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I tried to quit "analogs" the first of the year to no avail. Worked for about 3 weeks and first night having more than 3 beers and bam, analog in hand. This was my 7th unsuccessful attempt. Hence the 7XLoser username. I don't smoke much, if at all during the week. Maybe 1-2 a day. If I start drinking its more and some nights lead to a pack. I usually smoke Marlboro Ultra Lights/Silver Box. After much review I've settled on the Joye eGo starter kit but its SOLD OUT. I found one on another site but they have an eGo and eGo-T that is supposed to revolutionize the battery life of e-cigs. For someone who finds his cell phone dead more often than not I should probably go with the longer battery life. I'm also in belief that 16mg will suit me just fine and I won't need the 24mg. Am I right in all my assumptions? Where can I find the eGo-T?

One other thing, the eGo has an above average throat hit when comparing other e-cigs, right? I find that is what I miss the most when I don't smoke. I tried gum, candy, mints, nicorette and tooth picks. Nothing works. I'm more than ready to give this a go. Any helpful information you can provide is appreciated.

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Volcanoe-cig.com sells a rebranded ego-T , but the "T" part has nothing to do with battery life, it just means it's the "tank" system, which holds 1.2ml of juice. The kits they sell do include the 1000mah battery, which should be good for around 12 hours of good vaping.

I'm not sure which MG of nic juice would be good for you- but give it a go at 16-18mg and see how you do. It will likely suffice.

I'm a big advocate for the LR (low resistance) atty's- you might want to find an atty in LR for that TH you like.

Edited by TroopX
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Welcome to VT, 7xloser! The eGo is a great pv, known for it's battery life between charges, great flavor, and nice vapor. Adding a LR (low resistance) atomizer to it, as suggested, provides extra vapor and throat hit when needed. (be sure to read instructions on how to use them, they are a different baby from the standard... start out wetter, keep them wet). You'll use more eliquid, but they're worth it. (I only use mine on a juice box type mod).

You don't smoke very often, but when you do smoke you want satisfaction. The eGo will deliver.

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Welcome to VT. Like TroopX said the T is just for that particular system. I was a heavy smoker and the eGo deffinately does the trick for me. A lot of the TH your talking about is not just from the battery but also from the juice and the mouth piece you use..such as cartos, attys,tanks etc. The 1000 mah will do the trick. I'm using the 650 and I'm changing batts every 4 hours or so, but I vape constantly.

Vaping is nothing like the gum or patches... It's so much better, but it's not the same as smoking either. It takes a bit to adjust to. 16-18 mg will probably be more than fine for you, but you just might want to pick up 1 bottle of 24 mg. You know in case of ER break glass, or when your drinking.

If you look on the VT home page, there is a list of vendors at the bottom, They are all rated well and I believe most have eGos in stock. Make sure you use a coupon code for discounts.

Good luck! :animier:

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Good to see you here on the forum 7xloser. I was the same with the patches, gum, mints, never Chantix though. I smoked a pack, maybe a little over a pack of Virginia Slims and I have smoked for 48 years. I quit when I first got an e-cig. At first it was rough because I didn't have the right equipment and juice. I found this forum and found out what I needed, an eGo with a low res atty. I've been at this for over 4 months and sometimes I still think I want a cigarette but I go vape and that feeling leaves as suddenly as it came on. Good luck to you.

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Welcome to Vapor Talk. The eGo is a great idea and I'm sure you'll do just fine with it. I'm not sure about the tank for you though. For as little as you smoke, I think it might be too much for you. The eGo with a LR atty would be just the thing, I think. And you might want to consider a drip tip, too. Being able to drip directly through the hole in the tip is a whole lot better than messing around with the filler the carts come with. But no matter which unit and any extras you decide to get, you'll probably have a lot of questions once you get it. Be sure and ask any questions...you'll get plenty of answers. Also, you might want to check out some of the videos on this site. There are a lot of helpful ones here.

Best of luck to you in your new adventure.

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Welcome to the forum. I have a feeling you'll have to change your username very soon if you've decided on the Ego. I also recommend the LR attys. Great vapor production and great throat hit. I also have a drip tip that I use regular when I don't want to mess with taking off the mouthpiece. I haven't messed with the tank but I've heard mixed reviews. Some people love them and some people report nothing but problems with them. In any event, glad you're here and best of luck!

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Ah my friend, most of us have tried and tried AGAIN with quitting before we got onto vaping. I tried Chantix TWICE, which has to be some kind of record for stupidity. :rolleyes2: I can honestly tell you that quitting smoking with vapins has been THE most painless thing I have ever done.

If only dieting were this easy! :offtopic:

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You will be changing your user name real soon. Check out the Viva on the Liberty Flights web site. It's the same as the eGo 650 mah, but a lot less. Click on the 20% discount button on the top left hand side of the home site. Now that you have found this forum, your ecig will be your best friend and the analogs will be going down the toilet. :thumbsup:

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