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so I was just vaping and got a super nasty taste in my mouth but it was from liquid that had stored up in this reservoir type thing at the top of the mouth piece on my 510. What purpose does this thing serve?


using a standard 510 cart or cartomizer. with the standard carts--sometimes the plastic will melt when the atty gets too hot. I have since given up and only use drip tips, but the plastic burning was a pain. I know there was a certain way to line them up to help prevent burning--but no matter how I lined it up, it would occasionally melt.

The reservoir you are seeing is it in the part that goes at the atty end or is the mouth piece end??

Posted (edited)

There is a chamber between the cup the filler is in and the mouthpeice hole.This is where the vapor goes so you can inhale it.The vapor will condense in there and that is what you got.When you are topping off your cart just blow though the mouthpeice and hold the cart so the slot/slots depending on which carts you use are in a kleenex or paper towel to catch the condensation.This is one of the joys of vaping we all learn the hard way.You will get condensation with drip tips but it will just run back down into the atty.It also a lot of what people call leaky atties cause it will seep out when you rig is laying on the table.Melting is usually not a problem at 3.7 volts.

Edited by mcquinn

it is at the part i put into my mouth piece. looks like a drip tip is going to be included in my next order.


I have the same problem but only one of my atties melts the mouth piece. I finally figured out it was because one of the vent holes at the bottom was plugged and it was over heating. I opened mine up with a sewing needle. Hope this helps yours too!

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