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I just had this emailed to me, looks like they are working on an ecig ban out here in California, home of Vapor Talk....


BILL NUMBER: SJR 8 AMENDED BILL TEXT AMENDED IN SENATE JUNE 25, 2009 INTRODUCED BY Senator Corbett MAY 19, 2009 Relative to electronic cigarettes. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SJR 8, as amended, Corbett. Electronic cigarettes. This measure would request that the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibit all sales of electronic cigarettes until they have been found by FDA to be safe the FDA has found them to be safe . Fiscal committee: no.

WHEREAS, The chemical nicotine is classified as a drug due to its stimulative, sedative, and addictive qualities; and

WHEREAS, More that than 90 percent of smokers who seek to quit their addiction to nicotine fail, most relapsing within one week; and

WHEREAS, Extended exposure to nicotine results in tolerance, requiring escalating doses of the drug to receive the desired stimulation; and

WHEREAS, Withdrawal symptoms from nicotine include cognitive and attention defects, cravings, inability to sleep, and sleep disturbance; and

WHEREAS, An unregulated product called electronic cigarettes is currently being marketed as a smokeless alternative to traditional cigarettes; and

WHEREAS, Electronic cigarettes are rechargeable, battery operated drug delivery devices that look similar to cigarettes and allow the user to inhale a smokeless vapor often containing nicotine; and

WHEREAS, Electronic cigarette producers market their product to children by utilizing shopping mall kiosks and locations frequented by children; and

WHEREAS, These marketing efforts are similar to previous attempts to entice children to use nicotine products. Previous campaigns have included products such as cigarette candy and advertisements with cartoon characters and flashy packaging; and

WHEREAS, Studies show a correlation between children who used cigarette candy and adults who are current or former smokers; and

WHEREAS, The federal Food and Drug Administration has previously banned nicotine lollipops and nicotine lip balm; and

WHEREAS, A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that teens were more likely to be influenced to smoke by cigarette marketing than by peer pressure. Similarly, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that as much as one-third of underage experimentation with smoking was attributable to tobacco company marketing efforts; and

WHEREAS, Electronic cigarettes may increase the number of young smokers; and

WHEREAS, According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 3,600 people under the age of 18 18 years of age begin smoking daily, 1,100 of whom will become regular smokers. One-third of these young smokers will die of smoking-related illnesses; and

WHEREAS, It is in the best interest of California to protect children from these products; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of the State of California, jointly, That the Legislature calls upon local, state, and federal governments to find ways to prevent the use of nicotine products by children; and be it further

Resolved, That the Legislature requests that the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has jurisdiction over the regulation of nicotine products, prohibit all sales of electronic cigarettes until they have been found by that FDA to be safe the FDA has found them to be safe ; and be it further

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the President and Vice President of the United States, to the President pro Tempore of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to each Senator and Representative from California in the Congress of the United States, to the Commissioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration, and to the author for appropriate distribution.

Please take a moment to email the California Senators!



There are the senators that voted NO

Aanestad Ashburn Cogdill Cox

Denham Dutton Harman Hollingsworth

Huff Runner Strickland Walters


These are the senators who voted yes

Alquist Calderon Cedillo Corbett

Correa DeSaulnier Hancock Kehoe

Leno Liu Lowenthal Maldonado

Negrete McLeod Pavley Price Romero

Simitian Steinberg Wiggins Wolk

Wright Yee


After reading the bill it looks like this isn't ban in California but rather than California is asking the FDA to place an ultimate ban throughout the country.


After reading the bill it looks like this isn't ban in California but rather than California is asking the FDA to place an ultimate ban throughout the country.

Yep, it's basically just a request. As far as the FDA is concerned, this isn't worth the paper it was written on. It would have the same effect on FDA policy as a California bill asking that e-cigs remain free and legal. The FDA will do what it wants to do either way, but they could of course use the passage of such a resolution to bolster their PR when/if they announce a total ban.


Good point. I almost get the feeling this is a "we told you so bill" In order words if for some reason Ecigs are miraculously bad for you, they can say..."I told ya so" A feel good bill if you will. I really hope this is of couse, the case.

Posted (edited)

  • WHEREAS, Use of this term should constitute a immediate kick to the abdominal area as it is antiquated, serves no purpose, and should be removed in order to make legal documents easier to understand and less confusing to "normal" folk (seriously, replace every WHEREAS with a bullet and you have the same effect in a much cleaner document)
  • "Electronic cigarette producers market their product to children by utilizing shopping mall kiosks and locations frequented by children" - Here's an idea, stop the selling of these products at Mall kiosks. Oh, and another idea, take a look at the prices these kiosks are charging for theuntis before you start saying kids will buy from the kiosks. Suzy would much rather spend that money on a new outfit and Sluggo would much rather get that new PS3/XBox/PC game
  • If you're REALLY concerned about the welfare of children and people as a whole (right) then how about you petition the FDA to request that the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibit all sales of cigarettes until they have been found by FDA to be safe the FDA has found them to be safe." - anyone else notice the redundancy in this sentence?

Edited by KarateLobster

KarateLobster for senator anyone?


"The Esteemed Senator KarateLobster from the state of Virginia has the floor." Would sound AWESOME on CSPAN!

But seriously, I want to keep my soul.

Posted (edited)

But seriously, I want to keep my soul.

:lol: Nice!

Seriously though, If they ban e ciggs they need to ban analogs as well.

Has there even been anything found that makes e ciggs harmful?

I know there was a bit of media hype over the ingredient, propylene glycol, which is a common food and drug additive that's even used in PIPE TOBACCO.

If they were to ban it it would be because of the propylene glycol, right? So they need to stop using that in everything else as well then.

Edited by reptilian

just read this on wikipedia:

Health issues

Some companies have marketed electronic cigarettes as a healthier alternative to tobacco smoking, and make claims that most of the harmful material produced by the combustion of tobacco in traditional cigarettes is not present in the atomized liquid of electronic cigarettes. Other suppliers have marketed electronic cigarettes as a way to curtail an addiction to nicotine.[4]

In May 2009, the US FDA's Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis tested the contents of cartridges by two vendors. Diethylene glycol and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) were detected in some of the cartridges tested. Further concerns were raised over inconsistent amounts of nicotine delivered when drawing on the device.[5] In July 2009, the FDA issued a press release discouraging the use of electronic cigarettes and repeating previously stated concerns that electronic cigarettes are marketed to young people and lack appropriate health warnings.[6]

Critics argue that the FDA's warning will mislead the public by de-emphasizing the low quantities at which the toxicants and carcinogens were detected. The FDA's study was reviewed in July 2009 by scientific consulting firm Exponent, Inc., in a report commissioned by the manufacturer of one of the electronic cigarettes tested by the FDA. Among other things, Exponent's report criticized the FDA study for poor standards of documentation and analysis, as well as a failure to perform relevant comparisons to FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy products, concluding that the FDA's claims of potential adverse health effects were not supported by the study.[7]

The presence of trace amounts of TSNA in electronic cigarette vapor was previously documented in an analysis done by Health New Zealand in October 2008. The study concluded that carcinogens and toxicants are present only below harmful levels and overall the product tested was deemed a "safe alternative to smoking."[8]

In September 2008, the World Health Organization issued a release proclaiming that it does not consider the electronic cigarette to be a legitimate smoking cessation aid, stating that to its knowledge, "no rigorous, peer-reviewed studies have been conducted showing that the electronic cigarette is a safe and effective nicotine replacement therapy."[9] Studies have shown that when smokers use vaporized nicotine for either supplemental or smoking cessation reasons, the vaporized nicotine produces similarly addictive and psychological effects as cigarettes. [10] However, a report published by the US National Institutes of Health found that participants of the studies who used the inhaler alone did not meet ICD-10 or DSM-IV criteria for dependence on the substance (dependence symptoms in subjects who used the inhaler concurrently with real cigarettes are believed to be caused by dependence from the real cigarettes). [11]

On March 27, 2009, Health Canada issued an advisory against electronic cigarettes. The advisory stated "Although these electronic smoking products may be marketed as a safer alternative to conventional tobacco products and, in some cases, as an aid to quitting smoking, electronic smoking products may pose risks such as nicotine poisoning and addiction."[12]

So as far as I'm concerned, the FDA just need to regulate the ingredients of the liquid solutions for those whom do not look into what they are getting. I would imagine everyone here in these forums buys their liquids from reputable sellers and knows what they are vaping.


I think one thing that the FDA has shown to be true is a quality control issue. Finding nicotine in a suposedly 0 mg nicotine juice/cart is not good. They also found very different strengths of nicotine (I believe one was 42mg). So I do think there is an issue that needs to be looked at. But as far as how the FDA is acting right now towards E-Cigs tends to be in a total bias that looks negatively on it.

On the other note, I've been vaping at work on the fligh line for about....3 weeks now with no cravings of an analog whatsoever. I even blew the vape right into my Capt's face (and yes he freaked out at first but once I told him what I was doing he was pretty cool with it). Next goal is to get all the guys there switching over.

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