Jeffb Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011,0,5272155.story
Uma Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011,0,5272155.story For crying out loud! They're stalling until the Consumption Tax takes place.
BirdDog Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 The battle isn't over. Hopefully there will be a repeat of last year and stall out in the senate again.
Uma Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 Check out VocalTek's letter to Senator Kohl: Post 151
DerStadtschutz Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 This is friggin' ridiculous... Okay, so the main argument is "they're not proven to be safe," and "omfg, it might be a gateway to smoking for kids..." Oh really? Well here's how we solve that very very easily. 1. ban the sale to minors under the current tobacco product laws, or make a new law specifically for e-cigs that says minors can't buy them. How hard is that? 2. ban cigarettes. If there are no cigarettes being sold, then it doesn't matter if kids get hooked because they only way they can get their nicotine then is via e-cigs, which we all know damn well are many times safer, so who gives a crap? Anyway, why, after vaping first, would you decide you're gonna smoke cigarettes? Even if you are addicted to nicotine, e-cigs taste so much better and don't kill you or make you cough your lungs up every day. These stupid public "health" officials... "omg, with e-cigs you can get your nicotine anywhere you can't smoke. that's not good for public health." My ***, it isn't. Nicotine, in and of itself is not all that bad for you. Even if it is, it's in cigarettes, among many other things, so what's their point? The nicotine itself isn't the problem. it's the tar, carbon monoxide, cyanide, formaldehyde, ammonia, arsenic, and god only knows what else is in those stupid things. This is so aggravating. They don't give a damn about public health. If they did, cigarettes wouldn't be here, period. I'm so sick and tired of hearing how people want them removed until they're proven 100% safe. WATER isn't 100% safe. NOTHING is. Too much water in your system will kill you. Too much of just about anything will kill you, so what exactly is the definition of 100% safe? While we're at it, why don't we just ban water? Damn morons... This country's government makes me sick. Uma, imupallnight and VapinMama 3
Uma Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 all the vendors have to do to detour kids away from being interested in eCigs is to put Warning Alerts on their sites: WARNING: Ecigs MAY cause Bloating, ACNE, Farting, and other disgusting to a teenager symtoms. There goes that flat belly, beautiful skin, and "close" friends .... kitsune 1
Sharon Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 I can't help but wonder if the government is just concerned because e cig's are taking away from all the tax money regular cig's generate. And, how can they tax e-cigs and the liquid. Gotta love the government.
Prouddad Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 You gotta be kidding me ! They are unbelievable ! There are so many people out there that can agree with how the e cig help them stop smoking. Whats so frigging hard NO SALE'S TO MINORS ! It's all got to do with money and thats what they are fighting for not the children. Once there is a tax on everything then the Government will be happy.
Christopher Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 I agree it's all about the bank roll. I mean just look how high New York sales taxes on cigarettes are. It's insane. They have the highest Sin Tax on cigarettes in these United States.
Prouddad Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 Maybe we can all submit questions with our concerns at this time and maybe one of us would be heard !THURSDAY JAN. 27TH LIVE ROUNDTABLES WITH POLICY EXPERTS Join online discussions with White House policy experts about issues through a live roundtable format. HOW TO PARTICIPATE Submit questions during the events at or ahead of time with participating sites. HEALTH CARE Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Department of Health and Human Services 4:30 p.m. Uma 1
Prouddad Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 Maybe we can all submit questions with our concerns at this time and maybe one of us would be heard !THURSDAY JAN. 27TH LIVE ROUNDTABLES WITH POLICY EXPERTS Join online discussions with White House policy experts about issues through a live roundtable format. HOW TO PARTICIPATE Submit questions during the events at or ahead of time with participating sites. HEALTH CARE Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Department of Health and Human Services 4:30 p.m. Also maybe we can try to ask the VICE President, I don't know maybe I am just searching for something FRIDAY JAN. 28TH 2:30 P.M. EST VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS Yahoo! will be sitting down with Vice President Biden asking him your questions. HOW TO PARTICIPATE Go to to submit your question and check back again to see his answers on Friday Uma 1
rcummings5886 Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 Maybe we can all submit questions with our concerns at this time and maybe one of us would be heard !THURSDAY JAN. 27TH LIVE ROUNDTABLES WITH POLICY EXPERTS Join online discussions with White House policy experts about issues through a live roundtable format. HOW TO PARTICIPATE Submit questions during the events at or ahead of time with participating sites. HEALTH CARE Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Department of Health and Human Services 4:30 p.m. This means I can't be shipped ecig stuff any more? :-( I'm screwed aren't I.
Christopher Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 We're not sure yet. Once the final bill pases we'll have to analyze it to find out whether or not e cigarettes can be shipped in from out of state. Local supplier should also keep an eye on the bill as they could be slapped with a fine I would imagine should they continue to sell their products regardless of the law. (I'm sure some will)
rcummings5886 Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 If I placed an order on the day of the ban or before the ban do you think it will be affected? Also, is there any way to work around with the name of my device like calling it a pv or eni? I mean are they banning just ciggarette type models or is this all inclusive.
miatafrank Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 All of the comments made by these idiots are completely as predicted, and is exactly as described in the interview with Dr. Michael Seigel. They are completely ignoring the science (or that the science even exists) and leaning heavily in the ideology that something that looks like smoke can't be a good thing. If you didn't listen to the interview, do it now. You owe it to yourself to understand this insightful perspective. Uma 1
PsychoMaster Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 I can not even express in words how much these people anger me. It is quite obvious that any "research" some of them did, consisted of them sitting on their "butts" (see- I can even be more polite than most of the snakes) and saying to themselves, "Hey, this could cut funding I get from the Big Companies, I better stop this!" Greed is destroying America, but it is not the greed of the average American, but the people who decide how us Americans should live our lives for us.
juliery Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 I can't help but wonder if the government is just concerned because e cig's are taking away from all the tax money regular cig's generate. And, how can they tax e-cigs and the liquid. Gotta love the government. Of course that is what it is about...partially. It is also about the tobacco and pharmaceutical lobbyists pushing this.....tobacco is a HUGE industry. Pharmaceutical company's have less of an interest since NRT products aren't a main component of their sales, but still e cigs potentially cut into it. The bigger issue is the tobacco industry and the lost tax revenue from reduction in sales. THIS is precisely the reason I didn't want to get into vaping...I KNEW this BS would happen. I only hope it is stopped, that there is SOME voice of sanity in the process. But these lawmakers couldn't care less about our health, that much is obvious. The motivation is ALWAYS money.
Ellynn99 Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 Marketed towards kids my @$$. I'm sorry, but kids either smoke or they don't. They find ways to get analogs no matter what, what about that? Maybe they should focus more on that and them getting their hands on something that KILLS them and gets them hooked for life. (I was one of them stupidly at 16, but laws selling to minors weren't as strict then.) Why take a good thing away from adults? I'm sorry but this pisses me off. It does all come money and greed! They are losing 400 bucks a month from me and thousands from other countless ex smokers who choose to vape and it scares them. Lets not pay attention to the fact that almost all people who vape are now feeling so much better and don't have a wheeze or morning cough. Stupid, just plain stupid to ban them. Lets ban Analogs then! I would be all for that! Thats a cause worth looking into.
gmf1 Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 "I found what is in the e-cigarettes is a mystery." Rage!!! The ignorance and utter stupidity off that comment. Well why not ask someone who DOES KNOW!!! And as for the kids thing, didn't 99% of us start smoking under 18? Think I was 16ish. Even if 200 kids started vapeing instead of 100 smoking that's a win. And that's the worst possible outcome. This just does my head in, there is no logic, not one bit. Good luck to all the New Yorkers, may logic and reason one day win out in government.
juliery Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 Marketed towards kids my @$$. I'm sorry, but kids either smoke or they don't. They find ways to get analogs no matter what, what about that? Maybe they should focus more on that and them getting their hands on something that KILLS them and gets them hooked for life. (I was one of them stupidly at 16, but laws selling to minors weren't as strict then.) Why take a good thing away from adults? I'm sorry but this pisses me off. It does all come money and greed! They are losing 400 bucks a month from me and thousands from other countless ex smokers who choose to vape and it scares them. Lets not pay attention to the fact that almost all people who vape are now feeling so much better and don't have a wheeze or morning cough. Stupid, just plain stupid to ban them. Lets ban Analogs then! I would be all for that! Thats a cause worth looking into. I don't think the government is the least interested in our long term health. They do NOT want countless thousands of people living EVEN LONGER. It is cheaper for us to die early, preferably before we collect any kind of social security (or whatever eventually replaces it), medicare, etc. IF this has anything to do with health, how are cigarettes still being sold when they are KNOWN to be dangerous. I think the point is we are ADULTS. There should be stiff penalties for sales to kids and IF a kid swipes their parents credit card and purchases an e cig product online the PARENTS need to be held accountable...NOT the vendor. I too bought cigs as a teen...I either had older co workers buy them, OR we would buy them in restaurant vending machines which were always in the lobby with no one paying one bit of attention. If a kid wants to smoke, drink, use drugs, e cigs or anything else they WILL find a way. So you ban the e cigs and they will smoke, what does that solve? But back to my original statement. The government, the FDA, have proven time and again this has NOTHING to do with health.
Uma Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 Correcting my post: I wrote #151 but it should have said #155. Elaines letter, scroll to post #155 The facts Mam, nutthin but the facts
LoriHNC Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 After reading all of these comments in this thread, I can't help but think that they would be better seen by the people behind this ban. Many of you have written excellent valid reasons for why they need to reconsider this, and how downright stupid they are being. I say, lets not allow them to win based on greed. Let's fight it all the way. The cause is saving our lives. I'd like to think they do read these threads, maybe they do a little, but probably only the parts that would possibly help their case. Go vapers!
juliery Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 It is just such an insult to anyone with a brain, that is what I most resent. Do they honestly think we are too stupid to know what this is about? And on that ECF thread people just don't GET IT, they right away go way off in left field asking if bongs and pipes and related devices are seized by customs and why are those sold in smoke shops?? BECAUSE they are sold to be used with tobacco, THAT is why. Of course how many people actually use them for that purpose I don't know, but I have heard of a few, saying the taste of tobacco is better filtered through water, etc. But the point is, THAT doesn't get anyone to stop using tobacco in any way, shape or form.
DerStadtschutz Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 (edited) After reading all of these comments in this thread, I can't help but think that they would be better seen by the people behind this ban. Many of you have written excellent valid reasons for why they need to reconsider this, and how downright stupid they are being. I say, lets not allow them to win based on greed. Let's fight it all the way. The cause is saving our lives. I'd like to think they do read these threads, maybe they do a little, but probably only the parts that would possibly help their case. Go vapers! It's not a matter of them being stupid. They know DAMN well what they're doing. The only reason they're presenting it the way they are is so there is as little public outcry as possible. If they explained what e-cigs are and actually described them accurately without all this fear mongering BS, even people who don't vape or smoke would see the stupidity in them being banned and maybe try to do something about it. They spread all the lies about e-cigs so that the public who doesn't have much reason to care or would never know without being spoonfed information by the media will think this is a good idea or remain completely indifferent. If they stopped the fear mongering, then they would be stupid, for it would cause their agenda to fail. They're playing into the ignorance and naivety of the general, uninformed public. The government wants these things gone because it cuts into their taxes. They "need" these taxes because they refuse to stop spending or lining their own pockets, so they want us to pay for their BS. The pharmaceutical industry wants these things gone because there's no money to be made off of healthy people, and because this cuts into their profits from their pointless gums, patches, NRTs, and lozenges. The tobacco industry wants these things gone because if you can vape your nicotine, why the hell would you smoke and get it along with a crapload of other chemicals? This whole thing is ridiculous, and they can screw off. I WILL NOT stop vaping. I already have my hardware, and soon enough I'll have a mod. They can't ban the batteries used in the mod. If I have to, I'll make my own juice. This country's government no longer cares about us, and it hasn't for a long time. Day by day, they chip away at our rights and freedoms, and something drastic needs to happen NOW, or we may as well be friggin' robots. And this isn't about republican or democrat, both parties are to blame for the situation we're facing. They are two sides of the same coin. They work together behind the scenes but argue in the spotlight so that we all argue amongst ourselves and never realize what they're doing or do anything about it. ALL politicians are full of crap. Anybody with even a single braincell could see that if they really gave a rat's *** about our health, they would have banned real cigarettes a long time ago. I don't feel that the government should ban anything. As a human, I feel it is everyone's right to do what they want, provided it doesn't harm anyone else or infringe on anyone's rights. If that means you want to kill yourself, go for it. I would try to dissuade you and discourage behavior that would harm you, but it is still your right, your choice. But if they feel they must ban something to actually solve a health crisis, then it is clear that this is the absolute WRONG way to go. They should ban the one that is known to kill and cause all kinds of health problems, not the one that's healthier. This whole thing is crazy. What has this nation become? Edited January 27, 2011 by DerStadtschutz
YankeeJack Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 Russ Sciandra is the person that the politicians are getting their information from. Educate the person that politicians are getting their information from. Considering vaping is not cancerous nor contains tobacco he has no professional opinion. Here is his contact info: 5184495438 x 12 All of you should be emailing him directly on the benefits of vaping... He works for the American Cancer Society and the Free Tobacco Organization... Neither has anything to do with us free, loving' vapers...
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