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Constant Migraine


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Ok, folks, with all your knowledge about nicotine and its impact on the body, maybe you can help me more than my migraine doc whom I've been going to for the last thirteen years.

About two weeks ago I had some kind of stomach bug, probably not flu, but certainly something that was contagious because twelve hours after I had it, my boyfriend got it. I stayed home from work for two days not wanting anyone else to get it despite the fact that it was exam days for my students. I didn't want a bunch of them to have to make them up and didn't want my colleagues to get whatever I had.

So, anyway, during this time, I decided to go off the low dose blood pressure med that was supposed to help control the migraines. I'd been taking it for about two months and had yet to see any good results and since I wasn't keeping anything in my tummy for 48 hours, I figured I'd been off it in a decent way for those two days. This BP med also made me not feel like running, something I love to do. So, stomach bug ended up being a good thing because I knew I wouldn't be able to take it and think I could continue a running exercise regimen.

Since then, though, everyday I've had a some kind of head pain. Sometimes it's in its normal migraine place (back right side of my head), other times across my forehead focussed more on the left side. Both locations are "normal" for my migraine pain pattern. I've had MRIs (one in the last year), so supposedly all's well in my noggin.

Now this next part isn't specific to having had a stomach bug, but it makes me mad. When I did finally go for some runs in the last twelve days, each time I got a pretty bad migraine within an hour or two after cooling down. This isn't new necessarily, because on weekends when I've gone for long runs (an hour or longer on a Saturday or Sunday) I've had the same thing happen. I've tried various things to change this pattern of the weekend long run: eating before going, not eating before running, having electrolite tablets or gatorade before going, getting up at the same time I usually do during the week and running, having some gels or gu (an on the run runner's fuel) before and/or during the run, taking an ibuprofen (caused runner's runs) or aspirin or tylenol before running, etc., etc., all to no avail. In the summer when I'm not working, I can get up and work out and not have this problem, except on long run days, and maybe that's because after a few days of running in the morning at shorter distances, I get my nicotine fix faster. (I train for half marathons over the summer and do P90X as well.)

I think it's down to nicotine. I've gone completely off caffeine because I had the same thing happen on weekends with that: violent migraine on Saturday and Sunday due to not having the caffeine at the same time as normal on the way to work. It's just easier not to consume it. Could the same thing be happening with the nicotine? In addition to the various things I've tried above (eating or not, taking an aspirin or not, etc.), I've tried having a carto of vaping (my usual on the way to work amount) before running, but it must've been too late for it. I usually get up at 6am for work and on the weekend, I might sleep in until 9, have the vape and go for the run. But I still get a migraine! With or without vaping. I guess I could get up at 6, have my 7am vape, and be ready to run by 8am when it's light outside this time of year.

Or I could yank the nicotine out. Bam, done. For a week, maybe, and see what happens on the weekend. What do you all think? Because at this point, twelve days in of head pain every day except maybe two, I'm bloody tired. And I've only done two one-hour-long run sessions, no others in these twelve days (darn snow and cold weather!). Migraines after both, even the evening run, not just the weekend run, which was new.

I see my migraine doc in three weeks, so maybe he has some good advice, but probably not. He just wants me take stuff. I just want to run and not get a headache. In the meantime, I'm off to order some zero nic liquid. If nothing else, I'll still have my hand to mouth fixation, much like I still have decaf tea in the morning.

Thanks, ladies and gents, any help or guidance or advice or links is much appreciated!

Sheesh... sorry this is so long! Didn't realize I had so much to say about my frustrations.

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Aimee, I feel your pain, I too have suffered migraines and headaches for years and years. I agree that headached doctors, usually nuerologist just want you to take pills, the problem is a lot of medicines actually give you rebound headaches. The blood pressure pills are given supposedly to help the blood flow,which causes migraines. They never worked for me either.

What has helped me quite a bit is to stop taking the pills preventative or otherwise, while I was getting off the meds, I did have more headaches, but all the pills they give you, even like tylenol have caffeine in them. I still drink coffee, but my biggest solution was never to go more than a few hours and not have at least a small snack, it usually is something with protein in it and to way cut back on sugar. Also when I feel any kind of pain coming on, I take advil liquid gels, so it has cut down significantly on the migraines that put you to bed. Mine were so bad, I gave myself Imitrex shots on a few occasions......

I don't know about the nicotine and headaches, but changes in schedules definitely affects them for me, like sleeping later than usual on the weekends. I have also found that food additives like nitrates and artificial anything gives me headaches. Have you bought juice that could possibly have sweetner in it?

Hope this helps and you feel better, it is very discouraging to be in pain so long.

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i suffered migraines a lot, i know that my headaches have been better when i am not smoking, and of course stress is the leading cause of mine, however, i work for a chiropractor, i came into work one day with a migraine that was kicking my arse, i went home for lunch, took my typical excedrine dose, returned to work an hour later and it had not subsided, the chiro pointed to the treatment room and said "get in there"... i never say no to a free adjustment... he put his hands on my neck and said "i bet you hurt here and here" and yep i felt the vertebra he was referring to, he adjusted my neck, i went back to work, as i was leaving he said to me "hows that headache" i stopped for a moment and laughed, i had not realized it was totally gone lol... so now i go to him every time my headache is out of my hands.

perhaps a trip to a chiro might help you... or, at the very least find a massage therapist who can do some work on your neck and the muscles at the base of you skull, trust me, i do this for a living :)

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How awful for you to have to suffer through Migrains. I've known quite a few people who've suffered with them and know it's horrible. My hubby gets them when he cuts back on caffein. Horribly so when he cuts caffeine completely. It lasts for weeks too, not just days. I used to get them after every attempt to quit smoking. Thankfully the pv came into my life this time. I do, however, get the "edge" of a migraine now and then...that certain noises induce or trigger. (pencil hitting the floor will excruciate for a split second but the dog barking is fine). I think it's nicotine withdrawl for me, but I haven't been to a Doc because fortunately it's mild and extremely temporary. I hope yours is soon remedied and history. Drink lots more water (pure filtered water) and keep us posted on developments.

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I too get migraines. I am sorry you are suffering. You do know that for a good week after removing anythin, that can aggravate them, like sugar, running (because it makes blood pump harder), caffeine, etc. that alone can cause a migraine....part of the withdrawal. Have you tried the immitrex ihaler? I love it....it works MUCH faster than using the injections and you can't vomit it out of your system like the pills, since it is absorbed very quickly into the blood via inhalation. That was the main reason I started using it because I would be so sick to my stomach so using any pill form would make no sense. I wish all my meds were available in inhaler form! I haven't had any issue with nicotine and because there are SO many things that can cause them, I just won't take years of months at a time to try and eliminate things one by one, go through the withdrawal, then see if that was really the reason. I will say that when I did aerobics and running and things like that when I was younger, THAT was when I had the biggest issues with them......and also when I am nervous or upset, because all those things increase blood pressure. Normally I run a VERY low blood pressure, but I can ALWAYS tell when mine goes up, still considered low, but high for me,.....I can tell because I get bad headaches and since I can tell they are the start of migraines I use an inhaler. They are one time use things. My insurance co pay is super low for a big box of them. They have worked for me and I like them because I can also just keep one in my purse in case I need it when I am not home. So I am PRETTY sure that mine are for the most part blood pressure/adrenaline related....not that it is ever high in the typical sense, but it is higher than my normal super low BP. Anyway, I try my VERY best, even when upset or nervous to try and stay as calm as I can and breathe deeply and do whatever I can to NOT let my BP go up. I know the nic doesn't elevate my BP, or at least not to where it would start any headache because I have smoked and vaped and taken my BP before, during, and then after at specific intervals. My dr had me do this to see if that was raising my BP. I think I smoked for SOOOOO long (30 yrs) and so much (2-3ppd) that my body just was totally used to the nicotine.

It can't hurt to reduce the nic, or use 0, so you can see if it makes a difference. If you cut down to nothing suddenly expect to have some migraines or headaches though for the first several days, at the very least, ....while your body is withdrawing from the nicotine. EVERY time I tried to stop smoking cold turkey I was violently ill with migraines. I think i would step down the nicotine. But if it is from the nicotine it should really not be any different than when you smoked....nicotine is nicotine, and the delivery method I don't think would have any bearing on it. I almost wonder, since I have read repeatedly that there is MUCH less nic delivered via vaping if maybe withdrawal from it is part of the issue....if you are using a lower nic than what you were getting smoking and not vaping it to the point your body is accustomed to. So if you remove the nic totally it will be awhile once you get to 0 and then not using it for awhile to tell. BUT also most people who have migraines have NUMEROUS triggers.....it is rarely just one thing that causes them if you suffer from them. There is NO rhyme or reason to mine at all, but definitely certain things i KNOW are triggers....the elevated BP caused by stress....is one I KNOW for me. But there are obviously other things since I get them at other times when I am not stressed. Everyone in my husband's family suffers from them as well....my husband is the only one of 3 brothers and his mom who smoked and now vapes....all the rest of them are non smokers and they have violent migraines....to the point that his oldest brother had brain surgery last year at Loyola to try and help stop them. He has participated in all kinds of clinical trials and other stuff too, that is how bad they are. So sometimes you just don't know the cause of them....it can be a genetic problem.

If nicotine is a trigger for you, I would think you would have known that when smoking because you get so much more of it. Of course it can be the opposite by removing or reducing it. Another common trigger is bright lights, sunlight, any kind of flashing light. And computer monitors can also cause them. I can't be on the computer if other surrounding lights aren't on, I also can't watch tv in the dark, or movies in the dark. Like at a theater I have to keep going out because of it.....because of the contrast between light and dark. Consuming too much or too little of various stimulants that your body is accustomed to in certain levels. And sometimes it is absolutely NOTHING you are personally doing...as is the case with my brother in law. He too has them for weeks at a time, losing LOTS of weight from the constant vomiting, and then the vomiting causing pressure in the head all on its own keeps it going....like a horrid vicious cycle. The triggers vary widely from person to person and some people never know what theirs are, because it can be so many different things, and the combination of different triggers. Sometimes you can't even eliminate the things because they are nothing you are actually doing or causing yourself. I hope you are able to figure it out.....I think most people aren't which is why there are numerous medications and treatments for them. I have been hospitalized repeatedly because of the freaking things....from vomiting, not even being able to keep water down and being totally dehydrated, which can also cause horrid headaches. Migraines are VERY complicated and sometimes very difficult to figure out, especially when there are numerous triggers. Good luck!!!

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Have you tried anti-seizures meds like Topamax? BP meds do work for some but not all. The pain relievers can cause rebound migraines, especially narcotics. Topamax does have the side effect of weight loss, for some people lol. Ask about it, also Neurontin, and a few others have been used but can cause weight gain.

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Thank you all so much for your replies! I didn't have head pain yesterday but it's trying to creep back in today.

I've eliminated many things that, for me, are triggers. Too much pasta can do it so that's out, as are many other high wheat products. Eggs, bananas, chocolate (darn it!), caffeine, nitrates (like in lunch meats), MSG (in so many things... you'd be surprised!), some beers (but thankfully not my beloved Warsteiner!), many highly fermented cheeses, molds (which I'm also allergic too and I'm sure the building I work in is full of), and I'm sure a few other things are also on the list. There are some triggers I can't eliminate, like drastic weather systems. Thankfully, though, I don't have one (knock on wood) from this blizzard system that is winding down.

I've also gone to the chiropractor which leads to no help. I do receive regular massage therapy there and I'm sure that helps. But chiropractic on its own does nothing, even if I stick to a three times a week schedule.

I've tried topomax and it made me very stupid. I could not remember basic words and when I took it I was teaching German, that was very detrimental to my job and career. So I stopped. I'm glad it works for some people, though, it's just not for me. I've also taken wellbutrin and while that helped, I felt rather dead inside. Not much was enjoyable, and not much was sad when it should've been. Life is meant to experience those types of highs and lows, and I couldn't see myself going through the rest of it like I didn't feel any emotion even though I might not have as much migraine pain. But maybe I should reconsider the option of an antidepressant. Maybe there's something out there better now.

Even with the known triggers, I can consume one of them in moderation and nothing happens. But once I start adding them to each other (like brewery beer with a pasta dinner that has cheese in it), I'm doomed.

But the thing that is most bothersome is the running and the pain afterwards. I really enjoy that form of exercise. I love to accomplish new personal bests and set goals. I tried using an elliptical trainer for the same amount of time at the gym and not only did I not really enjoy it, I still got a migraine. I also know that my hormones play a huge role, so once a month, I'm popping an kind of 'profen I can get my hands on (with my migraine doctors blessing).

I do eat regular meals, usually about five, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner being a bit larger than my snacks between the three.

Next time I see the doctor, I'm going to ask him to check on my hormone levels and vitamin levels. Maybe there's something there that can be regulated, though I don't want to go on any type of birth control pills again, even if it is that kind where you only get periods four times a year. I'm sure those four times would be out of this world full of migraine pain!

Before that though, when I receive my six flavors from Vapor Renu with no nicotine, I'm going to cut the nicotine. There will be enough time between when I stop and when I see the doc to see if that is it. I'll keep you posted!

Thanks again for the kind words, encouragement, and ideas!

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I use to get migraines quite frequently when I was managing a Mental Health Clinic. My stress level was through the roof! It got to the point that I was using Imitrex Auto-injection. When I quit the job, and the stress was gone, the migraines stopped too.

Migraines that last as long as yours has, is nothing to fool around with. You need to go see the doctor.

Let me know how your doing. :o

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Sharon, thanks for reminding me of something I forgot to ask about:

Juliery, when you write that you use(d?) and Imitrex inhaler, do you mean the nasal spray? Or something more like an asthma inhaler? If the second, then I need to find out about that. I've taken Imitrex nasal, shots, and tablets. An inhaler would be so much easier and maybe not taste as nasty as the nasal spray. And not be so squeemish for me as the injectable. As it is now, the tablets work fine, really, and are so much easier to throw in my purse. I don't get nausea too often with the migraines, so taking tablets isn't a problem. Ok, thanks!

And thanks, Sharon, for your concern. I'll be at the doctor in three weeks. Since it does go away for a time, I'm not too concerned right now. But I bet my doctor will berate me a bit when I see him, telling me I should've come in sooner. If it starts not going away, then I'll go in for sure. Never made a trip to the emergency for migraines, but if it goes four or five days straight with absolutely NO relief, I just might.

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Oh, I have been to the ER many of times with migraines. When it got to the point of throwing up, I didn't hesitate to go. They would give me a shot of Demerol and watch me until the pain stopped. Of course, my head stayed sore for a day at least, but the migraine stopped.

Good luck.

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Oh Sharon, reading your post made me laugh BECAUSE I suffered with migraines horribly when I was in my late 20's and early 30's. Conicidentally, I was also in a very bad and abusive marriage at the time. I did get fivorced, and didn't realize until a long time afterward that after the divorce, no more migraines!

My beloved husband now suffers with migraines. Not as often as he has in the past but still occasionally, so I know they are no fun. There are so many inidividualized triggers!Wishing you all the best in figuring this out, Aimee.

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Oh Sharon, reading your post made me laugh BECAUSE I suffered with migraines horribly when I was in my late 20's and early 30's. Conicidentally, I was also in a very bad and abusive marriage at the time. I did get fivorced, and didn't realize until a long time afterward that after the divorce, no more migraines!

My beloved husband now suffers with migraines. Not as often as he has in the past but still occasionally, so I know they are no fun. There are so many inidividualized triggers!Wishing you all the best in figuring this out, Aimee.

Hey Nanna, How is the job going?

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