pipedreamer79 Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 Well, I was wondering how long it was going to be before some ignorant jackass told me "YOU CAN'T SMOKE IN HERE!", and it didn't take long -- I was sitting in Starbucks this morning enjoying a cup of coffee and my new eGo. So there's some grouchy old man sitting at the next table, and he sees me puffing on my eGo and decides to make a spectacle -- "EXCUSE ME, BUT THERE'S NO SMOKING IN HERE! PUT IT OUT!" Of course, I don't take very kindly to people approaching me in such a rude fashion, not to mention the fact that I wasn't smoking anything. So, I tell him, "You're mistaken, this is not a cigarette, it's a personal vaporizer -- this is not smoke, it's vapor." "Well I don't give a rat's ***, I can smell it and you'd better stop it!" (You know, because vapor and smoke smell exactly the same. ) I wasn't going to argue with the guy, it was obvious he cares nothing about facts; so I continued vaping and enjoying my coffee, so he goes up to one of the baristas and decides to make a big spectacle of things, telling the barista that, "This guy is over here smoking and you need to tell him to stop." Upon hearing it, I immediately went up to the counter to show the barista that it indeed was not a cigarette, and was only vapor. The barista obviously wanted no parts of getting in the middle of this, and ignored the man's requests, and walked off to clean up behind the counter. The old man, apparently annoyed by the barista not scolding me, got all huffy and decided to leave, which is fine by me... It's not my intent to go around trying to piss people off with this thing, but I'm also not going to tuck my tail, run, and cower to some ignorant fool who clearly doesn't know what he's talking about, nor has any inclination to educate himself. So, my point for starting this thread -- how do the rest of you deal with these ignorant folks who inevitably will try to rain on your parade? GPurv 1
mcquinn Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 (edited) I play to my audience.I don't just blow vapor around and expect those kind of people to accept it as ok.They are narrow minded and usually not very happy people who are looking for happy people so they can piss on our parades.Coffe is a good tool for stealth vaping.You can toke up a good lung full and then get your cup like you are fixin to take a drink and exhale over the steaming cup of coffee. Edited February 26, 2011 by mcquinn masurao 1
Brian Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 Same as Mcquinn. I don't make a scene if I vape in public. There's always going to be ONE wipe, and ONE is all it takes. Hold your breath a few seconds and exhale slowly. Hardly any vapor will come out. I vaped on four planes this week without being noticed. I don't want to draw attention to myself.
pipedreamer79 Posted February 26, 2011 Author Posted February 26, 2011 Thing is, I don't view just quietly sitting in a corner and vaping as "making a scene" -- it was the old grouchy a-hole that made the scene. Nothing I was doing was interfering with anyone's quiet enjoyment of the Starbucks. Apparently the Starbucks people didn't have a problem with me doing it, because I showed them my eGo and they didn't say, "I'm sorry, but you can't use that in here"... It was more like a, "Screw this, I don't want to get involved with this disagreement." On one hand, I see shamelessly vaping as exercising my rights -- I'm not harming a single soul by vaping, and they just need to educate themselves and deal. On the other hand, it'd be simpler if I just relegated myself to where smokers go to smoke, but I view that as laying down and rolling over to the uneducated grouches that want to try and make mountains out of molehills, so I'm torn as to what approach to take. GPurv 1
Tagsanstuff Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 I have not gotten the courage to go into a coffee house and vape on my eGo. maybe one day i will. All I know is I do not take very well to people telling me what i cant do when you are not doing anything wrong.I have bad nerves and I probably would of had a Panic attack cause of the nerves. I would of started trembling and my eye would get big, and he would of gotten scared and walked out =) It is not smoke! yes, it may look like it to people, but it is not! He was just jealous because he did not have one himself or maybe could not afford one. He sounded like he was looking for a argument and lost in the end...
Brian Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 Well, I have no doubt that as vaping becomes mainstream it will be banned indoors just like smoking. Unless there are some quality studies to show that no nic is being exhaled and that it's perfectly safe, it will be just like smoking. I'd much rather vape discretely and be left alone than to have someone cause a scene and be told I can't vape. You may want to talk to the Starbucks manager and get permission to vape. Then next time anyone says anything all you have to do is say "I'm not smoking and I have permission from the manager to use this". egoluvr 1
pipedreamer79 Posted February 26, 2011 Author Posted February 26, 2011 Yeah, that's a big thing for me, too... I don't appreciate being told what I can or cannot do, especially by someone that isn't in a position of authority to do so. It's even worse when someone is complaining behind a false premise. On one hand, it's a teaching opportunity -- I feel like as a vaper, I should be spreading the word about such a wonderful thing, and maybe I can convert other smokers to a healthier alternative. On the other hand, I don't want to come across as "that guy" who seems as if he's just trying to be intentionally confrontational, and giving vapers a bad name, either. So, I'm torn as to what approach to take. Hell, one of the reasons I switched to vaping is the fact that you can vape in many places that you can't smoke. It's not my intention to give up on one of the reasons I switched, just to keep from ruffling the feathers of the uneducated that want to cause problems. GPurv 1
pipedreamer79 Posted February 26, 2011 Author Posted February 26, 2011 Well, I have no doubt that as vaping becomes mainstream it will be banned indoors just like smoking. Unless there are some quality studies to show that no nic is being exhaled and that it's perfectly safe, it will be just like smoking. I'd much rather vape discretely and be left alone than to have someone cause a scene and be told I can't vape. You may want to talk to the Starbucks manager and get permission to vape. Then next time anyone says anything all you have to do is say "I'm not smoking and I have permission from the manager to use this". I disagree with your premise that it will be viewed "just like smoking" -- it's not just like smoking, it's nowhere close. The only 2 similarities are that nicotine is involved, and that the vapor cloud looks similar to smoke. Considering the guy went up and complained to the barista, and the barista did nothing, I view that as an implicit endorsement to vape freely. I guess for the future, I can discuss with the manager what my eGo is and establish exactly what I'm doing -- that way, I don't have to worry about having to defend myself.
Brian Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 I disagree with your premise that it will be viewed "just like smoking" -- it's not just like smoking, it's nowhere close. The only 2 similarities are that nicotine is involved, and that the vapor cloud looks similar to smoke. You have more faith than I do, but I sure hope you're right. egoluvr 1
pipedreamer79 Posted February 26, 2011 Author Posted February 26, 2011 I think all of that will come down to what vaping is ultimately defined as by the federal government once all of the smoke clears (maybe not the best choice of words here but oh well) from all of the court battles/appeals... People who get nicotine inhalers from the doctor don't have to go outside to use it -- the way I see it, the only difference between their nicotine inhaler and my vapor cloud is that my cloud is visible. I'm certain that nicotine is exhaled from a person using a nicotine inhaler... However, it wouldn't surprise me to see vaping banned indoors. After all, this is the same country where alcohol (which kills more people globally than AIDS or violence) is legal, yet smoking a joint gets you in trouble with the law. I do fear the power/influence of BigPharm and Big Tobacco more than anything, in regards to vaping. egoluvr, Brian and BirdDog 1 2
Brian Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 I think all of that will come down to what vaping is ultimately defined as by the federal government once all of the smoke clears (maybe not the best choice of words here but oh well) from all of the court battles/appeals... People who get nicotine inhalers from the doctor don't have to go outside to use it -- the way I see it, the only difference between their nicotine inhaler and my vapor cloud is that my cloud is visible. I'm certain that nicotine is exhaled from a person using a nicotine inhaler... However, it wouldn't surprise me to see vaping banned indoors. After all, this is the same country where alcohol (which kills more people globally than AIDS or violence) is legal, yet smoking a joint gets you in trouble with the law. I do fear the power/influence of BigPharm and Big Tobacco more than anything, in regards to vaping. Well said. +1 TroopX and GPurv 2
Uma Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 As much as I would want to tear that guy in two, I admit I would have stopped because it was making him uncomfortable which would delute my comfort level. Some people are just naturally rude and loud, and some are nice folk who are about to crack. I would have self-preserved by labeling the old man as one who is about to crack due to the recent loss of someone close to him via cancer. It's not my place to judge others, but I can certainly label them and box them in a way that helps me to momentarily cope. On the other hand, next time try finding an ashtray and go through the motions of trying to put it out.... egoluvr 1
Brian Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 On the other hand, next time try finding an ashtray and go through the motions of trying to put it out.... ROFLMAO!!!
zbasspro Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 I tell people when they ask that it is a vaporizer and not a cig. I explain to them it's a battery and a heating element. I also tell them I have been vaping over a year and no longer use nicotine, I just like the hand to mouth experience that resembles smoking which are both true. I'll blow them a cloud if they how any interest and once they see how quickly it dissipates they usually either comment on the nice aroma or if they are a smoker or know of one that they would like to see quit ask questions on what to buy and how to get started which I always take he time to explain in detail. I didn't read all the responses but did see the one about the one jerk everyone will run into. The best thing in the case IMO is to apologize and don't do it around them. No sense in arguing with someone close minded and uninformed, never seem to get anywhere that way. Again JMO, boB
Christopher Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 I hate people like that. Luckily for me I have one grump a** "I'm not in the mood" looking face. All the time. When I do vape indoors (which I try not to) I can tell they want to say something but the look on my face is enough for them to put their head back down where it belongs. GPurv, Vacker1229 and Amaranth 3
Tagsanstuff Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 I hate people like that. Luckily for me I have one grump a** "I'm not in the mood" looking face. All the time. When I do vape indoors (which I try not to) I can tell they want to say something but the look on my face is enough for them to put their head back down where it belongs. just like me...people say ,I have evil eyes
mastiffmom Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 I explain to my server first and ask permission I have never been told no. Last night we met my co-workers at a pub I've vaped in before, no problem until my managers hubby, a cop, saw my vapor and said you are not smoking again and inside are you. I started laughing and then he could smell it, White Zin. He laughed, and my hubby says Cuff her, take to jail. We all had a good laugh but there were also 4 vapers in our group, I am the only one who is unafraid to do it in public. If asked not to I would comply. I got my hair cut the other day and sat happily vaping inside while the owner had to go outside to smoke. When he came back in all his stylists insisted he get an ecig, he asked for a card which I gladly gave him. While not really illegal my approach is if it makes others uncomfortable I don't do it. Respect goes both ways and I don't want to give us a bad name by upsetting people.
juliery Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 First let me say I have never had that happen.....BUT I do not blow vapor in public. There is no reason to exhale, so I don't. I just swallow the vapor and no one has said a thing. I vape in Starbucks and anywhere else I am and so far only a few people have noticed, and it has all been positive responses. It was never my intent to get around no smoking laws and I see no reason to antagonize people.....BUT I also see no reason why I can't vape, since I am NOT smoking. We had to exhale smoke because you can't just keep it all inside you, but not the same with vapor, so I either just don't exhale it since I don't need to, especially not on a 3.7 volt device like an ego that doesn't produce all that much vapor to start with. But regardless, I either don't exhale or I exhale down, like into my chest or toward the floor. I haven't had any kind of problem at all in the year I have been vaping. egoluvr and Brian 1 1
juliery Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 Oh, and I should mention, when my husband is vaping his cherry cola I CAN smell it and while it is not smoke, I don't particularly care to smell it.....same with some other strong flavors, and vice versa....he can smell some of mine as well, and while it may not be smoke, someone may not want to smell it. BUT I don't want to smell perfume...it makes me sick to the point of vomiting. I can't use any scented soaps or perfumes at all.....but yet I am forced to breathe all the junk people spray and spread on their bodies. But like perfume, what is a pleasant or non offensive odor to some people can be totally offensive to another. Anyway, I have a feeling that eventually it will be banned in public places too. In all likelihood SOMETHING is being exhaled....might be in SUPER minute, barely detectable levels, BUT I am SURE there is SOMEONE who would say they are allergic or bothered by something in it, and since it will be viewed as unnecessary and still feeding an addiction they will ban it. Since it can be used discreetly I choose to use it that way....NOT to accommodate idiots and grouchy people but to avoid a situation where it WILL be banned and not permitted at all. Since I can just not exhale or exhale in a way that is not readily visible to others, that is what I do.....to PROTECT my right to do it at all. I just find it funny the things that ARE permitted to be used in public places that many people are allergic to and/or bothered by....like cleaning chemicals, perfumes, air fresheners and numerous other things. egoluvr and Brian 1 1
flowersbl Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 I tried for the first time the other day while walking into the Liquor store I vaped just about the whole time I was in there and even at the counter just to really see if someone was going to say anything and to my surprise nothing was said. Im sure I can not get away with this everywhere but it was very cool to do this in an establishment and not have anything said to me. egoluvr and GPurv 2
egoluvr Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 I am discreet about vaping in public but I do it. Many places don't have a policy about it right now but if all of a sudden tomorrow all the smokers were using e-cigs I just know they'd institute one. Why I dont know but I like others enjoy that I can "get away" with vaping indoors and don't want to see it ruined. I vape in my cubicle at work all day long and no one even notices. my back is turned and I just exhale down at my chest and no one sees a thing i'm happy and they are happy I prefer to keep it that way IMO. egoluvr 1
Erika Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 I, like many others have said, will not vape if it is going to be obvious and smoking is not allowed. I personally don't want to deal with other people freaking out or trying to explain it to others. I might try it in a dark theatre though:).
Jolly Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 it's our job to educate people about these devices, while i can understand your annoyance with the old bastard, that's not really the way to go about it. i would have just explained it like a humidifier or breathing treatment. his old rinkely butt should be able to picture that in his mind. then say this is just a on the go version with flavoring in it. once he is like "huh, what will they think of next". at this point he may ask why i need it and i would say, well my health was crap with smoking, now that i use this i can still use it for the nicotine if i wish or with out, most of my issue with not smoking was the hand to mouth action of it all. he doesn't need to know if their is nic or not in the device. till we beat all this bs about our government wanting to ban ecigs we need to *** kiss all these people that know nothing about them. Uma and egoluvr 2
Jeffb Posted February 27, 2011 Posted February 27, 2011 I believe it is our responsibility as a vaping community to educate others. I do not believe we can expect that non-vapors are going to research e-cigs. Yes they may be ignorant and uninformed about vaping, just as many of us are ignorant on topics that dont interest or affect us. It is true that vaping and smoking are different, but perception is some peoples reality. To most people vaping = smoking. As a vaping community we dont have millions of dollars for an all out PR campaign on the benefits of vaping and how it differs from smoking, but we can make a difference one person at a time. Jeffb, egoluvr, nana and 2 others 5
Elayna Posted February 28, 2011 Posted February 28, 2011 I am also one that doesn't take kindly to people that DEMAND I stop what I am doing, no matter what it is, as long as I am not actually harming someone (unless I have their permission ) I have vaped in my Dr's offices, various clinics and dining establishments, sometimes stealthily, usually openly. I have gotten some funny looks, but no one so far has said a word. One couple recognized it as an e cig, and I educated some cab drivers, them I usually ask if I may use it, and haven't gotten a no yet. So... If it's not illegal in your State I would say go for it... the states that have banned it, use your own discretion. Keep on vaping on. egoluvr 1
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