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So far in the Chicago area I haven't found any establishment that doesn't allow vaping. Never seen a sign but vape in public with no problem at all. I haven't met anyone who doesn't know what it is. I have met people who have never seen one in real life and come ask questions about it, but no one has ever asked me to stop using it or anything.


So far in the Chicago area I haven't found any establishment that doesn't allow vaping. Never seen a sign but vape in public with no problem at all. I haven't met anyone who doesn't know what it is. I have met people who have never seen one in real life and come ask questions about it, but no one has ever asked me to stop using it or anything.

I'm sure there are many places that will allow it, probably more privately owned rather than franchised. They just don't all make it known by posting a sign. I personally won't just vape anywhere. I will however, go into a bathroom stall and take a few hits. I would feel better about asking the manager or supervisor whether its okay first because I don't want senior citizens, people with children present, or anti-smoking people to just assume that I am smoking a cigarette and start a scene.

I am hoping that it will soon become common enough that all or most establishments will have a sign on the door stating whether vaping is allowed or not. If they allow it, it would then be up to them to explain to any complainers what I am doing. Bigger cities are usually more tech friendly than smaller towns and not everyone is knowledgeable about what ecigs are yet. If we have our way, that will change one day soon. :)


I'm sure there are many places that will allow it, probably more privately owned rather than franchised. They just don't all make it known by posting a sign. I personally won't just vape anywhere. I will however, go into a bathroom stall and take a few hits. I would feel better about asking the manager or supervisor whether its okay first because I don't want senior citizens, people with children present, or anti-smoking people to just assume that I am smoking a cigarette and start a scene.

I am hoping that it will soon become common enough that all or most establishments will have a sign on the door stating whether vaping is allowed or not. If they allow it, it would then be up to them to explain to any complainers what I am doing. Bigger cities are usually more tech friendly than smaller towns and not everyone is knowledgeable about what ecigs are yet. If we have our way, that will change one day soon. :)

If nothing else all the attempted, pending, and potential bans in the news should make more people aware. Almost everything around here is a franchise, even if only locally. I do not make a big show of blowing vapor or anything like that. I by no means HIDE what I am doing, but I don't blow vapor out into the air, I usually direct it toward the ground or swallow it since there is no real reason to exhale it. The device I am using now which is an ego type thing for kr808 cartos doesn't light up on the end, only at the button, which is blue so most people don't even notice. We were at PF Chang's vaping one time and the waitress asked us if it was an e cig and we said yes, so she was chatting with it because she had used chantix with no success and then the manager came over and was asking questions too because he was a smoker wanting to stop. So if anything, by using it, we have introduced other people to real life use. A lot of people know what they are, but have never actually seen one, or are only familiar with the expensive mall kiosk type. Which that is another thing almost without fail that people ask....did we buy it at the mall. Then we tell them nope, on the internet, and how much cheaper it is, how many different flavors there are, etc. Almost invariably people start taking notes about what to google, and writing down urls, and stuff like that. We have never had any negative reaction whatsoever. No one has ever thought we were smoking, even if they did, if they got within 10 ft it would become obvious we weren't since there is no smoke smell.

I can understand the places that sell devices intentionally posting a sign, but that is more because they are trying to sell something, than allow you to do something. But I don't think most places will post a sign saying you CAN do something. Most signs just tell you what you CAN'T do,...like the no shoes, no shirt, no service type of things. Sort of like in a mall some stores have signs saying that you aren't permitted to bring drinks or food inside them, but the stores that allow it don't have a sign saying you are permitted to have beverages or food. It is unusual no matter what it is to have a sign saying you are permitted to do something. Mainly I think because the list is far shorter of what you are NOT permitted to have or do. Usually signs are just for things you are NOT allowed to do. That is what I look for, I would think that if they didn't want you to vape that would be plenty easy to put right on the door where the "this is a non smoking establishment" sign is.

You wanna hear something funny along these lines? At this one dr I go to, she is inside a medical building filled with many other drs offices and each floor has a common waiting area in the middle for all the drs. There is now a HUGE sign that shows you the "polite" way to cough and sneeze, complete with symbols, LOL. I almost laughed. Like how pathetic is it that you have to SHOW and TELL people to cough or sneeze into their inner elbow or a tissue??? rather than just spewing germs all over and/or coughing/sneezing into their hands and then touching half a dozen things??? I thought that was both hilarious and pathetic at the same time. Right beneath that sign is another telling parents to not allow their children to run around and use the waiting area as a playground. I forget how that one is worded exactly, but it just made me shake my head.

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