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I Found My Pt And It Is Awesome


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If any one out there has been reading my post you would know that I have been looking for a good PT. And I finally found one at www.ecigmods.com ! In the past three months I have gone threw three PT for some reason they are all made really cheap or don't perform up to par. Let me describe this PT to you the best I can, first impression after opening the package was wow this thing wont win any beauty contest and didn't look that sturdy. After thinking that I got screwed again I told myself to give it a shot and try it out so I did screwed on a 2.5 oHm atomizer and a few drops of juice and took a vape. WOW what a TH I got and the AMAZING clouds of vapor I was dumbfounded by how AWESOME this thing works ! The PT itself is a 2AA box mod with a nice rubber button on the front. The cord is 3x the thickness of a regular 510 PT, it is made out of a printer USB cable. As you can see a lot of reviews out there for everything that make the product seem Amazing but then you get it and say what the hell was he/she talking about. I know now that allot of people get things from the company they are reviewing for, so obviously they say good things. I just want people out there to know I have absolutely nothing to do with this vendor. So if your looking for a great PT give this one a try because for $20 you can not go wrong. Yes I said $20 thats all they are charging for this PT, honestly they can get $50 easy for this PT. I hope I have help someone out there like I said before I have never done a review before. WWW.ecigmods.com

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OH I am glad to hear this.....Jolly is making us PTs like what you are describing and he says they will out survive us. I have gone through more PTs than I can count. I use mine on an outlet adapter from VaporKings so is running at 5 volts and it produces TONS of vapor....but I am sure this thing will be dead soon (but I only paid ten bucks for it with free shipping, so oh well). The longest I have EVER had one last is 4 weeks, that was the one from cigeasy.com......the ones from V4L have lasted anywhere from a few days (under a week) to 3 weeks. I have had others too, from various places, all dead in less than a month. Jolly is charging $15 for his PT, and frankly I can't wait. He uses a horn button, so a nice big comfy button...the box like you are describing and a big fat cord, I would assume the same type of thing. I don't care what it looks like, I just want it to last. He wrote me a description of what these cheapo "cig type" PT's are made like, with a circuit board inside that dies in two seconds. The box ones are made entirely differently. I am glad you like it, I am sure I will love the Jolly one too. It doesn't need to be pretty, it needs to freaking work longer than a few weeks!! Congrats, I was glad to read your review!

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Juliery same thing with me all the PT I used broke as well. After awhile you get upset knowing your tossing your money away. The one jolly is making sounds the same and if it is you will love it. I just can't believe how good this PT works.

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If any one out there has been reading my post you would know that I have been looking for a good PT. And I finally found one at www.ecigmods.com ! In the past three months I have gone threw three PT for some reason they are all made really cheap or don't perform up to par. Let me describe this PT to you the best I can, first impression after opening the package was wow this thing wont win any beauty contest and didn't look that sturdy. After thinking that I got screwed again I told myself to give it a shot and try it out so I did screwed on a 2.5 oHm atomizer and a few drops of juice and took a vape. WOW what a TH I got and the AMAZING clouds of vapor I was dumbfounded by how AWESOME this thing works ! The PT itself is a 2AA box mod with a nice rubber button on the front. The cord is 3x the thickness of a regular 510 PT, it is made out of a printer USB cable. As you can see a lot of reviews out there for everything that make the product seem Amazing but then you get it and say what the hell was he/she talking about. I know now that allot of people get things from the company they are reviewing for, so obviously they say good things. I just want people out there to know I have absolutely nothing to do with this vendor. So if your looking for a great PT give this one a try because for $20 you can not go wrong. Yes I said $20 thats all they are charging for this PT, honestly they can get $50 easy for this PT. I hope I have help someone out there like I said before I have never done a review before. WWW.ecigmods.com

I ordered 1...does it also work in the car charger?

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OH I am glad to hear this.....Jolly is making us PTs like what you are describing and he says they will out survive us. I have gone through more PTs than I can count. I use mine on an outlet adapter from VaporKings so is running at 5 volts and it produces TONS of vapor....but I am sure this thing will be dead soon (but I only paid ten bucks for it with free shipping, so oh well). The longest I have EVER had one last is 4 weeks, that was the one from cigeasy.com......the ones from V4L have lasted anywhere from a few days (under a week) to 3 weeks. I have had others too, from various places, all dead in less than a month. Jolly is charging $15 for his PT, and frankly I can't wait. He uses a horn button, so a nice big comfy button...the box like you are describing and a big fat cord, I would assume the same type of thing. I don't care what it looks like, I just want it to last. He wrote me a description of what these cheapo "cig type" PT's are made like, with a circuit board inside that dies in two seconds. The box ones are made entirely differently. I am glad you like it, I am sure I will love the Jolly one too. It doesn't need to be pretty, it needs to freaking work longer than a few weeks!! Congrats, I was glad to read your review!

Hey, you could not have said it better, everyone in this post really. I am already into my third PT (510, 901 and 801 manuals, carts, cartos, dripping, you name it).

SO frustrated today after spending 1/2 hour dealing with cleaning and filling to have leaky atty's and carts and spilling and wasting eliquid and the like all to get MAYBE a few good puffs of vape. Oh, that was also after inhaling a nice bit of liquid from a carto while driving which was extra special... lol Heck, my throat is still a little sore from last night when either it was my atty or cart filling which burned the crap out of my throat upon inhale. No warning either, one puff was nice and normal and then BAM, I got hit with the dreaded hot burning vapor hit! grrrr

Basically about ready to go back to analog after one month of trying 3 diff ecig models and options. Spent hundreds of dollars to end up completely frustrated. Am considering trying the eGo Tank as a last resort as it SEEMS to offer solutions to some of the things I hate most but have been hearing a lot about these Jolly mods.

Anyone have a picture or video review of these?

Thanks from a very frustrated and almost "ex" vaper!

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I have not heard anything bad about Jolly's mods. If you look on youtube there are vids with various people reviewing different types. I hope I get mine soon, and the PTs.....I know this PT has to be ready to bite the dust. I have a back up one though, but they all die within a few weeks. I have no problem filling cartos, I only use cartos, will not drip every few puffs and mess with attys and all that stuff. I was a heavy smoker and no way could I be dripping, I would have NO life at all except dripping. I use a drip tip on my carto and top it off every 45 mins to hour and I am good.....BUT you have to use a drip tip that is shaped a certain way. I got these drip tips for only $2.50 each, others are selling the same ones for anywhere from a buck to twice as much more....


The way they are shaped if you run the liquid down the inside of them it runs right into the filler on a carto. A lot of drip tips are made for actual dripping onto an atty, so they just have a straight hole down the middle, which you do NOT want with a cart or carto...you want the liquid in the filler. Anyway, I have had GREAT success with that. I don't flood or overfill, nor run my cartos dry.....after a few months of vaping I realized the taste the precedes the dry burnt taste, so now I know when to top off, without using so much liquid that I flood it. There is definitely a learning curve, and you really have to be observant with whatever method you are using.

Anyway, do not get frustrated, just take BIG DEEP breath, and keep trying. I never ever thought I would quit smoking after nearly 3 packs a day for 30 years....I didn't even want to quit. My husband bought our starter kit. If you use a PT on a wall adapter, they do not ALL work with PTs, nor do the car chargers, but I got mine at Vapor Kings, $10 each, best money I ever spent....then you are vaping at 5 volts and that is MUCH better than using a 3.7 volt battery.....can't wait to get my mods and PT from Jolly,then I will be set for sure!!! Anyway, good luck and DO NOT give up!!! Your future health is worth the pain and aggravation of getting through this. I wish this had existed years ago so I wouldn't have smoked so long. Good luck! If there is ANYTHING I can do to help you, feel free to write me a message.

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