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Give me a freakin break....


Yeah ... I take my advice from someone with toxic chemicals in her chest cavity...


Propylene glycol is recognized as generally safe by the Food and Drug Administration. It is used in food coloring, and flavoring, as an additive to keep food, medicines and cosmetics moist, and in machines that simulate smoke.

I read this in A Complete Guide for Beginners. So this is confusing when they say it is an ingredient in anti freeze. So what is the deal with all this? Are they lying? Twisting the info? What is the real deal?


Propylene glycol is recognized as generally safe by the Food and Drug Administration. It is used in food coloring, and flavoring, as an additive to keep food, medicines and cosmetics moist, and in machines that simulate smoke.

I read this in A Complete Guide for Beginners.  So this is confusing when they say it is an ingredient in anti freeze.  So what is the deal with all this?  Are they lying?  Twisting the info?  What is the real deal?

PG is sometimes used as an additive in AntiFreeze its safe, what they are reffering to is the testing the fda did on the low quality carts that come packaged in the starter kits where traces of Eythline Gylcol was found in one of them which is a toxic ingredent in antifreeze but no one uses those things anyway get some good quality juice and youll be fine.


Diethylene glycol is the ingredient in antifreeze -- it was found in one of the 18 cartridges tested. Propylene glycol is the common ingredien in the eliquid solution -- and as you say, it is approved for use in food (saw a post from Chris noting it was in vitamins and baby wipes).

Lying, twisting or just stupid. Yes.


Twisting would be the correct word. They actually found small trace amounts of Diethylene glycol in the carts from Smoke Everywhere. NJOY however DID NOT contain Diethylene glycol. The FDA however is making it sound like ALL ecigs contain Diethylene glycol which is not the case. SE had a bad batch from a stupid manufacture in China that some how managed to get Diethylene glycol inside the cart. I'd bet good damn money this wont happen again. It's also perfect timing as the FDA is currently being sued by Smoke Everywhere and NJOY. The FDA is using it's PR power to sway that case in their favor IMO.

Take a look at this thread and judge for yourself which is better, then analog or the ecig


You can also listen to the FDA call that started this whole thing...



Government agencies and politicians when will they learn? Lying, twisting the facts, secrets it just dosn't work. We have too many ways of getting information out. So it sounds like they took 1 small thing worded it to seem really bad blew it up into something big and were off and running with it. Glad to hear they are being sued but hope they don't try to get ugly on the subject of banning ecigs to show they have some power. I am glad I found Vapor Talk it has been a great source of help and information. The internet is a great PR tool for ecig users.


This got me annoyed enough that I wanted to do something besides grumble, so I wrote to some reporters at msnbc, left leaning Fox haters, asking for some real reporting on the FDA's position. Who knows, but it felt good to do something ... and now I'm thinking, what else can I do? Spreading the word to smokers at my office and offering my dse901's for people to try out (in the box now that I am in LOVE with my 510 and Janty stick). And of course, directing folks to vaportalk.


Sending people to our site is always good, and emailing MSBC is great! It really shows effort.

I think power by numbers is important, we all know the reason Analogs have not been banned is the amount of backlash that would be felt. I the government loves the taxes, but seriously if they stated tomorrow no more cigarette sales, people would hit the roof. If we can have the same thing happen with ecigs, we're good to go

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