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Funny Story..


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Last week I was at the local Applebees, having a few beers/vapes with a friend of mine at the bar. After a while this younger (than me) couple comes walking in and bellies up to the bar....we start a conversation about my Ego...he has alot of questions yada yada yada. I gave this guy the VT website and went on my merry way.....a few min ago, I get this phone call at my office...

me: Hello , this is Aaron

guy: Hey listen, I have made like 15 phone calls trying to find the right person...

me: yeah...

guy: are you bald?

me: yeah

guy: do you have one of those ecigs?

me: yeah

guy: well I met you last week at the Applebees bar, and I just got my Ego in from VT, and I have a few questions!!!

LOL!....cracked me up.

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ha ha I get about 20 of those calls a day. The bald part still bothers me. *tear* :lol:

Not me bro!...I ROCK THE CHROME DOME!...I think if i had my drothers, I would not go back to having hair. Grab your razor and TAKE IT TO THE BONE!

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