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Hey there so about 3 weeks ago i bought a Revolution Kr808 from Vapor Talk and its great but i get sick of using so many cartomizers and i would rather direct drip ( i hear it also gives more vapor) but i would also like a higher voltage unit but i will save that question for another day

So my question is is there a way to get a Atomizer for a Kr808 unit.?


that site has some drip tips but i am not to sure if they come with an atomizer and what would i need for it? at the moment i have the revolution batterys and cartomizers so would i need some other addons for it?

Thanks so much in advance


You can buy a drip tip for kr808 cartos, so basically you are keeping the carto wet at all times, thereby producing more vapor etc. This place has them in a bunch of colors for only $2.49 each...you can use them on a bunch of different devices.......http://www.alvinecigs.com/Transparent-Drip-Tip-Joye510-DSE901-Kr808-p/transparent510drip.htm......I only use KR808 devices, only because I have hudreds and hundreds of cartos that I refuse to just toss away just to change to another kind of battery. I sometimes just leave the cap off the carto when I am just sitting here and keep adding a certain flavor into the filler if I don't feel like switching to a new carto with a different flavor. However, I don't mind just switching cartos....with the direct dripping, the fact that you have to keep dripping like 4 drops just to get 8 drags, that would be far more tedious than using a carto for an hour or more and switching it. I just can't see having to keep dripping every few minutes. Just seems so messy and time consuming. Like my husband could never do that at work. They don't care at all if he vapes, but if he were continually have to use both hands to direct drip, no way would they tolerate that.....but he works with his hands. I am going to order some of these drip tips...>BUT I want them more for the air flow. If you vape without the cap on the carto, you get better vapor, easier draw, etc, because it is all open not having to be forced through the tiny hole in the cap. SO, I would like some of these tips for that reason.

I am getting a variable voltage mod from Jolly that will have the 808 fitting and work with all my cartos. Once my cartos are used up THEN I might switch to another style battery, but even then I would only use cartos. The only reason I would switch to another style of battery would be because you have more options as far as the mods. Then again as long as Jolly will build a mod with the 808 fitting, I guess it doesn't matter much what connection I have, LOL.


wait wait wait? i just multi meter tested my Revolution and it came up at 3.8 before it died(flat) so yuour saying there is a voltage mod for the 808s? then i wont have a problem staying with my revo... can you link me where you can get one? im going to google and look now.



Regular 510 drips tips fit the KR808 cartomizers.

What juliery is talking about is having a custom MOD made by Jolly (a member on this forum). It's not an attachment for your battery, but a whole new ecig.


wait wait wait? i just multi meter tested my Revolution and it came up at 3.8 before it died(flat) so yuour saying there is a voltage mod for the 808s? then i wont have a problem staying with my revo... can you link me where you can get one? im going to google and look now.


It is a whole other device....because I got sick and tired of charging those stupid stick batteries all day long. I was a heavy smoker, and now a heavy vapor. I was alternating SIX of those XL stick batteries AND using a PT and still would be charging batteries all day and night. It was ridiculous for me. Now I got two 750mah KR808D batteries.... I got this kit, which is totally compatible with all KR808 cartos.....http://www.cigeasy.com/product_p/elegant1.htm

The batteries last MUCH longer than the normal stick ones, and with that usb turbo charger they are fully charged in 2 hours....even though they are much larger capacity. The mod jolly is making me is an ENTIRELY different device. I wanted it because I have HUNDREDS of 808 cartos, so he is making me a killer variable voltage mod, with a 808 fitting so I can keep using all the cartos I have. You can find Jolly if you go onto my profile, then in my friends you will see him. IF you want to contact him you can just message him. There are you tube reviews of people with his mods that are thrilled with them. He makes some great stuff, as do other people. I happened to "meet" him on here, in chat, and he answered my million questions, still does, and I really appreciate that. I have learned TONS about batteries and devices and all kinds of e cig related things from him. He is a good guy, easy to deal with, and I appreciate not buying from a vendor, who just gets the stuff through someone who makes them anyway, and then they charge more. Like the Tekk mod goes for $160 on various sites....he makes them for $100 including shipping, so you can't beat that. Plus if something ever breaks, you know who to go to in order for it to be repaired, and most things can be repaired. The good thing about the mods in my opinion is that when the batteries are dead, like finished dead, you just buy new batteries, you don't have to replace the ENTIRE device. Anyway, I hope that helps.

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