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A huge thanks to Obama for giving us back some of our hard earned money this year. We probably should spend ours on a huge Inverter for our solar system, or for every Mod out there I've fallen in love with over the years, but but but we really need a new Laptop in order to write my congressman about the FDA and to play Black Ops!!!

We're not getting enough back to buy our top 2 ... (Asus G**7 that I can never remember the name to because I always want to say Asus GLV 2 lol.... nor can we buy the AlienWare ... ouchie wahwah).

But we can possibly swing (with the help of the kids) an HP Pavilion dv7 quad..... yeah...

Anybody have any qualms about this particular one? Please warn me!

Is the Basic pkg okay? I don't need the Bloatware or fancy smancys... just a good hard working and super fast pc. (oh and with extra batteries for winter play).

Any advice?

Here's the link

Which options should we include in order to make it sweet for internet and for gaming? (not pro gaming, just regular people gaming). (select Basic Congig and go throught all the "next"). The recommended options seems to include mostly bloatware but there are some improvements on gigs and bigs and wigs and .... stuff I don't really know about.

Maybe this post is for nothing... we might find yuck reviews? Or we might buy an Inverter... (kinda too smart of choice for me tho lol).

Whatchathink and how would you configure? (whew, I finally cut to the chase)

Posted (edited)

Okay, I studied computers for 3 1/2 years, which is actually not that much, so someone with more experience might come along. But the processor is ok, the price to up it is ridiculous and not worth the little extra kick it gives. The video card is AWESOME, my bro has a 512 and runs a few high-quality demanding games like Starcraft 2 at high settings. Black ops should look beautiful. 6 GB memory/RAM is good, don't need any more than that. 750GB hard drive should be enough for whatever you need, unless you got a bunch of *ahem* "freeware" (totally NOT talking about "pirated" movies and/or music <.<). Unless you need it, the other software is for stuff like running a business, or going to college. As for Anti-Virus, I just use AVG Free (like the name says, it's free) and Spybot Search and Destroy (also free), google it if you want.

Battery all depends on how long you need it to run, I just kept mine stationary, so I changed to a desktop. Adaptors are the same, if you need it, get it, otherwise no point. No idea on the difference in screens, probly just a gloss or something...might be worth checking out. "Primary Optical Drive" all depends on what you need, do you NEED Blu-Ray? Do you NEED to burn "ahem" copies of your previously legally bought software? It's up to you.

The networking bit MIGHT be worth $25 to get the Bluetooth, I never used it, but it depends on whether or not you have, or will, need it.

The thing said it had an included port for broadband internet, so if you have dsl or cable internet, you SHOULD be fine, but they have usb adapters for that just in case. If you want some good sound, get a set of speakers, the ones in laptops usually blow. BE SURE to get a surge bar, either use one you have or get a new one, but make sure its good, because you could lose it all in a heartbeat if you have a power fluctuation.

Looks like a good computer, just an fyi though, if you don't need portability, a desktop is cheaper for all of the same components, which means with that money you could get a better desktop :D

But I digress, hope I helped.

Edited by PsychoMaster
Posted (edited)

Wow, thanks Psycho!!!!

We use AVG too so that was actually a blessing to see nortons not on it already. :)

What is an Primary Optical Drive anyway? Does that mean a CD drive? We need a CD drive just to upload games, software, baackup files.... this Opical has me confuse.... OH WAIT, is that the FingerPrint detector thingie???? I don't need that if that's what it is.

Definitly will use a surge protector. In fact, we're bypassing our normal house wiring and using just the surge bar connected directly to the inverter. (it's a little converter though). Which means, the fewer sockets we use, the happier we are. :) Otherwise we would get a desk top... but all those extra plug ins and cords just won't work for us. This Gamers Laptop will be our desktop replacement.

The 2 extra battereies are the only must for us (living off grid).

Will it have a CD drive if I don't get the BluRay?

Will be using Fiber Optic cable modem. Do I need anything extra?

Will steal or borrow the kid's speakers, they'll never notice lol.

Is it possible to netwrok without Blutooth? (is it set up in the basic pkg for networking?) I obviously don't know much of anything. (I thought blu tooth was for phones lol)

Yay!! It passes approval!! Can't wait for our check to come in.

Any neigh sayers out there?

Edited by Uma

The "Primary Optical Drive" is just the CD drive yes, it is usually called the primary, because desktops can have multiple CD/DVD/Blu-ray drives. You can get a normal CD/DVD (make SURE it says DVD or many newer games won't play, cause they are on DVD-Roms. All drives nowadays SHOULD be DVD compatible, but you never know), a CD/DVD Burner (to burn discs, music, movie, w/e), or a Blu-Ray, which plays CD's DVD's and Blu-ray's (of course, lol).

Fiber optic cable??? Hmmm, as long as it is an RJ-45, you should be ok (it looks like a phone line connector at the end, but like double the size), but you can always call HP and ask them if it has a connection for it (always a good idea when plunking down this kind of cash). The only networking with Bluetooth I know of is using a smart-phone with your computer, but that is stuff I just never got into, so I never needed it. Most people don't use Bluetooth, it just isn't THAT useful.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


"SuperMulti 8X DVD+/-R/RW with Double Layer Support included in price or can upgrade to blutooth. Will stick with the basic DVD player it comes with.

I should have gone back through the options before asking lol. Sorry. Just so excited of the possiblity of getting one.

Thanks so much for your time and for helping me out with this. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

The kid just said "but what about a generator, I thought we were going to get a generator to charge the solar batteries"....

Spouse just said "but what about a perimeter fence? I thought you wanted to keep the bull and cows out of the area"...

:rolleyes: kids these days...


No problem, I actually just had to help my younger sibling who saved his money up for a couple years and finally got a computer for college. It always bums me out, because not even 2 years ago my computer was "decent", and now looking at yours and his I just have to sit and cry that the thing I spent all my money on is now considered a flaming piece of crap.

Still, hope you enjoy that little gaming beast, it should be able to run every newer game out there at least on normal settings, and most of them on high. I have not had good luck with laptops in the past, but I know some people who swear by them and hope yours works out for you. It's always a nerve-racking, yet exciting event to shop for a computer, you don't want to get jipped, but you don't want to overpay either. That's why I LOVE Hewlett-Packard computers, they have always stood by me in the past (one lasted 7 years!).

Have fun!


haha, I hear you. And if it's any consolation, rest assured, that I'll be in the same outdated boat as you this time next month. :)


I don't think I would lay out for a gaming puter unless you are a gamer .Thats a lot of coin for capabilities most people don't use and they won't live longer than a value priced one.I would be a sad Billy if I watched a $1000.00 + puter go down the drain,it bothers me enough when $500.00 goed bye bye.But thats me, frugal,cheap,tight.Besides that I like a variety of toys. :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

For us it would work best. It's going to be our TV, Xbox, Stereo, Photo Album, WebSurfer work horse. (all the things that take up wall sockets and space). The Gamer Laptops love to multitask and it's going to be nice to be able to get things done quickly. ie uploading a camera, downloading avg updates, hp updates, ie updates, adobe updates, and on and on and on .... I'll still be able to surf, listen to music, and or watch videos (hulu, youtube)... So, it's worth the extra penny or two for us. Plus I'll still be able to play Black Ops. Priceless.

P.S. and it's just a few hundred (just lol) more than a decent regular MultiMediaOffice laptop. A super Gamer PC is way more.... this one's a Low end Gamer pc and affordable-ish

Edited by Uma

It's too low end (price wise) for them to have a full review on it. Thanks for the link though. One of these days maybe we'll be able to afford one of them million dollar babies lol.


if you dont want to waste money dont buy hp, dell, gateway or those other crap name brands like that.

go directly to the source and get (like you wanted) asus or something of the same quality.

im sure there are people happy with their mutt computers but nobody builds a quality machine that takes bids on parts like dell and them.

also if you want a gamer machine dont do laptop. they get quite hot and the more heat the less power you end up with.

do a desktop and bang out some liquid cooling. you can get a killer machine that doesn't have liquid cooling then add it in cheap.

also if you do go desktop you could just built it on your own.

newegg.com that mofo.

Posted (edited)

Oh Jolly, the Asus is out of budget even though it's only (lol *only*) 600 bucks more. i would love that ASUS G with the long name that reminds me too much of the eCig Mod GLV3.

Good advice... but a desktop just won't fit our space or plug-ins. We'd have to plug in a monitor, a modem, a pc, etc... plus have space for it all. I don't have space yet, until we build our house a few years down the road. (we're RV-ing it except when I'm here visiting the kids).

Maybe I'll just give in and get a generator and hope Obama gives us more next year for that Asus...

That ASUS is the quietest, coolest (all those vents!!) and sweetest lowrange one out there... but, we just can't go that much more at this time.

Or... like McQuinn suggessted, just think of all the toys I could buy lol... Jolly WarBox!!!, tekk, Ali'i, Reos, Darwin, ...

I appreciate your advice and will hang ten until I'm not "excited" and can make a level headed decision. (well, for me level headed lol).

Edited by Uma

I went with a Fujitsu laptop about two years ago. I'n sorry to say that the US consumers did not embrace Fujitsu. But being a Japanese brand they included all the necessary stuff needed for gaming and graphics. I sure hope it has a long and happy life because I'm not thrilled with what is on the market at this time.

Vape on and happy gaming. :pizza:

  • 2 weeks later...

The special deal is over... and the check was/is too late for the deal. Bummers. But thanks for all the input!!

Off in search of a rebuilt Asus GLV 2 wish me luck!


I'm just sort of glanced over this post but what exactly is your budget?

I agree I would go directly to the source that's what I do. Most people don't realize, but most Alienwares are actually Asus machines. (The lighted keyboard gives it away) Dell (who now owns Alienware) purchases them in bulk from Asus, (as well as other manufactures) brands them, then rapes your soul with the cost.

There are actually only a few manufactures that create laptops - Compal, Quanta, GVC, Clevo and Asus. Asus stands out because they actually sell their own product. This is unusual for a wholesale manufacture but sweet for the consumer.

I have the G73 (I need the power on the go obviously) but Asus laptops are NOT expensive. I'm guessing your looking at the Gaming line. Asus creates "lower" end laptops that are very close to spec. The main difference between "gaming" laptops and standard laptops is the dedicated video card. Most laptops use integrated video (shares the system ram) whereas a gaming machine will usually use a custom dedicated video card with it's own memory.

If you tell me your budget I might be able to find a decent machine for you.


We are willing to shell out up to 1000-1100 for a gamer that plays Black Ops and has affordable spare batteries .... (we're living off-grid) (our budget is 800-900)

That's the one,!! the ASUS G73JH That's the one we are attached to, but it's too pricey for us right now... (especially with having to pick up spare batteries.) It has a quiet fan, extra vents, great graphics card, and the works. Lovely machine! But doubly out of our budget.

Wow, that'd be awesome if you could find us a decent and affordable gamer!! Thanks for offering, Christopher!


Fear not. I would have a look at the link below. A buddy of mine just purchased one of these refurbished from Bestbuy. (Don't let the Refurbished tag scare you. I buy refurbished stuff all the tim) The specs are VERY close to my machine with the exception of the harddrive space. The machine is a BEAST. 1GB dedicated video, Intel i7 (8 cores) 6gb ram.

Best Buy has a custom version of the G73 made for themselves thus the reason it's cheaper. A new one costs 1,199 from Best Buy and it's almost exactly the same as the G73 directly from Asus. The only difference it has 6gb instead of 8gb and one harddrive rather than two raided up. (Keep in mind the slot is still there so you can add another harddrive later)

This laptop will tear up Black Ops. The laptop will run Mafia 2 on full graphics without so much as a jerk. (Easily 60+ frame rates)


Be warned that the battery life isn't high. It will NEVER be high on a gaming machine. You can buy an extra battery but it's almost a lost cause. You have to realize the amount of power needed for these machines to run. They are Desktop Replacements more than they are laptops. But it's worth every damn penny :D


Oh how cool! and I was just there and hurried back here to ask about this one I found: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Asus+-+Laptop+/+Intel%26%23174%3B+Core%26%23153%3B+i7+Processor+/+17.3%22+Display+/+6GB+Memory+/+640GB+Hard+Drive+-+Black/1257894.p?id=1218243761956&skuId=1257894 We're on a roll now. I'm going to call hubby to ask if I can whip out the CC right away for your linked refurbished one. Thanks Christopher!!!!! Keep your fingers crossed!


P.S. How many spare batteries do you think we would need in order to get us through the winter evenings? We would watch DVD movies and play Black OPS and other games like NFS.

I know that when they declare a battery life to be 6hr, they really mean 3-4 hrs. But, I somehow (through denial?) always believed that a gamers 2hr really meant 2hrs.


ha ha, you gotta love the way they measure battery life. There is no way your getting that type of battery life. If you put it on power saver mod you'll get about 2 1/2 hours (though I've never really timed it to be honest) This is a powerful laptop and will eat up energy.

When playing games you NEED to be plugged in. You can still play while not on power but the computer will clock itself down to cope with the loss of power. (This goes for any gaming laptop)

You don't have access to a power source?

Watching movies on this thing by the way is awesome. It has an amazing (and massive screen) screen. Built in speakers are great. Has a little sub built in as well. EAX 4.0 standard I believe.


Nope, just Solar with a generator backup. We'll be able to plug it in and use it... but was hoping to also run it off the battery whenever possible, like at night, so we don't have to use the generator very often. (gas prices are climbing again).

But, we do have the little Acer (or will have, once it's back from the shop) and it gets 4 hours playtime, so we'll be able to watch movies on it during those times we can't use our power source.

We considered a PowerBook Pro... but... the graphics aren't as good, plus there is no Black Ops for it.... so that got ruled out quickly! (priorities y'know).

Watching movies and playing games on the ASUS, plus some surfing, sounds like a winwin even though the battery life sux. Thanks for letting me know it'll have to be plugged in most all the time... I hadn't considered that... but it will be our desktop replacement ... as well as xbox, tv, etc... so I think we'll be okay. (unless you know of another outstanding yet affordable one like the ASUS but with great battery life?).

Thanks Christopher!!

Posted (edited)

Both hubby and the kids backed out... because it doesn't have any warranty.. not even the extended ... and gamer laptops have a tendency to need replacing every few years.

So, we didn't get it.

But we did get an Asus!

But it's not a gamer. In fact, it's the total and complete opposite.

We fell for the..... Asus eee 1015PEM-PU with 13hr battery (8hrs of actual using time!)

We purchased an Asus eee 1015PEM-MU with 10hr battery (5hrs of acutal using time)

I blundered and didn't notice the PU-MU difference while I was in a hurry to skip across the river in time before bridge goes under water.

But, all in all, it's a cutie patootie and we'll pick up an extra battery later down the road. And we saved 50 bucks for the present being.

The kids took their money back and purchased an AC/DC tv/dvd combo with xbox port.

Combining our efforts, we stayed on budget and didn't go over 600 total between the pc and the tv. Sweet!

Long story short, watch your P's and Q's (M's)? lol Nah, just happy to have finally made a purchase that will entertain without having to use the generator at night. And we still get to play Black Ops for a few hours here and there... on sunny days. :)

Thanks everyone for your help!! I truely appreciate it.

Edited by Uma

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