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Thanks for the post.

My paranoid mind is wondering...if the tobacco companies have to pay the 280 billion what would really be done cash? Will the anti smoking lobbyists lump vaping in with smoking and try to shut down this industry? Might be farfetched but a thought non the less.

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<--- increased a PAD after switching to "lights".

Yet, I feel for equal fairness sake, that the FDA and their backers should also be forced to tell the truth about their involvement in keeping safer alternatives away from smokers for over 30 yers.

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personally i think we already know all of this now, i personally was one of the morons that once bought Merritt Cigarettes because i too believed they were lower in tar and nicotine, yep i was duped.... oh well, not the first time and wont be the last... i also used to believe that Campbell soup was good for you, advertising is amazing isnt it?

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I knew in the sixties and seventies that smoking was harmful. But I chose to smoke anyway. I was and am responsible for my choices. Then I heard about and recently discovered electronic cigarettes, and mistakenly thought they would be universally accepted. My mistake. The social liberals fooled me again. If we are not vigilant, electronic cigarettes and regular cigarettes will be banned. Then they will begin taxing the foods they don't want us to eat to recoup the loss of tax revenue.

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Yep, and that "sin tax" is being discussed in the whitehouse hallways as we type.

Also, is it Italy?, I think Italy is facing severe stupid taxes (including weight tax!!) to which they are not so politely protesting as we type. As if fighting your genes, and giving birth aren't taxing enough. sheesh.

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