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Nic Juice Tasting Off


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Howdy folks!

I have a big problem..... I have now ruined more than 8oz of juice and flavorings. I made up small batches at first and then went ahead and calculated for a 30mg bottle, several times. I made a mod of drilling a hole in a carto and snaking in a small length of small diameter hose into them so that I could simply squeeze the bottle when the carto started to run dry.(a wet box w/o the box) Well, after flooding the atty several times and sometimes came real close to flooding the battery too, I slowed down some, but still made some of that same mod. My problem is that I can use the 30ml bottle for a while and then it begins to taste extremely foul, like burning vegetable oil.. I am using 36mg pg cut with VG and pg based flavors. I did change one thing, I made up a bottle of sweetener using a pinch of stevia powder and vodka (however, no vodka taste, but nice and sweet. I only add 3-5 drops per 30 ml bottle). What's happening? Why am I only able to get maybe 30 puffs before it starts to taste really foul? Any help would be greatly appreciated... and yes I clean my carto's by running boiling water thru them etc. Thanks!

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After a while what is left over that does not vaporise will start to funk up an atty /carto.Time to clen or replace when that happens.I have found with carto's 15 to 20 ml is all I can vape of the liquid I use and it either tastes real bad or the vapor production falls way off.

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After a while what is left over that does not vaporise will start to funk up an atty /carto.Time to clen or replace when that happens.I have found with carto's 15 to 20 ml is all I can vape of the liquid I use and it either tastes real bad or the vapor production falls way off.

I don't even get that far... max of maybe 2 ml and it still makes lotsa vapor but just is an ungodly foul taste. Back to the drawing board then. Thanks!

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I also found when I tried DIY that what tasted good at first tasted like crap after it steeped a while.I gave up and just buy premixed liquid ,I didn't see much savings no more than it costs anyway and I was not looking for another hobby.

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