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I bought this $60 joy cig has a blue led and it's automatic with cartridges, it works at first and I haven't smoked all day, but I want too. With a new battery and cartridge it works but only for the first couple of pulls. So I want to know what e cig will give most vapor for the longest time with refillable cartridges.


are you using nic liquid to refill the carts or just using the prefilled ones?? what nicotine level are you using??

personally, I think the manual batterys provide better throat hit and vapor--more control over how long you want to draw and the ability to safely direct drip. Sounds like you got the 510?? The Ego is really a great device, but the only difference between the Ego and the 510 is the battery life between charges.


The eGo has much better battery life and you can use the 510 attys etc. with it. You will want an analog from time to time, try to vape through it if you slip and have a cig don't beat yourself up. Focus on how many you have avoided :thumbsup: and keep vaping. All good things take time, relax enjoy the experience, try new flavors, you will get there.


I quit smoking almost a year ago using the standard 510, but just recently got an eGo and will never go back to the standard 510. One thing to keep in mind here is to be patient with it and don't worry if you do break down from time to time and smoke a real cigarette. The great thing about the vapor alternative is that its not like quitting using other methods (and believe me, from gum to patches to cold turkey, I've tried it all) where after one break down you feel like you're starting all over again. In fact, over the summer I went to Vegas and essentially turned back into a smoker for the weekend, and when I got back home I went right back to vaping, didn't smoke another cigarette, and didn't even think about cigarettes other than the massive pain in my lungs from smoking for a weekend.


I quit smoking almost a year ago using the standard 510, but just recently got an eGo and will never go back to the standard 510. One thing to keep in mind here is to be patient with it and don't worry if you do break down from time to time and smoke a real cigarette. The great thing about the vapor alternative is that its not like quitting using other methods (and believe me, from gum to patches to cold turkey, I've tried it all) where after one break down you feel like you're starting all over again. In fact, over the summer I went to Vegas and essentially turned back into a smoker for the weekend, and when I got back home I went right back to vaping, didn't smoke another cigarette, and didn't even think about cigarettes other than the massive pain in my lungs from smoking for a weekend.

And you coulda used your ecig in the casinos.....

I gotta ask.... is the ring yours? And what part of so cal are you in.


I'm in the Thousand Oaks area, and no, the ring is not mine. Although if I ever find a Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl ring available at a pawn shop, I am buying it no matter what I have to do or pay in order to get my hands on it. As for vaping in the casinos, I know its permitted, but I will readily admit to on occassion having an analog (and I'm still an cigar smoker about once a week). The greatest thing about vaping is that it has allowed me to have the relationship with cigarettes that I have always been jealous of others for having, the ability to smoke socially or when out drinking without craving a cig the next morning. I'm generally a believer in the whole "all things in moderation" line of thinking. The problem with cigarettes is that it quickly escalated well beyond moderation and by the time I started vaping, I looked back and realized I had been a full fledged pack a day smoker half my life (and I was under 30 so I couldn't afford to keep going). I had tried everything up to that point except the vaping. Needless to say, I recognize that the occassional analog and the cigars aren't doing myself any favors, but I know that there is never a point where I feel I need an analog and that is comfort enough for me.


I would go with the eGo.

Is this the ecig you have: Joy Ecig?

That looks like an L88B (same model as the Blu) and is known as a poor performer. Some like it, but we've had quite a few members come through here looking to find something better. I would contact them and see if you can return it.

Just a note, don't associate "Joycig" with the Joye brand. Joyetech is a manufacturer of ecigs and makes excellent products (the Joye 510 and the Joye eGo).

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