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I just burnt out my third atomizer ever. The first one was one of my first atties. The second was when a battery broke in my pocket and the button got stuck, thus the atty did not get screwed off in time. The third was just now, the vapor production was next to nil, so I decided to try a dry burn, it took forever for it to heat up, but when it did, it just wouldn't stop! The button wasn't stuck, but the atomizer jsut kept heating up and finally popped just after I got the cone off and was unscrewing the atty. I hate how much I've wasted, but then again two of the atties were basically worthless. That one that worked great was a bummer though.

Anyone else had this stuff happen? Cause I don't want to be alone, lol.


Well, you've been here almost a year and it's only the 3rd atty you've burned out--That sounds pretty good to me. Mine seem to last between 4 & 6 weeks beore I have to replace them. Sounds to me like you're going to have alot of people jealous that you've only lost 3. :unworthy:


i have only popped two attys, both while lighting up cigs, back when i was still smoking.

my first 3 lasted 90+ days before i boiled them in almost straight vinegar. boiled it down to ash because i got side tracked. couldn't clean the ash out.

anyways be happy with the amount of time you got out of them. they shouldn't really last all that long. like me using cartos from oct 8 2010 till just about 2 weeks ago. after that amount of time they didnt taste "great". you do what you can while your broke.


Bummer PsychoMaster! Some days are better than others! Yeah, I had a problem with my pocket pressing my button too. I just got one of the pocket protectors the other day. It works well, just takes a little getting use to.

Are you cleaning your atty's and carto's. Depending on the juice you use, your usage, the usage between cleaning varies. If you take care of them, they will take care of you.

Julie will be along soon and she can give you the 411 about cleaning atty's and carto's.

Think about getting a button protector or something you can put on your belt that will protect your ecig.

Good luck. :thumbsup:


My atomizer usually last 3-5 weeks. Although I've had many that are DOA. Mass productions means bad atomizers will slip through. Some devices are known to wreck atomizers. When I was using the m402 a long time ago, I can't even recall how many times the button got depressed in my pocket and wouldn't shut off.


I refuse to count how many attys I've been through. It might be depressing. I've had some that only lasted one day. That upset me, but for the most part most of them have lasted me about about month. I've been using the LR attys for several months now and they only last me about two weeks, but are so much better (IMO) that I'm okay with that. Still a lot cheaper than a pack of smokes was.


Well, as it turns out I was wrong. I didn't burn out a third atty. I thought I actually burnt out 2 more by boiling them, because I put them on my Tornado and they didn't fire. Now I'm not perfect or super smart, but I don't think ALL of those atties would've burned out. Tried them on my other battery, and every one of the little suckers turned on :D. But sadly, this means that the battery is not working. I have tried lifting the center pin, as I had read here that might fix the problem, but to no avail. Anyone else ever had a little too hot of a dry burn and their battery lights up still, but doesn't heat the atty?


Also, just tried charging the battery and the led blinks, but the light stays green and the battery doesn't charge....hm. These Tornade/eGo 900mah batteries have a microprocessor or something that could have been damaged?


I'm getting 4-6 weeks on my attys. Some just stop working, and some just don't work that great. They all go into a glass and maybe someday I'll try cleaning them to see if any are usable. Or not. I'm to lazy for all this atty cleaning stuff. LOL!

Back when I was vaping at 6V I was only getting about 2 weeks from my attys, and had a few that popped on the first hit.


The local law enforcement types in my community just added a new "crime" to their books. It's called "attricide" and apparently I'm the leading offender. My picture at the local five and dime and at the feed and grain hang-out.

Try as I might, I am an attys worst enemy. It's very disheartening. I follow all the rules but seem to kill them left and right.

Your thoughts and prayers are welcome. ....Thank you......that is all......


Well, as it turns out I was wrong. I didn't burn out a third atty. I thought I actually burnt out 2 more by boiling them, because I put them on my Tornado and they didn't fire. Now I'm not perfect or super smart, but I don't think ALL of those atties would've burned out. Tried them on my other battery, and every one of the little suckers turned on :D. But sadly, this means that the battery is not working. I have tried lifting the center pin, as I had read here that might fix the problem, but to no avail. Anyone else ever had a little too hot of a dry burn and their battery lights up still, but doesn't heat the atty?

Yes psyco, one of my original ego batteries did this. get a pair of thin tweezers and carefully jimmy the center post up and about and lightly screw your atty on while holding the button till you hear it burn. Here's the problem tho, you'll probably find that the voltage from this battery will blow now. you'll also find that if you overtighten the atty it'll stop working. So, order a new batt and keep this one tucked away as an emergency battery cuz theres really no saving it as an everyday batt.

In the future try not to overtighten your attys. Im not 1oo% on this but i think doing so jams the post down and causes connection problems. It may not happen right away but over time, it screws up.

the fact that your batt blinks on charge but light stays green, to me, means that either you got a slight connection but not good enough that charger thinks its full or unsrewed, or, youre getting enough connection to signal the chargering signal but it doesnt stay connected to recieve charge.

keep jimmying with that center post and you'll see what im talking about.

ps. im pretty drunk so im sorry if this post made zero sense.



ps. im pretty drunk so im sorry if this post made zero sense.


LMAO!!! Actually, your post made plenty of sense to me. I hope it works out for those of you with this problem.

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