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Wow, there is so much to learn. What is the best way to clean my atty?


Ah, the care and feeding of an atty... :)

At night before I go to bed, I fold up a napkin twice, put the thread side down onto it, and blow into the large opening. I do this a few times until nothing more comes out. I wipe around the threads then. I also take a corner of the napkin, shape it into a pointer, and stick it down into the atty from the large opening, trying to get it to absorb any other liquid still hanging out in there.

Others do lots of cleaning rituals. This works for me with little to no muss and fuss. I use attys for about three to four weeks. Your mileage may vary.

Good luck and vape on!


I dont clean mine. I just blow them out now and then. Works good for me. :)


The answer to that question depends on who you talk to and it depends on what eJuice they use.

I find that my atty's that I use with 100% PG NEVER need cleaning. I just blow them out every now and then.

The more VG the eJuice has the more junk will get built up in the atty.

With these I use Bulb Syringe method by TheGreen.

I know some prefer Alcohol, Sofa, etc methods and that seems to work for them. I suggest trying a few different methods that work for you mixture of eJuice and run with it. Basically if we all vaped the same way and the same juice there would be only one answer, but we don't.

Good luck.


No cleaning here... just blow it out every other day or so. Roll up a piece of paper towel and insert it in the end and let it set for a bit, repeat once or twice if needed.

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