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Nothing Short Of A Mystery!

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I've been happily vaping away all morning then around lunch time I noticed that horrid burnt taste. Did the usual and checked if cart was empty. Nope. Checked it atty was cruddy. Nope. replaced it with a fresh one just to be sure. (510 LR) No change. Replaced the blue foam. No change. Tried a different juice. STILL burnt and gross. Only thing left to change was the battery, knowing full well it could not have been the cause of the problem. STIIL no change. Grabbed a standard 510 atty. Hooray! No burnt taste. Much prefer my LR atties, so put another fresh one of those in and you guessed it... burnt taste again.

I've tried about 5 LR atties, 3 fresh fillers and 5 different juices, all varying ages, but none are off.

I am stumped!

Anyone else had this problem?

It's really got me buggered..... :iiam:

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Try direct dripping with the LR attys. Carts have a hard enough time working right with a regular atty, so it's very likely that with the LR atty the juice gets used up in the atty faster than the cart can release it.

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Hi Brian,

While dripping is not usually my thing, I did resort to that just to see if there was a difference. There was only a slight change for the better.

Can't say I've ever had any dramas with carts, and certainly nothing like this.

Maybe I've just been sucking like a mad woman today and not realising? Naah, I'm usually pretty hard on my gear all the time. I'm a greedy vaper.


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That happened to me yesterday and i cleaned mine last night. Going to let them dry out really well before i try them again. Hope it gets better for you today! Let us know if you figure out why this happened. I am curious.

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The LR attys do use the juice up a lot faster. Once I switched to the LRs, I started going through a lot more juice. And if you don't keep them really moist all the time, they do start tasting burnt. I hope giving them a bath helps for you. Just be sure to use a lot of juice to prime them afterwards.

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I was too tired last night to clean them all, so did it this morning. They are drying on the window sill now.

I am always careful to keep them wet enough... constantly topping them off. This is why I wish they made mega ones in LR.

Still no idea what the problem was and doubt I'll ever know.

I won't be using any of them until tonight as I'm out all day today, but I'll report back for those who are curious. :)

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