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i'm sure i'm doing it wrong.

It feels like i'm vaping fresh air, i want to get that kick at the back of my throat

sometimes i can do it and sometimes i can't. It's not something you can explain to me i suppose.


When i was a analogue roll up smoker; I never took it into my lung's. I was blowed it quickly out of my mouth. That's what i think i'm still doing. When i try and do this, to get a kick at the back of my throat, I start coughing up slime. ugh


Oh yeah, my slime started clearing last week so I'm taking longer/deeper hits now without coughing. I'm not sure what health cabin is. Maybe trying a different juice would help. PV is personal vaporizer. What kind of e cig are you using. Maybe a different type would also help a lot. Don't give up! Your doing really well! 22 days is no small feat! :animier:


i've got two PV's a 510 and a Boge Leo and soon a Ego T also known here in the uk as a tornado T. Learnt that today


my avatar is not mine but it looks just like my dog. Poor butterfly's and thanks for the encouragment


Hahaha, I never really pull their wings. I even grow a special garden just for them.

Well your just all set up. The ego will produce a stronge vapor you should really like it. Did you order some other juices too? Maybe a different flavor would help. Could it be bad attys?


I'm sure that atty's are fine, the Leo is good as the ego but without the tank. I had a fright tonight i thought my brand new leo atty was broke on the first day of use, but it turned out i had flooded it. It will be glad to get the ego t. less of the foul taste when it's running dry. The good thing about dripping is that it's so much less hassle and messy. no sticker fingers any more from leakages.

i've saved as much money as you. Cigs are nearly 7 pound for 20 here that's about $11

i imported my tobacco from australia and spent only 73 dollars a month but to buy in the shops would be $210 a month


i over ordered thinking i would need it but it turn's out that i have 9 years of juice OMG

28X110ml 36mg more are on the way right now from Communist China. I'm a communist too.


You've some nice toys to play with!

What works best for me is to take slow and easy drags. Not much more powerful than inhaling air through your nose/mouth with your mouth closed. hmmm, hard to explain.

To get extra vapor and TH, try this:

slow & easy 2 or 3 second drag, release button inhale, take another slow & easy 3 or 4 second drag while exhaling a little bit of the previous draw through your nose. Release button, inhale and then exhale for a good 10 minutes lol. Okay, not that much, but *almost!*.

Slow and easy wins the race.

Posted (edited)

If you were a roll-up smoker, you might like to try some of OK Smokey's (UK supplier) roll-up flavours - they do Golden Virginia, Drum, Old Holburn and Amber Leaf

Edited by profbeard

thank's for the link i'll keep it for future, just ordered plenty tobacco flavours from china that will last me ages. I like any flavour, But i do prefer a tobacco taste. As long as it's cheap i don't bother. Smokey's is very reasonable but i've got years of the stuff. OMG. at a fraction of the price. It's not DEKANG but who cares. I don't.


i'm really couthing up slime bad this morning. Am i creating this stuff by vaping, or is it clearing from my lung's. I hope that it stops, cos i never coughed like this with tobacco rollups often. I know that some of you have said this happen's in the beginning. I hope your right .


now that my lungs have had a little bit of a clean out this morning, I've noticed that my vaping is so much easier and pleasurable. I get an instant kick. It can only get better with time i hope. I think that's why i thought i wasn't vaping properly because my lung's are still clogged up. That's what i think any way .


I had that problem for awhile when I first started. It seemed like you needed to suck really hard and almost swallow the vapor to get a good hit. Chris has a video somewhere around here. Search for something like "how do you get that huge puff". Your battery may be bad and not drawing enough power. My first e cig did that. I quit because it seemed like too much work. Keep at it though. Congrats on the quitting!


I'm happier vaping now, a long gentle suck and now i know how know how to control the vapor, so it is all exhaled in one go rather than leaking out of my mouth and nose.

It just get's better.


Well, i decided to remove the bridge, i was a bit afraid of breaking it, but it worked, thanks goodness for Youtube helping me. It is so much better if you are a dripper. Do you need the bridge if you are using a cart.? When i get the Ego T, i won't need to drip so there is no point in removing the Bridge for this is there? thanks


coughing up slime is normal the first few weeks and even longer for some people....it is your lungs clearing out. And everyone is right, you have to inhale much more slowly and steadily than with smoking. I inhaled for 30 years, 2-3ppd, and never had a cough or clearing my throat with smoking. When I started vaping I would cough a bit, but nothing worth mentioning. I have never had any issues with smoking related illness/issues, thank God. I just hope all the years of smoking isn't gonna bite me in the rear down the road. I guess all the coughing, etc. just totally depends on the person and your body. I hope you are able to use up all that nic juice faster than 10 years since it loses it strength in about two years. I would love to have a huge supply in case there is ever a ban, but since you can really only have two years worth at a time, it sorta stinks. I wish I could have a 20 yr supply that would stay good that long....I would do it in a heartbeat.....except the flavors, what tastes good one day doesn't necessarily seem appealing in a month. But food flavorings won't ever be banned, or the other supplies since they are used for numerous other purposes. Good luck and over 3 weeks not smoking is a HUGE accomplishment, CONGRATS!!


juliery thank's and i know i won't go back to analogues; I think the juice will be fine, i've stored it in shoe box's unopened and in a cold room. I've heard it can mature. It better be OK.

I've had so much help from you all here, thank you all for giving me help. :thumbsup:


juliery thank's and i know i won't go back to analogues; I think the juice will be fine, i've stored it in shoe box's unopened and in a cold room. I've heard it can mature. It better be OK.

I've had so much help from you all here, thank you all for giving me help. :thumbsup:

You are welcome. I will not smoke again either....this is SOooooooo much better!


I don't know when you will receive your order from TW in the UK but I receive mine here in the US in a couple of days. I think the US branch is in Flordia and I am in Georgia. Hope you get it soon. The tank takes a little to get used to filling the cartridges I have mainly found. I have been using the system for about two weeks and I really like it. Of course I still drip but also use the tank. Hope you enjoy. How do you like the Boge Leo? I was looking at that but didn't know if the vapor was more or less than the eGo. The eGo is a great little device and with the tank atomizer it should be even better. Good luck with your vaping.


Good luck with vaping. It's sometimes tricky to inhale in a smooth gentle way, but others can get a hang of it.

Posted (edited)

I don't know when you will receive your order from TW in the UK but I receive mine here in the US in a couple of days. I think the US branch is in Flordia and I am in Georgia. Hope you get it soon. The tank takes a little to get used to filling the cartridges I have mainly found. I have been using the system for about two weeks and I really like it. Of course I still drip but also use the tank. Hope you enjoy. How do you like the Boge Leo? I was looking at that but didn't know if the vapor was more or less than the eGo. The eGo is a great little device and with the tank atomizer it should be even better. Good luck with your vaping.

hi, I should think the Boge Leo and the Ego are similar, I've had a change of mind about getting the Leo, I've tried to cancel the order from Heaven Gift not from TW. By China Post it takes 10-25 days. But probably longer with the N Y holidays.

I've canceled bee

cause i like dripping and i think that if i start using the EGO tank i might be a bit disapointed, and there is also the added expense of replacing worn out tank's because after a time they may start to leak.

I had to return a Leo battery today as it was faulty.

Edited by Hank

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