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My First Attempt


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Ok. So i used 3.5 mls of vg and added

25 drops of caramel

7 drops of amaretto

6 drops rasberry

10 drops marshmallow

This smells awesome! Tastes great on my finger. Doesnt taste like anything when i vape it. I totally flew by the seat of my pants. I am pretty good in the kitchen in general. Is that just not enough flavoring?

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Yes except it has no taste when vaping at all. Tasted it on the tip of my finger and it is yummy!

Edited to add. Oh and the drops were from an 18 gauge syringe. Probably half of a drop from a pipette.

Edited by Erika
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Oh and by steeping, do you mean with the cap off?

I hear that it'll go faster with the cap off, but I usually just let them set over night with the cap on. Either way.

Odd that it has no taste. Can you tell approx. how much flavor % it is? Hard to tell by using drops... can vary so much in size depending on the dropper. What flavorings are you using?

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I have noticed that sometimes you can use so much flavoring that it is overkill...you literally kill the flavor by having too much. It is like when you bake....if you add twice as much rum and vanilla extract it doesn't make a cake MORE vanilla or MORE rum....it just ruins it. Nina, Sharon and I have noticed this with certain flavors and getting double and triple shots....some are fine, others it just kills the flavor. Like that saying....sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. More is NOT always better. Sometimes too much just destroys it....seems weird, but you really can have so much flavor that your taste buds just can't taste it at all and it tastes like nothing. I have had it both ways....flavors that taste GREAT on my lip/tongue but taste like nothing or yuck vaping....then others that don't smell or taste like much but vape them and they are GREAT. Lots of trial and error for sure!!!

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