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What kind of e cig is Green Smoke? A 901, 808, c3p0? There is just so much to learn. I've been crawling all over this forum. I'm convinced I could easily spend 10 times my analog cigarette budget on gadgets alone!! It appears I need to know what I have in order to get carts for it, from other vendors.


Green Smoke is a "name brand" electronic cigarette if you will. They are usually cartomizer models and are over priced. (Or at least they where, I haven't checked their prices as of late) Bottles liquid usually isn't an option which can save you money.

901 is an older model no loner used. Though, some use the 901 atomizer on their custom mods. (Not something important if you're new to ecigs)

808 is also an older model no longer used. Again, the atomizer is sometimes used by advanced members on custom mods.

I suggest going with the eGo. It's durable and the battery life is amazing. There are many add ons for it. Once you have your eGo grab a cup of coffee, take your eGo, fill it, vape it, sit back and read what other models use to be. :)


It took a while to dig it out, but unless there have been some model changes, the Green Smoke PV, like the ones sold by most of the 'captive audience' ecig operations, uses KR-808D or KR-808D-1 cartomizers.

Just Google "blank KR808D1" and then take your pick from the list of vendors that will come up.

As far as a suggested vendor, I've never been unhappy with anything I've ever purchased from www.litecigusa.net and they do carry them.


What kind of e cig is Green Smoke? A 901, 808, c3p0? There is just so much to learn. I've been crawling all over this forum. I'm convinced I could easily spend 10 times my analog cigarette budget on gadgets alone!! It appears I need to know what I have in order to get carts for it, from other vendors.

You have some answers above, and I also agree that the eGo is the route to go. There are a lot of options for the ego, -and it's easy to get confused when diving in. ...just go with it and ask questions as need be. This group is here to help, as I've found out.

-Just try vaping on an eGo and stop by VT for your questions. Case closed. Smokes done. Satisfied? ...of course not- go try some juices/flavors, celebrate your freedom. or not- it's all up to you. You are not a smoker if you choose to vape on the ego I bet.


I love my KR808 cartos, and the reason we bought that style device when we did was because there weren't cartos for the other devices that used the 3 piece design. Or if they were, they weren't widely used. I had no interest in messing with an atty, or in direct dripping every few minutes and back then cartos for those devices weren't an option. It wasn't until fairly recently they started making the cartos for pretty much everything. We still love our KR808 cartos and have TONS of them. I now have an elegant easy from cigeasy.com and it works GREAT. Sounds like it is like a riva only for 808's....750mah, available in brushed gold or black, I have gold, and has the nice rubberized button with a blue led light in the button....has the usb turbo charger and adapter, which charges a battery from totally dead to fully charged in 2 hours....charges faster than I can use the second battery. They also have the XXL elegant easy which is 1300mah, but it is only available in black, which I don't really care for. My jolly mods will also be fitted to work with our hundreds upon hundreds of 808 cartos, YAY, can't wait to get them. Even if we switched to an ego (or similar device), I would still use cartos, so that wouldn't make a lot of sense. I would probably get a riva for the extra mah, but I won't even consider it until our stash of 808's is significantly less. But I will still just use cartos, it would just be on a battery with different threads basically. I probably wouldn't buy an ego, because that would be like downgrading as far as battery life, which I am sure I wouldn't like, especially not with my insane vaping habits. I get a good 4 hours, sometimes 5 using the elegant easy 750mah. Much better than with the stick style batts that I was killing in 45 mins.

I am hoping in another couple years vaping will be more common, that I will feel perfectly fine about using a mod in public....right now I just don't feel comfortable doing that. I think most people can relate to a cylindrical shaped device as being a substitute for a cigarette, but a box mod, I think would take more explaining, SHOULD anyone ask. Plus right now we get lots of questions from people who are interesting in quitting smoking, I think most smokers, when they first want to look into an e cig, are wanting something more cigarette-like.....I like when I am in public and people ask about it, gives me a chance to inform another person and with smokers hopefully help them at least think about other possibilities.


Here's an attomizer compatibility chart.

My link

Looks like the GS is an E9 model. I have to agree with everyone else though, get an eGo and you won't be disappointed.

Posted (edited)

It took a while to dig it out, but unless there have been some model changes, the Green Smoke PV, like the ones sold by most of the 'captive audience' ecig operations, uses KR-808D or KR-808D-1 cartomizers.

Just Google "blank KR808D1" and then take your pick from the list of vendors that will come up.

As far as a suggested vendor, I've never been unhappy with anything I've ever purchased from www.litecigusa.net and they do carry them.

LiteCigUsa rocks! It's is a fantastic place to get supplies like atomizers, cartos, etc. It's not really the place you want to buy juice or a mod from though. But it's the ONLY place I get my atomizers from. Always reliable and super fast/cheap shipping! And not to mention, for every 30 bucks you spend there, you get 1 dollar added to a gift certificate that you can redeem at any time.

Edited by actor92191

It seems like everything I have seen and now confirmed in the previous posts it is an E9 - is and E9 the same as KR808D-1 ?!? I have no idea but I would be shocked.

Its my belief the E9 is meant to keep you bound to their products.


Thanks for the replies..I'm gonna check out easycigs.....Yet another site to confuse me more! lol..Can anyone answer Ripples question

Is E9 the same as KR808D-1? And more importantly, is that was Green Smoke is?


Thanks for the replies..I'm gonna check out easycigs.....Yet another site to confuse me more! lol..Can anyone answer Ripples question

Is E9 the same as KR808D-1? And more importantly, is that was Green Smoke is?

According to the atomizer compatibility chart that Brian linked it is. :)


Just to add my 2 cents worth, the eGo is, I think, the most versatile ecig on the market and the easiest to get parts for. It uses a 510 connection and can be used with carts and atomizers, cartomizers, the new Tank system, direct dripping, and there are tons of add ons for it. The 1000mah is now available and you can go up to 24 hours on a charge depending on your vaping habits. It comes in so many colors you can almost match it to your outfits or mood. It's a very solid performer and easy to use, carry and find. I have several types of ecigs but the eGo is my mainstay as it is for so many others. You can't go wrong with it.:thumbsup:


And just a side note - add the tank system to the ego and I can see this being a very simple approach to vaping - just got the tank this morning and i am thinking this changes everything.


Get a 510 or ego

Depending on what you prefer:

The 510 has the feel of a cigarette,size and shape

The ego has longer battery life, but is also larger in size

I hope this helps


Cigeasy has the elegant easy, which is a KR808 750mah device, I have it, really great performance, can't complain at all. They also have the XXL elegant easy which is also a KR808 device 1300 mah. You can use the XXl on the same charger as the elegant easy. The USB charger is GREAT....plugged into the wall adapter the elegant easy goes from dead to fully charged in 2 hours, or sometimes 2 hours and 10 mins. I am a VERY heavy user, but even I can't use up the other battery in 2 hours! I am going to get one of the XXL batts, just because having the 1300mah, well who can complain about that. BUT Frank said to wait on ordering the XXL because he is going to get some in with the 3ml cartos,.....but both batteries TOTALLY work with any KR808 cartos of which I have hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds. IF I EVER kill them all, or get down to the last 100 or so I MIGHT change to another type of device, BUT it will still be something with cartos and it will have to have at least 1300 mah or it would be a downgrade which wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. Maybe by then I will exclusively be using mods. I just prefer a cylindrical looking device for use in public. Even if it doesn't LOOK like a cigarette, I think the average person can still relate to the idea better than a box mod looking thing. NOT that I really care all that much about what other people think, but I still think at this point I still feel more comfortable in public with a cylindrical style battery.


According to the atomizer compatibility chart that Brian linked it is. :)

Huh? I thought according the chart it was not. I didn't think the KR808D-1 and KR808D-2 were the same. I've never actually seen a KR808D2 anywhere. The KR808D-1 is listed under the 901 series.

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