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I went to take a look at the Vapor Renew/ Renu (not sure which is right and why both work?) site. All I see when I go there is an "Account Suspended" "This Account Has Been Suspended" notice. I tried to get there on Safari and Firefox. Same result. I went to my confirmation emails and clicked the link there to see my account. Same thing. Anyone know what's going on?


Oh crap yes! I emailed Jason today because I tried tracking my shipment and the USPS said there wasn't any information on that tracking number. He emailed be back saying that sometimes it take 24 hours for the shipping to register. Now I am very concerned! :o

Posted (edited)

I'm waiting for a shipment from VR also. Although the USPS tracker says mine left Anaheim, Ca on 2-14-11, so I assume I will be receiving mine. I hope you guys get yours. Anyone know what is going on??

Edited by CDATundra

I just sent Jason an email regarding my concerns about his web site notice and my shipping. I'l let you know if I hear back from him.


wait, i just did a search online and some people are also getting the suspended message while others are not, which makes me wonder, but i have no idea, i tried two different browsers


After a lil fiddlin around the site loaded.

It seems they are upgrading/remodeling

so hopefully will be back up for biz shortly

I hope I hope I hope :)


Relief! Maybe they were adding more liquid flavors, like coffee-eggs-bacon-toast. That way I don't have to anything but vape in the morning! LOL


It's acting like it has been hacked! I got the suspended message, then I got the site but it was really slow, then I got a forbidden message. The same type of thing happened to Vapornine a while back.



I just heard from Jason. His web server thought there was too much traffic on his site and suspended his account. He is back up and running.

How about that for customer service! :thumbsup:


I got my package today - and can I just say...YUM? I can TASTE it!!!!! :animier::animier::animier:

Although next time I'm still gonna go for a TRIPLE shot!


I got my package today - and can I just say...YUM? I can TASTE it!!!!! :animier::animier::animier:

Although next time I'm still gonna go for a TRIPLE shot!

Yeah your right! If one is good, more will be much better! :thumbsup:

How is the new job and your research going? I'm praying for you. I'm glad to hear that you still have time to take care of your personal needs. Vape On! :thumbsup:


apparently he was working on the site......go look now, it is set up different. I used to have that when I had a website, I would be working on it, and while you are doing maintenance, upgrading, redesigning, it is down, DEPENDING on the webserver. Some webservers have the old version of the site while you work, but most of them give some idiot message. Just like FB, and it gives some idiot message to whoever tries to go on it. No matter when you do it, even middle of the night, there will be SOMEONE trying to go on it. Everything is fine with the site, just ordered, no problems.


I got my package today - and can I just say...YUM? I can TASTE it!!!!! :animier::animier::animier:

Although next time I'm still gonna go for a TRIPLE shot!

Those flavors I have found to be the most distinct....where I can tell one from another and each has a flavor. In the time I have been ordering from VR I have TRULY ENJOYED tasting again. Before I was making do because everything either tasted sweet or gross, now I am having FUN with the flavors...liking them alone and mixing them with each other. It is so nice to taste again, isn't it??? TRIPLE??? LOL, I can't imagine that. But at those prices what the heck, add whatever you want....he will add more flavor too if you wanted...all you gotta do is write and ask him/tell him. He will pretty much mix up anything you want. Obviously just the most common requests are on the order form. The vg/pg mix too he will adjust, and the mg of the nic if you want some other thing. Anyway, I have found them to have THE best customer service, as far as accommodations and email response time, etc. I have gotten everything in two days from time it was shipped. I don't mind waiting a day or two for mixing...I like knowing it was freshly mixed, not just yanked off a shelf. But that is just my preference. I have had everything within 3 days of ordering, so no complaints from me there.


Relief! Maybe they were adding more liquid flavors, like coffee-eggs-bacon-toast. That way I don't have to anything but vape in the morning! LOL

ahahahahahahah, maybe that is a good diet plan??!!! we can just vape our meals...perhaps ham sandwich for lunch and potato chips....then for dinner a steak, baked potatoes and corn, perhaps some dessert afterward, LOL. I do have to say that since vaping all this sweetish tasting stuff I hardly ever eat anything like it is real life.....like I just don't have a taste for anything sweet. So I wonder if it is because our taste buds are being satisfied other ways???? Interesting.


I just heard from Jason. His web server thought there was too much traffic on his site and suspended his account. He is back up and running.

How about that for customer service! :thumbsup:

Good, I figured it was something dumb like that or maintenance or some other web server related issue. I wasn't worried in the least. He makes the liquids for a lot of companies that then resell it with their own labels. I think it is amazing with everything he has going on that he STILL responds quickly to inquiries, no matter what they are. And I want to say again if you DON"T LIKE SOMETHING WRITE HIM.....HE WILL WORK with you. There will always be people who just don't care for certain flavorings, like all the people who hate Lorann's....then you have other people who love that flavoring....or DuKang's or any of the rest of them. But with him if you have a specific issue, he WILL work with you. The thing I like most is that because they are mixing the flavors they CAN adjust things so you like it....someone selling premixed can't help, you either like it or you don't. BUT that is only my preference. I couldn't care less who buys what from where, I am just happy I found flavors I like....and of course I am happy when anyone else gets stuff they like. If they like the same things I do, great, if not that is great too. I always try and make it clear that it is JUST my opinion.....and the way I order my liquid. Obviously someone who wants huge TH would order theirs that way....i only get medium. Anyway, glad it was nothing, i figured it was. Web servers are very touchy, LOL....that's technology for ya.


Ok, I'm in too! I LOVE BACON! Can I really vape Bacon Morning, noon and night? And not gain bacon butt? LOL


Ok, I'm in too! I LOVE BACON! Can I really vape Bacon Morning, noon and night? And not gain bacon butt? LOL

Okay, so if I order bacon you will try it too??? I am really curious. Wouldn't it be funny if it became our favorite flavor? I just brought this up to Paul and he was like......who would want to vape bacon all day? I said maybe not all day but who would think any flavor would be good all day??? We smoked yuck morning, noon and night and now suddenly we are all picky about flavor....really sorta goofy when you think about it!

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