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Bad Bad Day


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Boiled 4 of my 5 cartos last night and now they don't work or barely work. Both of my atties taste totally burnt. What am i doing wrong? UGH!! :veryangry:

aww sorry your having such a tough time of it today Erika. The only thing that I can think of is to try priming them by putting a little juice right on the bridge of the atties, since you boiled them your going to have to get a little juice going through them to get them tasting right again. But i'm far from an expert so hopefully someone else can throw their hat in the ring and perhaps be of more help :)

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So do you not clean the cartos at all? Just blow them out till they stop working and pitch them? I swear i read somewhere about tuning that little lip on the bottom with a screwdriver but i can't find that post now. At this point they are useless so i wouldn't feel bad about messing with them and possibly breaking them in the process. I am sooo sooo cheap. Lol

Oh i did finally get one atty goin. It took a lot of juice but it works:)

Edited by Erika
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I pitch them when they start to taste bad, burnt or just quit working. I may blow out my atomizers but I don't even bother with the cartomizers. The cartomizers are so cheap it is easier to just toss them. I also remember a post about turning something on them, but I don't think it has to do with cleaning. It might have to do something with getting a DOA carto working. I have no clue where that post would be. Sorry. Glad you got one working.

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I usually let mine sit in a glass of boiling water for a while, rather than actually boiling them. Then I rinse, blow both ends and turn upside down to dry overnight on paper towel.

I recently found some high on a shelf behind some other stuff that I had forgotten about. They were in a bowl of water which had obviously evaporated and the bowl had a gross brown ring left around it. I thought for sure the atties would have been no good, but I cleaned them and they are working just like new.

Sorry about your dramas..... sounds like you are having a cr@ppy vaping day, as I did yesterday. happens every now and then I've found. -_-

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