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OK, so I have been vaping like a freight train since Saturday, and still no analogs have passed my lips. I noticed something funny while at work last night. As I was vaping, I noticed a faintly sweet taste on my lips. Actually a bit more fruity than sweet. I thought I was flooded and was sucking juice down but when I checked my mouthpiece was dry. (I started dripping and usually keep my PV angled down as I am pretty paranoid still.) Also I didn't hear a gurgling sound, and was getting good strong vapor production. I am trying to figure out what is going on. I don't know if my juice is bad, or if my tastebuds are waking up after being in a coma for the last 17 years. I am vaping a PG Dekang 18mg tobacco juice (USA mix). I swear the first couple of days it didn't taste at all sweet/fruity. It's not bad, but I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything. Anyone with experience of juice changing flavors?


Good morning taste buds!! :thumbsup:

The worst is when you do cave and have an analog (it may or may not happen) and you realize how unbelievable gross it is especially if you have been vaping for a few weeks!!

When I quit analogs and started vaping my salt intake went way down!! Food actually tasted like something!!

Good Luck and happy tasting!!


Oh my goodness, O is so right about the analogs. They truly taste horrid after you have been vaping for a couple of weeks! I definitely didn't complain about this or see it as a bad thing. It just made it THAT MUCH easier for me to continue vaping. And, no, it never changes either... analogs will always taste like butt from here on out I firmly believe. :thumbsup:


Congrats thorne, Your doing great! You will probably find quite a few changes happening about now. I know I am. My Hubby told me that I quit weezing and snoring at night. My lungs are going through a lot of changes right now and I'm breathing so much better than I ever have before. Though I am convinced my Hubby lies.... cute little me could never snore! B)


Good morning taste buds!! :thumbsup:

The worst is when you do cave and have an analog (it may or may not happen) and you realize how unbelievable gross it is especially if you have been vaping for a few weeks!!

When I quit analogs and started vaping my salt intake went way down!! Food actually tasted like something!!

Good Luck and happy tasting!!

I noticed that too about the salt. I barely ever use salt anymore. However, pepper is still on overload.

@thorne, I think your tastebuds are waking up. By chance were you drinking fruit juice or soda? That could explain the fruit flavor on your lips.


I hope it is a taste bud thing. I have actually started to get used to the taste, and am rather enjoying it.

BirdDog >> I was drinking coffee when I first started to notice it, but it is definitely there still this morning. Like I said, I hope it's my buds.... I think I need to test the theory with some Four Roses Single Barrel.^^


I'm with Ofortuna, odds are, it's just your taste buds coming back! Those analogs are gonna taste like ash now!

I've gotten a few answers on chat about the e-juice strength. As you start to vape longer and your taste buds come back in full force, even the juices will start tasting better and the milder ones will start being more potent!

Good luck!


Hello tastebuds. :thumbsup:

That's true about the salt too, when I quit smoking, I really lowered my salt intake.

I mostly season with spices and leave out the salt.

Side note: After awhile if you try a bag of plain potato chips after you cut back on salt, you'll realize just how much salt is in them that you couldn't taste before.

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