so I'm on my back porch vaping, and I hear "enjoying your vape?" it was one of the construction guys next door doing a house. next thing I know, we're talking about rta's he has the geek vape griffin. I was telling him I had been wanting to try building, he said well you're welcome to come over and try it. well I went, and I looked at the build, it was super neatly done. I really liked the way it vapes ,we got to talking all things vape. He had to go get paint. I was super bummed he didn't ask for my number, things were going really good. Next thing I know,there is a knock on my door! It was him! He had his name and number on a piece of sheetrock. He asked if I would like to call him sometime, so I gave him mine. He's really cute! ! Now I have been online dating, going out with guys from there ,this is the first time in ten years a guy has asked for my number like that. It just made my day, I had to share! !