i have found a few good vapes to use, (for my first time vaping) thanks to some people today who helped me find these, but i cant figure out which one to get, they all have great reviews, recommendations, and similar prices. please help me find the best one i should use. the vapes are:
SMOKTECH MICRO ONE 80W TC STARTER KIT http://www.vapordna.com/SMOKtech-Micro-One-80W-TC-Micro-TFV4-Starter-Kit-p/micro1.htm
KANGER TOPBOX MINI 75W TC STARTER KIT http://www.vapordna.com/Kanger-TOPBOX-Mini-75W-TC-Starter-Kit-p/topbxm.htm
UD BALROG 70W TC STARTER KIT http://www.vapordna.com/UD-Balrog-70W-TC-Starter-Kit-p/ulbalr.htm