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Tobacco & Lama Tobacco E-Liquid Review From Vaporheads.net


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These two E-Liquids, Tobacco flavors are great, were both a satisfying tobacco flavor vape with a good throat hit, and vapor production, and all made right here in the Good all USA. I liked the Regular Tobacco flavor better because it was a stronger vape like a full flavor analog, and the Lama was like a Light analog. But both were Excellent.

Please subscribe to me for the latest deals, steal, and Giveaways http://www.youtube.com/user/step07726...

Flavor is in the taste of each individual, subjective, what I like, or dislike you may feel the opposite of, that's why their are 3 ml sample bottles for you to buy, and try first.

You are all invited to come Hang out on my show, so we can vape together, Saturday Nights at 10 PM eastern time http://www.stickam.com/elixirtv2 and during week nights with our other hosts. We have shows 7 nights a week most starting around 9 PM eastern time, check the show schedule for changes.

Any Questions? you can always email me at smokie901@gmail.com

Vape On, and Fuhgeddaboudit, Smokie The Mod Father

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