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Hello. My name is Aimee and I am a chain vaper.

I had to switch from an aluminum drip tip to a plastic one so I wouldn't burn my lips.

Sometimes I just can't get my fill of vaping. Sometimes I just don't want to wait for the battery and atty to cool down.

One option I just thought of would be to have two going at the same time, so while one cools, I can vape the other. But this makes it look like I have a problem. And I don't. :shiftyninja:

I like to keep the cone on as I've found, for me, it helps me control any leaking with an atty, so that option is out.

You all are a crafty bunch, so I though some of you might have thoughts, ideas, and various options to try. Tomorrow, thanks to Chris, I'm going to be putting a quarter on the bottom of my eGo to make it stand up better. So, see, I know you all are crafty. Bring it on... let's get the chain vapers into using more liquid!!!


I will be curious to hear answers to this one. I only chain vape in the morning and at night. I have been just making myself wait a few minutes when it gets hot. I really only have this happen with atties, not cartos.


Hahahahahahaha. I saw Chris' suggestion about the quarter yesterday and laughed. Now THERE would be a conversation starter.

I guess I have just held on to mine for a few when it started getting too hot also but if that weren't the case, kid, I'd have two going and not care what it "looked like". We're vapers, after all. That makes us, by definition, a bubble shy of plumb to begin with. :dribble:


LOL! when mine gets too hot, I just throw a new Carto on and start over. 1 in each hand would work, but I just don't want to hear the cracks from Hubby. Where is this quarter post? I must see it.


Umm, I have two going at once. I didn't know it made me look like I had a problem. Shucks!!!!

Maybe for you, it doesn't make you look like you have a problem because you are much more rad than I am. So, you go, girl, double fisted vaping! :punk:

Posted (edited)

Aimee...I chain vape as well.....mainly because 1. I like it. and 2. I can do it all day long in my office and nobody cares. However, I ran into this problem not too long ago also. When I got my VapeMate, I also orded a Stainless Steel driptip. Between the VM, and the SS driptip, I don't have any overheating problems with the DT. Aluminium transfers heat very well, hence your problem. I guess I have had the VM for about a week and a half or so, and I have not "dismounted" it from my Ego. I really like the convienence of the VM, and don't see myself ever not using it. It solved two problems for me.....no dripping and driving, and no overheated DT :thumbsup: OH yeah...I constantly use my passthrough cuz I use LR attys, and that combo is very nice.

Edited by AARONH

Those SS DT's are awesome. It's still my fave out of all the types I've bought since over the last 8 months.

As long as you're willing to wear an over shirt or sweater, nobody will notice the eGo with carto in it's lanyard dangling above the OG juice box with it's Cisco 306 ... except when you're using them of course, which of course, is all the time... but in THEORY ....


Maybe for you, it doesn't make you look like you have a problem because you are much more rad than I am. So, you go, girl, double fisted vaping! :punk:

Rad? No, not me. But perhaps I should clarify a bit. I hadn't thought of double fisted vaping (although now that you mention it...LOL). What I do is vape on one for awhile, put it down, pick up the second one, vape on it for awhile, put it down, etc. I just meant that I had two available at the same time.

Excuse me...I have to go try double fisted vaping now. LOL :2guns:


Remember that video of "double the vapor" where the guy posted he got double vapor and was using two 510 or eGos? That's NOT what I was picturing, fyi. But, I see your point, have one to use, put it down, use the other, put it down. Got it. :unworthy:


See what I do is this: I prepare 6 eGo's everymorning with my juice , then I line them up, I take 3 draws off of one, then move on to the next and repeat through this cycle repeatedly all day long until it's time for bed. I'm having a mechanical arm installed that will hold all of these for me reach over to my mouth from the sofa and I won't even have to hold them. Should be ready today. lol Okay I totally made that all up but it sounds like fun right? :thumbup:


K here's what ya do.... You vape that thing till its sizzling red, right.... Then you get the hubby and say..... Here hold this!!! Hahahahaahahaha. Ok don't do that! I think the 2 units is probably a better idea. Unless you like sleeping alone.. Then in that case take my advice. :)


K here's what ya do.... You vape that thing till its sizzling red, right.... Then you get the hubby and say..... Here hold this!!! Hahahahaahahaha. Ok don't do that! I think the 2 units is probably a better idea. Unless you like sleeping alone.. Then in that case take my advice. :)

lol DJ I think I like that idea even better.

I don't know it seems no one liked your funnies :unsure:


You both cracked me up. Thanks. I feel like less of a loser now. :)

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