Going from 18 to 24 made a huge difference to me.


True throat hit is nicotine dependent. It creates a spasmodic muscle reaction in your throat. Gooey glycerin acts as a buffer. All the other various additives just create throat irritation.


Man sounds like you ordered yours about the same time I ordered mine and the only reason I ordered as much as I did the second time around is the first time was pretty good. This time seems to me like someone messed up the batches! I also ordered from the vapor room at the same time there sample pack and its night and day. I will not order from vapor renu again and thats too bad because the flavor is excellent and the prices are great but no throat is a no go for me. Since Im up @#$% creek on this order and dont have much juice that is vapeable I ordered to big bottles from the vapor room and they better come as good as the samples were. But I highly suggest you go there and try there samples very good stuff.


Juice for me is all very different, some has super TH. Some have none. TH. For me, TH is a must. I've noticed some vendors like here at VT have (grimm)reckless TH. And others like diyflavorshack have none unless its natural like in cinna or menthol. I've herd of vendors using pepper and alch. To add TH. And also so sell attidives to add to juice to give it that kick, like a product called monster hit, from vapor nine. The thing about the additives is it changes the flavor of the juice.


Man sounds like you ordered yours about the same time I ordered mine and the only reason I ordered as much as I did the second time around is the first time was pretty good. This time seems to me like someone messed up the batches! I also ordered from the vapor room at the same time there sample pack and its night and day. I will not order from vapor renu again and thats too bad because the flavor is excellent and the prices are great but no throat is a no go for me. Since Im up @#$% creek on this order and dont have much juice that is vapeable I ordered to big bottles from the vapor room and they better come as good as the samples were. But I highly suggest you go there and try there samples very good stuff.

I feel ya. Soon as my order came in and I tried my juice and got no TH, I went back to AV and ordered a couple juices I got with my starter kit that I really liked and worked well for me. Arno is really fast at getting stuff out to the customers so I expect to get it tommorrow or Thursday at the latest. I really did hope VR's juices were gonna work for me because their prices are so great and they have such a huge selection. WHat I plan on doing, is just vape the VR juices when I'm just sitting aropund doing nothing, but when I get that real craving, I will switch over to my AV juice so I can get that satifying TH.

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