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Could someone please explain the difference between the 2? And perhaps let me know where I can purchase? My favourite store sells the Ego T, but I am not sure if I should get that or the Map......

Many thanks,

Julie. :)


From what I've read, it does sound good. Before I buy one though, I'd really like to know all about the map.

No idea what the difference is.......


The map tank is from cloudsofvapor.com. They are hand made so not always in stock. I ordered one and it has yet to arrive. I think it is lost in the mail. The ego tank has a little tank that you fill and pierce and it does the direct dripping for you. My understanding is that the little plastic tanks are reusable to some extent. The map tank is a different animal all together. It is a circular tube with a cut ce2 from a cartomizer inserted into it. The tank holds 5 mls where the ego t holds 1.2 if i remember correctly. The part that has to be replace on the map tank is the ce2. I was told they last 1-2 months. They are about $5 each precut or $11 for 5 that you would have to cut yourself.

There are some great youtube videos on both of these and i would reccomend checking those out before making a decision.

Hope this helps and happy vaping!


Thanks so much for the help Erika. Sorry to hear that yours seem to be lost... I hope it arrives soon!

Think I might just start off with the tank. I do love my egos, but am keen to try something else. You know how it is.... new toys to play with and all that..... :jump:


My mother in law got hers in 2 days so i don't think this usually happens. I have been stalking the mailman and even shoveled the sidewalk extra nice for him today but no luck. Hope you love your tank!


Yep. Still snowing. I am hoping this was the last big storm and we will see some sunshine soon. I am tired of winter.

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